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Topics - Viper

Pages: [1]
Gas Powered Guns / WE Hi-Capa Dragon rebuild
« on: July 30, 2006, 04:12:31 PM »
I know that my subject title is a little vague.
I recently bought a We Hi-Capa dragon off eBay, but it is in pieces. I was wondering if you can change a normal Hi-Capa in to a dragon. Basically
I have a full Dragon but it is in pieces, and the only reason I'm changing the normal 5.1 in to the dragon is becuase the trigger mechanism is a little whack. So if anyone knows where I can find a schematic for the 5.1 or dragon. Thanks

General Off-Topic Discussion / Quail Hunting Spots
« on: July 12, 2006, 10:04:27 PM »
My dad and I were big quail hunters out in TX, and we were wondering if anyone here knew where we can get in to some birds.
The time and distance probably should'nt be more than 4.5 hours. If anyone hunts deer we would like to know where we can go too. Can you hunt on public land also? Just like to know so we can go scout it out and get the dogs used to it. thanks

AEG's / M 4 Handguards
« on: April 02, 2006, 08:05:44 PM »
Please forgive me if this topic is either regarded as dumb or if this has already been discussed. My M4 was an eBay gun and had a TM grenade launcher attached to where the lower Rail was supposed to be so just the top handguard  with the 3 rails is left. What I would like to know is can i use a normal handguard with my Rails, specifiacly with the Rails on the bottom. Thanks
PS If you think this might look a little funny tell me.

Introduce Yourself! / Hola from Austin, Texas
« on: March 28, 2006, 03:45:23 PM »
Hey I'm new to this forum, but not to airsoft. I play in Austin, here is the address to their site, Anyway I might be moving to the Phoenix Tempe area and would like to know where ya'll play or if you have weekly skirmishes.
PS sorry for my searching incompetencies. :)

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