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Messages - Phynstok

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General Airsoft Discussion / uhoh
« on: June 24, 2005, 10:19:59 PM »
Looks like Firehead can't give me a ride. Any other takers?

General Airsoft Discussion / earlier
« on: June 24, 2005, 02:04:34 PM »
Refering to an earlier message concerning altitude. When I researched aircraft and ultralight aircraft it was to my understanding that the tonnage of the vehicle dictated an altitude bracket that it needed to fly in for safety reasons. Perhaps that only applys to passenger plains. I stand corrected.

Mooncruiser, based on your previous messages I would trust you to fly at an AO if it was allowed. I'm pulling for you.

General Airsoft Discussion / okay
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:55:40 AM »
sounds good to me. Let me know if you can drive me. I don't want to get anyone into truoble by bummin a ride. I'd like to drive myself but the stupid four banger overheats every summer and the stupid mechanics keep (not)fixing it.

General Airsoft Discussion / recent news
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:48:54 AM »
I just read an obscure paper San Tan Sun something or other that said that new legislation makes it legal to "have" an airsoft gun but it is still illegal to point it at anyone in a threating manner within city limits. No games in Chandler (boo hoo)

General Airsoft Discussion / nice guy
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:38:28 AM »
Thanks for replying. I've been trying to get a ride all week. My only concern is leaving my car in a gas station parking lot all day long. It's like asking for it to get stripped. As far as being a nice guy, I go to church on sundays and host a bible study, sometimes I go to church camp ;)  Like I said earlier, I'll pitch in gas money.

General Airsoft Discussion / Carpool this weekend
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:28:36 AM »
My car can't make it up the hill to Prescott but I can drive to someone's house and chip in gas money.  I would really like to go this weekend.  If not knowing me very well is an issue... I'm a virgo who loves video games and prefers airsoft to paintball. Sometimes I sip whiskey 'cause I don't like light beer and I think pina collada is a sissy drink.  Walking out in the rain seems overated, then again, I'm an Arizona native so maybe I'm bitter. If anyone is willing to carpool, just let me know and I can drive to your house early saturday morning provided that you live somewhere in the pheonix metro area. Thanks guys.

General Airsoft Discussion / age profiling
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:52:03 AM »
To refer to the opening message, I agree with "age profiling" on of the main reasons (as far as I have seen) for foul mouthed speech or ronchy messages is due to cultural desensitization. I just saw Star Wars III in theatres. The movie is pg13 and I have been hearing local news casters encouraging parents to respect that rating and not take their little ones to the movie.

  I saw at least thirty kids under nine years of age.

You can say I'm over analyzing but I heard a high school student arguing with an adult about the F word. The kid said that he couldn't understand what all the fuss about the word was because it didn't have a definition. The adult blew up and ripped the kid a new one with a five minute lecture and a very graphic definition of the word. Yesterday's cuss words are becoming today's slang and yesterday's inuendo is becoming today's norm of speech. You could blame anyone but I blame ignorant parents who don't respect the safety net that is content rating. It's one of my biggest pet peaves. I do janitorial work at a church most nights and in one of the kids areas someone left a ps2 game. Metal Gear Solid 3. When I bought the game, I had to show ID. To put this into perspective, I have a full grown beard and mustache. Seeing this game box in the children's area of a flippin' church just made me ask the question "What's the world coming to?" There was even a special in the news recently about possible enforcement policies for video game rating systems and the possible consequences for parents who allow children who play games outside the appropriate age group. I doubt they will be able to enforce it but it can be a problem. I don't blame video games for violence. I blame parents who didn't teach their kids about violence and its inappropriate/appropriate situational applications. Granted, Star wars wasn't that bad, but if most parents let that slide, what else will they let slide. When I was a kid and the rating was pg13, my parents said, "not until your thirteen."  Simple as that.

General Airsoft Discussion / Yo!
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:26:01 AM »
:D  I just got grenades from Ultor and I love them. The rubber is not very hard so you need to be carefull what you throw them at but the nice thing is, I didn't have to use my credit card online and, so far, he's got the cheapest price on reenactment style grenades.

Introduce Yourself! / Hey
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:22:08 AM »
8) I'm totally new here but the forum title got my attention. I'm a bit old fashioned so, if any of these guys start sending inappropriate messages, I'll be glad to thump a few heads. By the way, 2003 and this is your first intro?

