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Messages - Wolfsbane

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Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: calendar
« on: August 10, 2011, 08:43:38 PM »
It should be there - there was already something there on the 20th but my entry was showing up before.
I just checked, it looks good to me ...
Warrior Down is down south, Exordium is in the mid-state area.

UPDATE - this battle of Wadi al-Ubari has been rescheduled for Saturday September 3

and "the Outbreak" will be coming in October November !

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: series of airsoft ops near Prescott
« on: August 09, 2011, 07:35:11 PM »
for Exordium : Wadi al-Ubari  Gaddafi's WMD lab is hidden somewhere nearby, likely underground, most of the terrain is too open for an approach - the Lab's guards and air defenses would be alerted so the plan is for a stealthy force on foot through the Wadi with help purchased from a local smuggler-guide ...

a typical access to the Wadi ...

down in the Wadi ...

Exordium is the first chapter of Outbreak 2011. As you know the civil war in Libya has drawn in NATO, supporting the rebels. Colonel Gaddafi is hanging on but increasingly desperate. Intel suggests he's attempting to reactivate a WMD program supposedly surrendered in 2004 - but is it chemical, biological or nuclear ?
We'll have NATO forces, Gaddafi loyalists and mercenaries, and Role-players (rebels, smugglers, goat herders, etc.).
This Op is free, open for ages 14 and up, and we'll have a prize-raffle.

visit for additional details.

UPDATE - due to several factors the battle of Wadi al-Ubari has been rescheduled for Saturday September 3

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Walking Dead TV show
« on: March 08, 2011, 09:52:32 PM »
I really liked the show overall, although I have lots of little minor complaints - still the serious tone is more appealing to me than Zombieland.
Years ago, when the Dawn of the Dead remake was just I out I formulated Escape From Tacoma for paintballers up in WA. The old Patriot Paintball field was an inspiring, the already had several junked boats and some pond areas plus a layout that had two speedball fields flanking the safe zone giving the field a C-shape. Fortified survivors of The Neighborhood Watch squared off with a motorcycle club, The Volcanoes to get control of a ship from the harbor that could carry them to Australia. Periodically players would recycle, as Zombies, at the other teams normal entry point - they could trot through the cover of the speed ball areas to quickly assault the other teams "stronghold". Character cards gave each player one or two skills that ultimately would be needed to repair, provision and operate the ship, for example at one stage three mechanics and an electrician plus one extra hand need to stay adjacent to or aboard the "ship" with "tools" for a 10 minute period to generally overhaul it, then the guys who were sailors or navigators (inc. the High School Geography Teacher) had to find the "charts" needed to get them to Australia, and treasure had to be collected because the Quarantine forces would charge a toll, etc.
I think that The Walking Dead background is a good one for role-playing Ops, I'm looking at setting up a series of games using the Firefight LARP system

I'll be helping my friend Adam ( and his 'house team' Shock & Awe with their next monthly event, so the wilds near Prescott Arizona on Saturday March 26 we'll be having a Second World War Pacific theater themed game ... a true scenario event with role-playing and several Missions to be accomplished with limited resources.

(plus in April we'll have Tax Revolt, a scenario paintball game, my third annual event and this year starting Friday night April 8 with several rounds of CQB at RTTS in Prescott and then moving out to the woods on Saturday)

Video from our most recent games up in Prescott now available at
(more to come as I assemble the rest)

Way to go guys ! If I could get my sister-in-law back from Baku she could reprise her role as the Serbian sniper girl from a paintball Scenario game we did.

It was very much a 'pick-up game' - but there was a nice vibe through the chaos. Yeah, some of the kids used their book bags to haul extra ammo, water and stuff.

I'm still working on getting the video made, in chunks, the longest piece so far can be seen at ...

(anybody can join Network Airsoft, I'm one of the Moderators there BTW)

Back in 2005 I was in a Black Cat paintball Scenario game called Operation Southern Sword; we had about 150 players at SC Village, it was more 'militant' - more like a Harold Coyle techno-combat thriller, Cartels vs. Marines trying to lock down the Border, but there was lots of roleplaying and sub-plots. It was a blast, I fought alongside my jeffe day and night (allied with the Psycho-Clown Posse) in my first major game with a new A-5 ... those were the days !  I cherish the sombrero my team mates gave me.

a crowd gathers,

queuing up to set the three teams for the day ...

Garrett tried to balance firepower and experience between the teams

Some of our players, young to seasoned ...

you can see this event had the whole spectrum of players, some hard-core, some little more than first-timers ...

Great to hear that the Mile High team is still rolling. I thought you had moved on to the military Dan ! A coworker of mine, an ERU guy, left Lockheed for the Army, looking to pilot helo's on the front-lines, but he broke his hip early in the training ... nearly got cut, but he's recovered and is recycling at this time.

Latest word from the organizer,

Starts at promptly 11am
earliest is 10:30-45AM
There is a safety briefing
There is no Chrono (Its an large field, the shooting distance is covered in the safety briefing)
The Game ends when battery life ends.

Some of the basic rules I'll be covering are:
-there are very young and in-experienced players that have to get mercy
 -20ft shooting limit
-No profanity or references will be tolerated
-Any disrespect will result in immediate ejection
- We are going to be dealing with players from all age and experience levels so there is no mocking

I'm told that we're having a big game at Mingus this coming Saturday, the 22nd of January 2011.

"Take 89A towards the base of Mingus Mtn. Once you pass the yavapai fairgrounds entrance the area is 6 miles further. The road is Junction 151 (The road to the girls school) There are two yellow bulldozers parked where we will be parking (The bulldozers are right off the road) If you have any more questions hit me up. Thanks, Garrett Rozendaal." This had been described as a D-day themed game, originally planned for New Years but delayed by the storm.

I'll be there to play and especially to document the game for Network Airsoft, where lately all the hoopla has been from Scotland, Poland, and Chile - they're my friends but hey, America's got game !

Mooncruiser - Yes, RTTS is open, doing well, recently redecorated for the holidays, I hope to have some new video soon, the powderballs are rarely employed but definitely still available. Most players lately have been .68 speedballers but I'm hoping (as Dreadnought Adventures) to get some specialty tournaments going with Bill.

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