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Messages - fathamburger

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Airsoft Items FOR SALE /
« on: September 21, 2006, 11:24:40 PM »
pm sent

AEG's / Anyone have a Star G36?
« on: September 07, 2006, 01:05:51 PM »
Anyone have a Star G36 or know if there is a place that sells them locally? I want to look at the externals, I've seen the Classic Army G36's and they are sex :)

I'm in Tempe

I just got it today and just finished watching it. Bloody fantastic!

Did any of you guys make it in it, who and what minutes on the DVD so I can go look :)

My main question is, shat did they do safety wise for all the flaming cars, buildings etc, in case somebody fell into them?

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 24, 2006, 09:57:18 AM »
Paint is a bitch to clean up. Full stop. Next comes cost. Those are the attractor factors.

Staying factors. The guns and the mods :) Every gun is different and unique, no generic pistol hopper shit. Learning to handle replicas where gun safety is not putting a hoodie over the barrel ;) Lastly, milsim , sniper and support weapons :D I'd love to see some speedballing fucker get sniped :)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 21, 2006, 02:56:58 PM »
Quote from: "azsarge"

There are some good solid folks down in Tucson.  Guys like you, Reaver, Pryde, et al.  There's not as much animosity between North and South as some would be led to believe.  We buried that hatchet a long time ago!

So, with regards to the arena - it would be nice to have it halfway, but PHX will be there no matter where it is. 8)

Exactly, how many goddamn civil wars do you people need!

This sounds like blatant plagiarism of NoCal vs SoCal if you ask me ;)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 18, 2006, 03:17:37 PM »
Magic :)

it's like how a lil weiner can suddenly get to be 8 inches long :D

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 17, 2006, 10:17:09 PM »
Quote from: "gdaqb"
I personally use low caps and midcaps, I think some of the most fun I've had in a game was when I ran out of ammo and had to dive down and reload under fire.

However, a ban on highcaps might not be a good idea to attract newcomers, new people who just shelled out 300 or more dollars for a good aeg to get playing, might not want to spend another hundred to make a loadout with low and midcaps. Also for people who buy a Classic Army or ICS gun, are they supposed to just put their only mag aside?

Hear hear, but I'm also speaking as someone who uses hi caps just because of cost. If you could get midcaps for a similar bang for buck I'd go with them. I do think reloading needs to be part of the battle.

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: February 17, 2006, 01:56:26 PM »
Quote from: "Mooncruiser"
I used to watch Aus. Rules Football many years back. That sound's like your game.. No guns, but you get to smack the living sh1t outta people without pads  ..Hell, without clothes almost,,

Welcome. Just know that here, you gotta pay if you wanna play, in damn near everything. Need a car to get to the games, need a half-ass decent gun and some simple used cammies and a pair of boots. Just the way it is.

Our "Land of the Free" is getting less free every day. But to play a sport, ya gotta have equipment. Good luck finding a well-paying job here. (I wonder what the airsoft scene is in India/Pakistan, where all the formerly good-paying American jobs are going?)



Aussie rules football is for girly men who can't take a tackle and prefer to kick the ball and jump around like wimens :) now Australian *Rugby* might be what you're talking about :) Yeah no padding, but you don't have 400 lb linebackers + heavy padding to deal with either.

well India/Pakistan, thats another rant entirely. The anti immigration politicians have created that situation for themselves. There's more than enough bullshit that someone has to go through if they want to *get authorised* for a job here, getting the job offer is the easy part. First the H1-B creates incentive to hire an Indian who will work for peanuts over an American (and lowering wages and standards for everyone including Americans :P ) because hes scared he'll lose his visa, then they've make it almost impossible to hire a foreigner. This especially hurts small/startup companies who need an edge in hiring good staff straight out of college but can't afford the legal fees.

By doing so they've made everyone relocate the jobs to India/Pakistan to get around requirements if that person can do the job they need :P Those jobs are no longer in America and when that Indian/Pakistani leaves, he has to be replaced by another Indian/Pakistani because a) thats where the job is now and b) everyone he interfaces with to do the job is also Indian/Pakistani. Yes I favour immigration reform but also to keep the damn jobs here :P If they're not here, well it's really not all that different from any place else is it.

I've met plenty of international students at various colleges, and there are many that claim to want to be be American, a lot of self serving Indians actually but they won't stick up for the rights and working conditions of Americans. If they can get in working for peanuts then that's what they'll do, no matter how long, and after all that effort there won't be much of a job market / quality of life / good wages that they came for left.

