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Messages - Dayton

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39
Accessories & Gear / Re: Holosight Help
« on: February 01, 2011, 09:01:43 PM »
I haven't used that one specifically, but I have a GG&G one that has the standard reticule (circle with a dot in center) and was a little cheaper ($70). It works pretty well, the only problem with mine is that the reticule is ghosting. (there are 2 reticule images in the sight just barely not lined up with each other) But its not bad enough to keep me from using it effectively.

Obviously it's not going to be as good or clear or accurate as the $400+ real ones, but it will probably work just fine.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: BFBC2
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:43:43 PM »
I haven't played it. But I imagine they do that to get around copyrights, or trademarks, or whatever.

Accessories & Gear / Re: Plate Carrier?
« on: February 01, 2011, 02:37:36 PM »
You get what you pay for.
The cheaper one may have the same features, but the more expensive one will likely have better/more stitching, more comfortable, more durable, heavier duty straps and fabric, etc

Be absolutely sure you want one with built in mag pouches though, cause once you buy that one, your stuck with M4 mag guns, and you don't have the ability to move the pouches if you end up not liking where they are placed.

I may not have been playing airsoft that long, but from what I've seen, I wouldn't recommend one with permanent mag pouches. Although you may buy it and may fall in love with it, everybody is different.

This is what I use:  It's Condor (OE Tech to ASGI)

AEG's / Re: Full auto limits
« on: January 31, 2011, 08:16:49 PM »
Evike would call those LPAEG's (Low Power AEG)

What is your price range?

Real Firearms / Re: M27 ( HK416 variant) use in the Marine Corps.
« on: January 29, 2011, 08:23:06 AM »
The IAR - Infantry Automatic Rifle program was originally initiated by US Marine Corps (USMC) in an apparent intent to replace aging M249 SAW light machine guns in their "automatic rifle" (squad automatic) role. USMC sought lighter and more maneuverable weapon, still capable of at least some sustained firepower. Original contenders included guns from FN, Colt and Heckler-Koch, as well as some other, lesser known names. After extensive trials in 2009 USMC finally selected the HK IAR rifle, which, in fact, is no more that heavy-barreled version of their HK 416 automatic carbine (assault rifle), and it hardly looks like adequate replacement for a dedicated squad automatic weapon with belt feed and quick-change barrel. By all accounts, it looks like USMC played the whole IAR trick to get the replacement for their M4 carbines without entering the political hassle and budgetary debates.

Saw that, thought I'd share it.  It's all speculation, but possible I suppose?

Quote from: "thegovernator"
Me and Dayton have signed up for US SPECIAL FORCES and paid the 50 bucks at gearbox.

Yup, Throw me in there under Spec Ops, and move theGovernator over to Spec Ops as well.


Quote from: "Kilo64"
If you do happen to get the A&K, sell me the 14 inch front set please  :lol:

Fat Chance! :evil:

How do you like your A&K? Any Gripes? And can you change the spring on it as quickly and easily as the Magpul?

I have been thinking about getting a Masada, but can't decide if the Magpul is worth the extra $200.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: G&G, JG and extras for sale.
« on: January 25, 2011, 03:15:00 PM »
Quote from: "xTanTricK"
3. I have an 8 pack Mag brand midcaps for the MP5. The mags are all plastic but hold 90 rounds or so. They have all been used once to test them. They feed great and I had no problem with them fitting in the gun or wobbling around and no feeding problems. $5 ea. or $40 for all 8.

That's not a "Buy Bulk and Save" deal, that's just $5 x 8...

What's the MP5 Chrono?

I don't have one, but I was just wondering. Does the A&K Masada use the same barrel sets as the Magpul PTS Masada? (Are they interchangeable?)

AEG's / Re: help Echo 1 scar - L
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:03:37 PM »
Quote from: "rodrimaru"
i been looking for a tappet plate for Scar - L's  , but i only find  for  M4 , AK , G36  and MP5's

its a difference  between an M4 and a Scar-l  ???
Quote from: "Ganef"
The gearbox should be the same as an M4
Quote from: "rodrimaru"
so i need to change?  only the tapplet plate or all the gearbox???
Quote from: "Ganef"
Change the tappet plate.

Let me Translate here...

Rodrimaru asks, "Is there a difference between an M4 and a Scar-L Tappet Plate?"
Ganef respods, "The gearbox in the Scar-L Should be the same as an M4." Implying that the Tappet Plate for an M4 should be the same as the Tappet Plate in the Scar-L.

I don't know crap from biscuits when it comes to gearboxes, but I deduct that Ganef is saying to Change the Tappet plate in your Scar-L with one from an M4.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Rolling Stones vs The Beatles
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:41:37 PM »
Quote from: "zachbusch"
how does it feel being afraid to go 2 mph over the speed limit for fear of a ticket? :lol:    i wont go to that part of town to pick up team mates... too much fuzz

Well, if you have a teammate that can afford to live there, they probably should be offering everybody else rides.

Not really a fan of either band myself, but that might be that I'm 23.
Alternative/Punk Rock is where it's at. Blink 182 any day.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: NEED HELP WITH A GUN
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:59:34 PM »
Somebody get the Midol.

... and bringing it back in...

Evike sells extended mags for the Hi-capa series. From what I've seen, Hi-capa is a pretty common sidearm? ... s_id=31592

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Pictures, comments?
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:46:32 PM »
Um... Shake head and slowly walk away?

Troubleshooting / Re: Resizing Mags
« on: January 22, 2011, 08:16:27 AM »
Like I showed you, $10 at harbor freight, Probably a bit more at walmart. Check their website, online prices are most likely very close to in-store prices.

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