General Airsoft Arizona > General Airsoft Discussion

Be aware, be safe, and be responsible

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ABSOLUTLEY!!! Even when we wernt tresspassing at abandoned industrial areas or closed downed asylums, I/we'd get the occasional run ins with the law. do not mess around or you will get shot! it happens. usually to kids that dont know better, or those under the influence of something or another. save the cold ones for the end of the day.

This site is a place for individuals to find groups to play the sport of airsoft. This site supports following the law in regards to proper places to play and encourages individuals to learn what the laws are in their area and then to follow them.

So called "Backyard Airsofting" is something we have all done in the past but with the rise in the amount of players joining this sport and the attention this sport gets in the media it is ever more important that we stress finding out what the laws are and then following them.

Your specific area may be different, but using some common sense will keep you out of trouble. If any livable structure is close enough to your playing area that the occupant can identify that you are carrying a weapon, you are too close to habitable space. Stay off of property that you are not absolute 100% sure you are allowed to be on.

All game threads that have meeting places that we as veterans of the sport feel are inappropriate to play, will be deleted. Multiple listings will attract the ban hammer.

Not all games posted on this site cost money to play, we(I especially) encourage good free games hosted in appropriate places, we have plenty of space around us, there is no need to play with the risk of police attention.

I will not list out what the laws are for your area, they are different, find out for yourself and then follow them!!


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