And yup, Canada is looking better and better each day :P

Introduce Yourself! / Late introduction (bloody long)
« on: February 17, 2006, 03:35:23 AM »
Hi all,

Well I've been here a little while now and have been long overdue to introduce myself. Im Australian, but am in Tempe to attend UAT (University of Advancing Technology) as a software engineering student specialising in game programming. This is my last year in the States, depending on whether or not I can get a job afterwards. It's not looking too great at the moment.I'm working my arse off on my own to teach myself all the holes and things that the uni should have better prepared its students for. Between doing that and Airsoft is pretty much all I'm doing nowadays.

I've already gotten a lot of noise of the variety "why the fuck did you bother with that LPEG shit" :) Simple answer, its not just because I'm in an apartment, but because Airsoft is bloody illegal in Australia, along with most of the things that make me... me :P I've pretty much hated it there since I moved there when I was 6 and my goal since 8th grade was to do what I could to get out.  As much as Im dying to invest in some good guns and gear, the reality is that if I do have to move back to Australia I'd have to give up everything I've invested. $108 of disposable fun is enough for me to get a taste if that's the case :) Well there's always Canada LOL.

Ive some minor background in paintball. I was playing semi regularly and was playing constant air when that first debuted. I'd spent something like $300 ish on a gun, which I then had to turn into the Police or get arrested during the "firearms are illegal buyback" period. I got $50 back :P Paintball guns were briefly illegal and then made unillegal or whatever, I'd lost my gun by then :P based on that innuendo/bollocks that they could be modified to shoot real bullets. The difference between the US and Australia is that the people that run the country don't bother to understand anything and act purely on hearsay, not separating technology from its application etc. We have a great history of banning things, including almost banning the internet once :) Don't let it happen here! thats if the 13 y/o kiddies with the springers dont make it happen first.

The way I got into Airsoft was because my girlfriend is always threatening to shoot me with a water gun for just about anything :) A couple of weeks ago I waxed nostalgic about Super Soakers and had a look at what the current scene was. It sucks, all the great guns from early 2000 like the CPS and Monster series have been phased out for kiddy $20 guns. It was always my agenda to pick up PB again once I got a bit settled in here , but never got back into it.  PB honestly always sucked, I wanted milsim but had guns that still looked like they were thrown together with pipes and hoppers etc etc. Messy and shite, I wanted to do milsim with super soakers but with nothing to clean up ROFL. That didn't work out but I did see Airsoft mentioned on some of the Super Soaker sites. According to my gf, I've been chortling and giggling to myself for 2 weeks straight since I discovered Airsoft :)

Ironically I'm the last person you'd expect to be a gun nut. Im more of a martial arts guy, and have no interest in owning a real gun. I especially have a pet peeve for people who do own real guns but basically treat them as toys / penis extensions and shit to be played with and not as a weapon in their mindset. No interest in joining that fraternity. At least with a sword or something you have to actually be involved with some effort to kill somebody. Any idiot can wave a gun, press a button, oops, and be completely disconnected with what they are doing until it's too late.

Well shite, that was long, how's that for an intro? Oh I'm pretty much hooked now :) May not be in AZ for much longer depending, but Im definitely into Airsoft for the long haul :)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 17, 2006, 02:58:48 AM »
Heh, noted about the BDU's. I think you guys play in a national forest somewhere in Scottsdale? I haven't got the transport to venture too far out from Tempe but I can make it to Scottsdale. I'll look into it for the next game.

Really, I'm a future gear whore in the making. If the opportunity arises I will be spending a buttload on gear. If I even had a backyard, I would have snapped up at least a UTG/Cyma Mp5 and a GBB by now gah.

Well anyway enough thread derailing, I'll save the rest for an introduction post

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 17, 2006, 02:34:26 AM »
The prizes aren't too enticing to me. The M4 might be nice, but I was never much for the whole M4/M16 crowd. The AK's are LPEG's, I'd be in it mostly for the infinity tac gear and a shot at the M4. Im having a hard time thinking of what I might use the gift card for, some AUG lo caps or possibly as part of the price of a scope

Does the Phoenix JT carry more high end stuff, I'd like to check out some TM/CA/Star stuff if possible. I'd mostly go to meet people and check out gear, will see if someone can give me a ride :)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:09:51 PM »
Quote from: "SilentDragon"
I don't know if i've mentioned to anyone, but i do draw.  What she did, is very cool.  I don't know how to post and stuff like that on a website, better yet, making comics on a computer.  

I'm just a freehand sketch artist... most of my work is all done in pencil, and is very detailed....

To make comics on a computer, first of all you need programs like Photoshop for most of the work, Illustrator is optiional for line art.

If you like to hand sketch stuff then you'll need to get a scanner, or find someone who has one so you can scan it to upload, or for touching it up on a computer.