Introduce Yourself! / Hey
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:16:39 AM »
Hi, I know what you mean about scheduling but it's well worth every effort to find the time. If necessary, schedule time off with work. I don't know about your job now, but at my old job if you didn't use your vacation days by the end of the year, you lost them. 8)

Introduce Yourself! / MY CAPACITY
« on: May 19, 2005, 12:45:36 AM »
:roll: Okay, I'll elaborate.  I already admitted to the celtic one through pm that because of youth I have not had hundreds of hours of combat experience but heres just a flavor of me.

Growing up I was kind of the awkward kid. Didn't have many friends my own age so I hung out with adults mostly. A number of them were law enforcement. You'd be surprised some of the stories that will tell a kid. Imagine letting your ten year old watch "COPS uncensored". Second, almost all of the men on my father's side were in the military. My cousin Owen is God only knows where. He's TOP SECRET status communication technologies specialist whose second language was farsee. (Kinda shot himself with that one). As you could imagine, these encounters prompted not only alot of questions about stuff but alot of reading as well. I'm probably better at urban type assault. Maybe I should become a cop or something. I'm not really fanatical about armed services but I'm open to the option. My brother and I are probably the first men in my family that have not faught in a war.

As far as cqb is concerned, my main experience began in high school when a friend of mine had been studying martial arts since he was nine (I think). He and his whole family were gun enthusiasts and he was a bit paranoid about the "possibilities" of being attacked in close quarters. Long story short. He was my first roomate straight out of high school and because he no longer had his father to spar with, I became his punching bag. You can learn alot when you are getting your butt kicked every night for a year. That didn't even include all the stuff we did in high school.
I've discovered that I'm a south paw street brawler type personality.

And hey, have you played Metal Gear Solid 3?  :D

Introduce Yourself! / Word games
« on: May 18, 2005, 09:37:52 PM »
:roll: In high school we used to play a game with pencil and paper during class when we were bored. We called it "bank robbers" It was a hypothetical game where we would say stuff like "you're robbing a bank and...." Then we would draw a map on the paper of the bank. The page would go back and forth kinda like that game where you have to figure out how to survive the worst survival situations imaginable.  Is there anything like that for airsoft on this forum? I think I could learn alot from the norms by asking hypothetical questions but I don't want to flood the general topic section if there are other areas to do that.

Introduce Yourself! / Fun in sun
« on: May 18, 2005, 07:09:45 PM »
Forgive me, I may have made it sound worse than it was. I had fun but I can definitely say that I wasn't acting like I was the Shiznit. If anything they may have been annoyed by how many questions I was asking. I might be new to airsoft but I'm not new to this time of game. I used to do a fair amount of laser tag and paintball. Granted those experiences paled in comparison, but at the same time, it seemed that people were selling me short because they had never seen me before or something. I apologize if I sounded arrogant. Sometimes I just get passionate, especially when people act like I'm incompetent. I have no problem with following someone else into battle. No one likes to feel as though they are not getting enough credit for who they are and what they can do. I look forward to seeing you all on the battlefield but, unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to make it this weekend. Maybe LCIV.

Introduce Yourself! / Thanks dudes
« on: May 18, 2005, 06:53:09 PM »
Thanks guys, I don't actually know If it was an AA game. Sorry if I sounded arrogant or whiney. I just like having someone I can call Sarge, or Captain and actually fighting as an organized force. Not just a rabble. I know I'm new to airsoft but people can trust me when I run point. Don't get me wrong, my first game was fun! I'm totally hooked. By the way, I actually know the guy selling the spot for LCIV, I'm just not sure If I can schedule for time off and spare the cash, but I'll see what I can do.

Introduce Yourself! / Respect
« on: May 18, 2005, 12:12:14 PM »
:| Hey, I posted in another area but I'll post here too. How do you get respect in the field? I know I'm new to airsoft but I'm not stupid. I don't want to sound like I'm crying but the fact of the matter is, I'm not new to military tactics, law enforcement tactics, cqc and cqb tactics.
  It was probably just an isolated incedent, but my first game, no one took me seriously. There was one round where I was still in but people ignored me. There was another round where I volunteered to run point because no one else would but my fire team wouldn't follow. Eventually their lack of trust in me caused them to run off in different directions and get themselves whacked and left me alone crouched in a bush ten feet from the objective and five feet from the enemy.
   I was using borrowed gear. Was that it? Is their a form of posture or lingo that I don't use that just screams NEWBIE!!?
   I don't know maybe I'm just over analyzing or just expecting to much from untrained players. I'm used to organized play where each team has a defined heirarchy. (did I spell that right?).
   Anyway, thanks for letting me unload and I will definitely appreciate any advice that will help me establish a presence of combat experience without making myself sound like a complete jerk while I'm in the field.

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