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Topics - Phynstok

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Discussion / Carpool this weekend
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:28:36 AM »
My car can't make it up the hill to Prescott but I can drive to someone's house and chip in gas money.  I would really like to go this weekend.  If not knowing me very well is an issue... I'm a virgo who loves video games and prefers airsoft to paintball. Sometimes I sip whiskey 'cause I don't like light beer and I think pina collada is a sissy drink.  Walking out in the rain seems overated, then again, I'm an Arizona native so maybe I'm bitter. If anyone is willing to carpool, just let me know and I can drive to your house early saturday morning provided that you live somewhere in the pheonix metro area. Thanks guys.

Introduce Yourself! / Respect
« on: May 18, 2005, 12:12:14 PM »
:| Hey, I posted in another area but I'll post here too. How do you get respect in the field? I know I'm new to airsoft but I'm not stupid. I don't want to sound like I'm crying but the fact of the matter is, I'm not new to military tactics, law enforcement tactics, cqc and cqb tactics.
  It was probably just an isolated incedent, but my first game, no one took me seriously. There was one round where I was still in but people ignored me. There was another round where I volunteered to run point because no one else would but my fire team wouldn't follow. Eventually their lack of trust in me caused them to run off in different directions and get themselves whacked and left me alone crouched in a bush ten feet from the objective and five feet from the enemy.
   I was using borrowed gear. Was that it? Is their a form of posture or lingo that I don't use that just screams NEWBIE!!?
   I don't know maybe I'm just over analyzing or just expecting to much from untrained players. I'm used to organized play where each team has a defined heirarchy. (did I spell that right?).
   Anyway, thanks for letting me unload and I will definitely appreciate any advice that will help me establish a presence of combat experience without making myself sound like a complete jerk while I'm in the field.

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