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Topics - Silverman

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Here's the situation:  Myself, and dozens of other people, have been ripped off by an unlicensed contractor.  We won our cases, but since they were small claims court he just decided he didn't feel like paying us.  He was also prosecuted for criminal offenses, but didn't show up for arraignment.  Now he's still roaming around stealing money from people.  We sent complaints to the BBB, but he just changed the name of his business so now has a clean record as far as they are concerned.

He has multiple warrants for his arrest, but the police don't feel like arresting him unless someone calls them and says he's at their house.  (I understand they can't go out of their way to track down every criminal in the valley, but you'd think that if they have one's address they could just pick him up on their way back to the station  :? )  So, the only way he's going to stop victimizing people is for someone to call him for an "estimate for some work", and then have the police conveniently show up while he's there.

So, I wondering if anyone would like to help with this?

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Four Peaks, June 24 2006
« on: June 13, 2006, 06:16:33 PM »
Date: Saturday, June 24th
Place: Four Peaks
Time:  Meet at Conoco 06:00, Leave for AO at 06:30

Previously planned for June 17th, date moved because of official AA game on same date.

This will be a two-part scenario.  Please post or PM which team you plan to play for (Green or Tan).  
If you have camo that can go either way, we can wait until game day to see which side needs the extra members.  
Also, we'll need a few volunteers from each faction to play "loyalist" troops for the first scenario
(and possibly the second, depending on the outcome of the first).  
There will be a third non-related scenario so we can have some more fun afterward if it's not too hot yet.


Green/woodland camo
Comrade Commissar
Phyrst (+1)
Ghostsequel (+?)

Tan/desert camo

David (dxh)

My WW2 play-by-email scenario is almost ready to start, but I may need replacements for some of the players.  If you want a fun tactical battle game that should only take a few minutes every few days, this is the place.

Each player controls a squad of three soldiers, either Allied or German.  You don't need any rulebooks to play, just describe your characters' actions.  It is a "triple-blind" scenario - you will know only what your characters can see.  Last game was a blast, this one should be even better.

Please feel free to invite any non-AA friends you think may be interested in such a game.  If you want to join, please send a PM telling me which team you would like to join.  I'll let you know as soon as a position opens up.

I look forward to hearing from you, I promise to make it a memorable game!

General Airsoft Discussion / JungleToy Robbery
« on: May 20, 2006, 05:10:01 PM »
I stopped by the Tempe JungleToy store today to pick up more ammo after the game in Florence.  While I was there, a teenager went in the store, grabbed an armload of the cheap AK47s, and then ran to a truck and got away.  

I really like JungleToy, and I know they probably don't have the profit margin to install a lot of security, but I wish we could do something.  I'm pretty sure these guys are going to end up robbing a store or something with the airsoft guns, which would be bad for all of us.

Hi all,

I'm looking to start a new Conspiracy X campaign.  I had a great campaign going before I moved to Arizona, and I'd like to start a new one here.  It's a great game for newcomers - you don't need any rulebooks or need to learn any complicated rules.  (My last campaign lasted for over three years of weekly play, and none of the players even bought a rulebook!  Most of them never even asked about rules - they just played their character, and it worked great).

It's set in the modern day, in a world pretty much like the one we already live in, so there's no background to pick up.  It's about as far as you can get form epic fantasy, so it's great for players who have never played before - some of my best players have been first-time role-players.  The players are normal people recruited into a secret society which tries to infiltrate and undermine other secret societies behind the scenes, while maintaining a normal day-to-day life (job, family, etc).  There's not a lot of large-scale combat - after all, the last thing the characters want to do (usually) is attract the police!  Of course, government employees of one type or another are popular character choices.  

If any of you are interested, please send me a PM.  I'm trying to recruit people from a variety of places, to get a diverse group.  I would prefer mature players (at least over 20 years old), since they tend to have a good idea of how the "real world" works - but anyone is welcome.  Role-playing is central to the game, the ability to create and play a realistic character is the important thing.

We will most likely be playing every other week, somewhere in the Tempe/Mesa area.  The details will depend on when everyone is available.