You can also get a Wacom tablet which allows you to draw with a pen straight to Photoshop, those bloody things are expensive and my gf has broken two already, but that's her ;)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 15, 2006, 12:55:07 PM »
Check out this one.

Truth be told Faber, a few weeks ago I was thinking along the same lines. Looking to either start a venue like this as a future business or possibly help manage one/get one off the ground. I was googling around and found the above place. Looks neat, I was like DAMN, how come more paintball places don't diversify like this.

Alsok, how many of these are there? One thing to consider (and to point out to potential investors) is that, if the airsoft scene is growing, chains can become more viable, or the potential to be acquired by one. Investors always like to hear an exit strategy for risky ventures like these. I know you're starting one as a labour of love but at this point getting started will be the hardest part. Also it sounds like you just want a place to play too like many of us, even after you get acquired, you would have had a big part in providing a place for locals to continue to play, that's why you started doing this right ?:) + it could be a good thing if/when the time comes where you don't really have any interest in running the place anymore

If one was in the Phoenix/Tempe area I'd be there a lot. Be like a Cheers, where everyone you've emptied a hi-cap into, didn't call it and then shot you in the face knows your name :)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 15, 2006, 01:40:21 AM »
Stop bashing him, at least he's trying and considering options.
I actually came on today to get a feel for how many people here would even entertain the thought of non milsim airsoft games. As a newbie, I don't feel like I could go to any AA games or hook up with any of you guys because I haven't got the $500+ in tac gear.. It would be pointless and ridiculous to show up good to go for JeansandSweatshirtSoft lol. I'm not bashing milsim, milsim has always been my end goal and what attracted me to Airsoft, but there's not much of an "inbetween" level between indoor/yardsoft plinking that leads to an investment in full on milsim.

If you try to organise any kind of mass game and get more people into it, playing options quickly become limited especially in urban areas. Indoor arenas are the way to go. I've just spent my first $100 ($108 actually) on airsoft, all mostly LPEG and newbie stuff and safety gear. As hooked as I am now, if i have no place to play, this is all I'll ever need to spend for indoor plinking. Sad but true. Tac gear + gun upgrades (MP5 and G36 upgraded planned out already) is a future investment that is *contingent* on being able to play enough conveniently in order to justify it.

Phoenix area is definitely a must. If you're going to set up and indoor facility, you can't do it in Tucson. I'd imagine open land is a lot easier to find out there than it is in Phoenix/Tempe. Why would people pay for something they can get for free.

To help defer costs you could rent out a portion of the place as a jungletoy store or something ,or ask them to sponsor you / help out with lease or property taxes.

The modular design is definitely the way to go, I'm a former indoor paintballer (not for very long, got old quick) and have been kicked out of two lazer tag arenas when I was a kid because we liked to kick over the walls and build our own sets/scenarios :) The indoor place I used to play at spent a butt load in building up a fairly decent looking wall fort on a back wall. The problem is, it took up so much space that it really limited scenario choice and got boring quickly. Really quickly. It was a very poor investment from my point of view. Having a cool fort in the back and the rest being empty space wasnt well balanced at all.

Instead of going for a big lot, you could go for a smaller lot, and instead build multiple levels/floors. That is what Japanese arcades do. Level 1 could be casual play, inflatables etc, Level 2 could be SWAT, hostage and rescue, Level 3 could be an indoor military base type scenario, Level 4, simulated outdoors etc. It's always cheaper to build up :) Reconfiguring from say and Urban Tactical scenario to a simulated outdoors multiple times is going to get old very quickly. Theme them up but allow the pieces to be moved around, and let people pay extra to design their own scenarios. Have a timetable i.e. certain  days where for each scenario so if people want to play something specific they know when to come and minimise moving stuff around. It also encourages repeat business to check out all kinds of scenarios :)

You could have celebrity themed nights, people could pay $$$$ to play scenarios against law enforcement and armed forces, reservists etc :) Offer these guys discounts, play for free etc. Here's a place where a military discount might actually mean something rofl.

On selling the city council and local law enforcement, you could put forth the case of the indoor facility keeping airsoft guns indoors and out of public view, and minimising wasted calls and false positives on "someone waving a gun around" reports.

Oh I'm also 100% in agreement about adult emphasis. Have a kids area sure or kids night, but aim for and preach for responsible customers. Besides, adults will have more disposable income and I for one would rather spend it on airsofting than paying for overpriced drinks at a bar watching football that I could watch at home etc etc :)

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: February 13, 2006, 11:59:00 PM »
Mate, can I have your babies? :)

and what's wrong with cardboard and a pickup truck?  :D/  [smilie=armata_pdt_40.gif]

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