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Topics - Hersch1911

Pages: [1]
AEG's / M16 Barrel
« on: August 07, 2006, 05:22:40 PM »
is it possible to buy a 24" bull barrel for a Classic Army?

and if so, where can i find it?

Troubleshooting / is it easy to build a gun?
« on: July 22, 2006, 12:46:19 PM »
say i buy parts from somewhere here and there. will it cost as much to make a gun, as it would to buy a gun? and how hard/ how much time will be needed to build it from scraps?

General Off-Topic Discussion / KIMBO 3
« on: July 14, 2006, 11:27:01 PM »
dude, he gets laid the f**k out!!!

General Airsoft Game Discussion / queen creek kids
« on: July 14, 2006, 06:45:56 PM »
if anyone is interested in finding people to airsoft with(practice for AA games??), we have a group on about 8 kids that play every week.

our major crossroads are higley and pecos.

Troubleshooting / M4 problem
« on: July 08, 2006, 03:12:51 PM »
first off, where is the fuse(if there is one) located at on an M4?

STORY: about a month ago, my buddy's M4 just stopped working. we thought it was the battery. we thought it might be jammed. we even thought something internal might be broken. but from what i can see, its not any of those things. so i figure, duh... popped fuse. but i cant find it.
he wont spend the 30 or so bucks just to have JT look at it. but he will drop $350 to buy a CA on eBay.  

so i took the tossed gun home to fix it up.
(extra guns are always a must right? haha)

but i dont see the problem. anyone got an idea of what it is?

Accessories & Gear / 3 Point Sling HELP!
« on: July 08, 2006, 12:59:01 PM »
ok, i bought a 3 point sling from JT. but i think i might be wearing it wrong.

so could someone help? websites, pics, etc.

but PLEASE no text, im a visual learner.

Accessories & Gear / eBay Magazines Question
« on: July 06, 2006, 03:37:50 PM »
ok, there is a box of 8 mid-cap magazines on ebay for $40. the logo on the box is "MA" with a black "G" around the MA. is this brand good or not?

well, AGAIN, my name is ryan. just started playing this summer, an i LOVE it. its the biggest rush i have ever felt. i bought my first gun(KJworks m9) after seeing my friends glock. just bought my first AEG three weeks ago. ca m15a4. im here because the friend mentioned eariler doesnt play as much, and the rest of queen creek thinks this sport is lame. cant wait to play in my first event!

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