Please let me know if you are interested, or know anyone who may be,

I'm starting a new play-by-email game that should be of interest to airsofters.  It's a modern-day skirmish-level wargame, pitting a SWAT squad against a terrorist cell.  Each player will play one character.  I ran a similar game last year for some people I met through newsgroups, but I'd like to see how airsofters approach the same scenario.

The scenario has been changed drastically - please see the following post for details

You can view the last year's website to see how that game went.  I will use the same map and the same general scenario, but will be adding some extra options for each team.  You can view the website to get an idea of what character creation is like, and how the rules work.  You can also view the timeline to see what happened in the first 45 seconds (in-game) of the scenario, and see the kinds of actions that occur in the game.  The game will be refereed using the Phoenix Command rules, but no knowledge of these rules is necessary at all in order to play (in fact, I expect very few if any players to have these rules, so you will be at no disadvantage).  As long as you can describe in normal English what you want your character to do, you will be fine.

It should be really fun, the players all had a blast last time.  I will be setting up Yahoo groups again for each team, so that each team can make plans before the game starts.  It is a "triple-blind" system - each player will know only what their character knows.  In-game communication proved to be very important last time.

If you want to join, please send a PM telling me which team you would like to join.  Once I have enough players I will send each player a link to the Yahoo group for their team, where I will post the updated character creation guidelines.  This game should have even more surprises than last time - you will not even know how many players are on the other team, or what kind of new equipment they might have!  Also, please feel free to invite any non-AA friends you think may be interested in such a game.

I look forward to hearing from you, I promise to make it a memorable game!

General Off-Topic Discussion / Mutant Freaks of Nature
« on: March 29, 2006, 10:45:53 AM »
I found another free browser-based game for those of you who are in to such things: Mutant Freaks of Nature

General Airsoft Discussion / Airsoft "Explosive" devices
« on: February 21, 2006, 08:12:22 PM »
The upcoming IED seminar got me wondering...  I've been working on a "land mine" type device, and I'd like to try it out in a game.  Are there any rules against using such a device?

For information: it has no pyrotechnics at all, only BB "shrapnel".  The BBs have only 0.02J of energy (less than 50fps), so they are safe even if triggered somehow by a non-player.  It fires the BBs in a 360-degree arc to about 20 feet.  The normal load is 128 BBs, which makes hits likely even at max range.  (It can hold 256, but that's overkill).  Another reason I limited the range is to keep it in character - it would be pretty easy to scale it up to fire 1000 BBs in a 50 radius, but I wanted a landmine instead of an artillery shell!

This model is tripwire detonated.  It would be very easy to substitute an electronic trigger, but I wanted it to be more sporting - it's certainly realistic to have a bush shower you with BBs without warning, but spotting a wire and trying to cut it or step over it seems more fun.  The current one takes a bit of a tug to set off, so it's actually more reliable as a command-detonated mine (ie, wait until you see the enemy and then pull the line), but I hope to get this fixed in the next one.

Would anyone be against using such a device, at least every now and then?  If it proves useful I'll keep working to improve it (especially in the cosmetics department!), but if it's something I'd never be able to use I'll just keep it as a curiosity and not waste time and money making more and nicer ones.

General Airsoft Game Discussion / April 2nd, Four Peaks AO
« on: February 18, 2006, 08:36:28 PM »
It looks like Four Peaks is going to be busy around this time, so I'll remove this before anyone signs up.  I don't want anyone to show up and be disappointed!

General Off-Topic Discussion / Does anyone record Smallville?
« on: February 12, 2006, 09:01:33 PM »
We lost power while on vacation two weeks ago - so our TiVo didn't record the 100th episode!!!!!   Does anyone have a recording we could borrow?  I can't believe that of all the episodes, we had to miss this one  :(

General Off-Topic Discussion / Anyone know any babysitters?
« on: November 15, 2005, 06:28:42 PM »
OK, this is about as far from Airsoft as you can get, but does anyone know a way to find a babysitter?  Our son is 5-1/2 years old, and we need to find someone to look after him for just a few hours once or twice a week.  We used to hire a teenage girl in the neighborhood, but now she has soccer practice all the time.  We have been looking for a new one for over a month, but it seems impossible to find one anywhere in the East Valley, and we are pretty sure he wouldn't like the "child care" centers.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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