General Airsoft Arizona > Site Suggestions


That would be good, then we could all say happy birthday to each other maybe?

Scorp 6 out.

I update mine every year  =D  Or when I get a new gun...

Kyrex Ahbea
Lieutenant Colonel
Directorate of Intelligence
Mannix Division AO-324 - Alpha Co.
Special Unit Fox-Hound

I agree, it would be nice...  wish everyone kept it up to date and filled in all the info.  Oh well...

In the age section of the user profile do people really update this often?  Its like this on every other airsoft d-board too.  Maybe it should say date of birth.  Just a little thought <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>

I'm not a real super hero, I just play one on TV.


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