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Messages - maddman

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Breast Cancer Awarness Apperal? LOL ;D
haha yeah you know I was thinking the same thing! What a coincidence.

Thank you for those who made it out to this very successful event. We gathered enough toys to help over 200 needy children. Here is the link to some of the pictures taken... more to come so keep an eye out!

you need to work on ur neck muscles bean.. ur danm video looked like a bobble head took it haha
ahaha neck muscles...  that is some funny sh!t man blame it on the gear!

Thank you to MTT for making a special appearance and donations, we appreciate it!

also WTF a bbq. if this is gonna be milsim suck it up guys and crack open a C ration can if ya hardcore enough.

WTF are you saying? Nonsense.

lmao.. glad i am not the only one who didn't understand it!

don't forget to bring 2 new unwrapped toys!

8am - 5pm! glad you guys can make it!

Site Suggestions / Re: make it easy to post pictures :)
« on: August 16, 2011, 11:00:42 PM »
add avia media to the site.. it is a great mod especially for pictures and linking to videos !

We have no interest in providing storage places for everyones images.  If you are too lazy to upload your pictures to any of the widely available image hosting sites, that's your problem.

Bandwidth and servers cost money folks, this site is not a charity. It takes like what a few minutes to learn how to do take/upload pictures. If you are literate then you have no excuse.
Not to sound disrespectful , but I don't care if you do if you did it or not, the board says "site suggestions" so i just posted. All you had to do is say we are not interested from the getgo!  ::)

It might say site suggestions, but it is not an invitation to complain about something that everyone should know how to do. But if you'd like to get the ball rolling, I'm sure the site owner would be happy to accept your donations for all the bandwidth and server space you are taking up arguing this most basic of Internet functions.
Donations.....  I don't pay for anything on the internet! nor have I ever had to pay for anything other than a domain name, I did not realize your guys circumstances and I am apologetic, just throwing out some "suggestions" :), For the most part it is not a matter of being LAZY there are so many ways to do things nowadays, it can actually be a convenience cause it it is another way to more draw attention to your website!.

Photobucket works well... and this is a site that my buddy made and he is looking to get traffic to his site great for uploading you pictures or signature banner cause  you don't really need an account!

Thank you for your time!

Wow this whole time it has been an elaborate plan to pimp his buddy's website. Well played good sir.

Gotta love it.. Though it was not as planned out as you may think, it was a 2 parter cause in another section of this huge suggestion deal there was mention of photobucket. I was merely suggesting another site and open up the minds of other fantastic people that surround us with cheerfulness and do some suggesting!

Site Suggestions / Re: make it easy to post pictures :)
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:49:31 PM »
add avia media to the site.. it is a great mod especially for pictures and linking to videos !

We have no interest in providing storage places for everyones images.  If you are too lazy to upload your pictures to any of the widely available image hosting sites, that's your problem.

Bandwidth and servers cost money folks, this site is not a charity. It takes like what a few minutes to learn how to do take/upload pictures. If you are literate then you have no excuse.
Not to sound disrespectful , but I don't care if you do if you did it or not, the board says "site suggestions" so i just posted. All you had to do is say we are not interested from the getgo!  ::)

It might say site suggestions, but it is not an invitation to complain about something that everyone should know how to do. But if you'd like to get the ball rolling, I'm sure the site owner would be happy to accept your donations for all the bandwidth and server space you are taking up arguing this most basic of Internet functions.
Donations.....  I don't pay for anything on the internet! nor have I ever had to pay for anything other than a domain name, I did not realize your guys circumstances and I am apologetic, just throwing out some "suggestions" :), For the most part it is not a matter of being LAZY there are so many ways to do things nowadays, it can actually be a convenience cause it it is another way to more draw attention to your website!.

Photobucket works well... and this is a site that my buddy made, great for uploading you pictures or signature banner cause  you don't need an account!

Thank you for your time!

Site Suggestions / Re: make it easy to post pictures :)
« on: August 16, 2011, 04:19:31 AM »
add avia media to the site.. it is a great mod especially for pictures and linking to videos !

We have no interest in providing storage places for everyones images.  If you are too lazy to upload your pictures to any of the widely available image hosting sites, that's your problem.

Bandwidth and servers cost money folks, this site is not a charity. It takes like what a few minutes to learn how to do take/upload pictures. If you are literate then you have no excuse.
Not to sound disrespectful , but I don't care if you do if you did it or not, the board says "site suggestions" so i just posted. All you had to do is say we are not interested from the getgo!  ::)

Site Suggestions / Re: chat room
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:13:25 PM »
We had one but almost nobody used it.

yeah it isn't used as much as ppl think.. we tried it on ours... though it was a small group it did work but i don't think it would on this site!

Site Suggestions / Re: make it easy to post pictures :)
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:11:45 PM »
add avia media to the site.. it is a great mod especially for pictures and linking to videos !

Can  we add you to the roster Rockit? :)
I'm not 100% yet. Sorry. 90% yes. It's in my callendar. Probably Tan, because that's all I have right now. I'll give a definate answer ASAP.
Sounds good... you can let us know on our website also!

Can  we add you to the roster Rockit? :)

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