Airsoft Hardware > Gas Powered Guns


Actually, there's a thread on this already:

Reference: ... PIC_ID=509

and here's a good thread about the KJW guns - and their skirmish-worthiness and durability in general: ... PIC_ID=438

  I was in the command post the other day and Hadji showed me these sweet FULL METAL (and I mean FULL METAL) Kuan Ju berettas they had in.  I got to handle, dissasemble and fire one, and let me tell you, that thing was sweet!  They also have a completely different valve than my Kuan Ju USP, so no more leaky mags!  So, if you want a cool looking backup gun, you might want to check it out.  They come in black or silver and are $150 (not bad considering metal construction, and no shipping costs).
  If only I had some money, I'd buy two and go John Woo style! <img src=icon_smile_evil.gif border=0 align=middle>

Edited by - biohazard on 05/26/2002  7:44:19 PM


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