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Topics - BeverlyTheNinja

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Discussion / Arizona Republic Airsoft Article
« on: July 23, 2008, 07:25:18 PM »
Just wondered if anyone had read it in today's (wednesday, July 23rd) paper. It's average at best, mainly talks about kids running around with guns from BIG 5; you can tell due to the fact that there is a 12 year old running around as the main article image. They do mention serious airsofting and briefly mentioned Tuscon East Airsoft Club, but the general attitude of the article was directed more to these little kids running around their neighborhood shooting each other. It talks mostly positvely about airsoft until you are taken to the following page, where im the last section it re-hashes all the public concerns that have been displayed about airsoft. Just thought it was interesting, and thanks for reading.


AEG's / G&G Scar-L Issue
« on: June 17, 2008, 09:38:53 PM »
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has experience with the removal of the flashhider on the G&G Scar-L. I do know that it has 14mm CCW threads, but I cannot figure how to get it off. I'm quessing that its super glued, but I've tried Acetone, and it is loosening the threads (and doesn't have a set-screw). If anyone can help, it is much appreciated, Thanks.

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