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Messages - AZCW_Andrew

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Quote from: "carbon14c"
i really want to...

im waiting for that divine influence that wakes me up in the middle of the night, guides me to the computer, and makes me register before falling asleep on my keyboard  :shock:

Well.. Check out these pics from LCIV..

Myself in the last pic with the glock, and Arizona Sergeant with the MK12 MOD1

Quote from: "dismount"
I was infantry for 8 years and some of the people i have had while i was in would make you wonder how we do so well in a war. I went to iraq 3 times and saw the chain of command break down and grown men cry casue they had to pull and extra hour of guard. what are these people going to do when or if they have to kill someone, cause it is not the easiest thing in the world to have to do, I know, I speak from personal expierence. the us military is weak and needs a reality check.

FWIW, More people killed themselves in Jan of 09 in the Army than in both OEF and OIF combined, at least, that is what I heard.... :cry:

Quote from: "Malicious Ind"
I swear to god - we just had a soldier come from AIT 10 DAYS ago, and failed her APFT. Part of the problem is the fact that they only need to get 50% across the board during BCT to graduate.

At least with the Guard they have to make H/W or tape and pass an intial entry PT test to even ship to BCT.

Kids are fatter, and lazier these days!

Aren't the requirements like, really easy? Something like 2 miles in 15 minutes, 10 or 20 pullups, 10 or 20 pushups and like 60 situps.

Accessories & Gear / Re: Helmets and Lids
« on: April 05, 2010, 04:00:32 PM »
Quote from: "Whiskey11"

PASGT (Dated: mid 1980's 0.o)
Skydex Padded 4 point suspension kit
MARPAT Helmet Cover
Norotos NVG Mount (Authentic) with turtle strap
Arena Flak Jaks (not pictured)
Cat Eyes
Cavalvy Bowman PRR

As to the replicas... they are terribly plasticy, but get the job done.

So, you have the Skydex suspension setup but NOT their pads? I heard their pads are legit.

Nice dome bucket, grab a Comtac II

Accessories & Gear / Re: High cap or mid cap?
« on: April 05, 2010, 11:46:56 AM »
Quote from: "carbon14c"
Quote from: "AZCW_Andrew"
I would rather run a quarter mile around someone, flank them and take them out with a few shots than spray and pray with a Mexican standoff and hope one lands on them.

yeah definitely, that gets ridiculous after a while... i hate going to games where everyone just sits and sprays at eachother hoping they will get a hit. it doesnt even seem like a real game to me :|

i have never played a game with only real-cap type magazines, but that would be very interesting

Well, on the same front, the idiots who run through the middle of the field and throw foam knives are just as stupid.

It's fun, but not for people who don't have a very tactical mindset.

Sooo...I guess I am the only one that registered huh? :mrgreen:

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: Echo 1 SCAR-L black.
« on: April 05, 2010, 07:08:42 AM »
Quote from: "justinslombardo"
would you be interested in a glock 18 full auto or semi? it is railed on the front its gas blowback i only have one mag and you can get a quick release holster at any hunting store
Check the thread, its sold, pending funds.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: Gear and Parts
« on: April 05, 2010, 07:08:09 AM »

What plates are those?
How heavy are they?
are they hollow or filled with something?

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: BB Measurements
« on: April 05, 2010, 05:23:25 AM »
Some info to add... I concur with the previous post about the SGM .29 measurements. My measurements were almost spot on with what was found. Overall, they are the best bb.

Here is a little mini addition to this..

Hardness -

This is more important than you would think, for several reasons. First of all, a softer BB is going to tend to deform more easily with natural elements quicker than one that is harder. Second, when forced around by your loaders and tension from springs, nozzles etc, they tend to nick and chip very easily. One good example of this are madbull BB's. I gave up on them completely because of how soft they are. The problem is that  everything they come in contact with(speed loaders, magazine plastic, plastic and metal air nozzles) are all much harder than the material its self. The other issue with these is their construction, but we will address that in another section.

The easiest way to test hardness is a scratch test. By holding the BB with Teflon wrapped needle nose, and using a pinching dike, i measured how much material scratched off, and how easily. It's not a truly scientific way to do it, but the results were pretty clear cut and obvious.

The following are in order from hardest to softest.

1. Bioval .27(clear) BBBMAX
2. Maruzen SGM .29(white)
3. Bioval .30(white)
4.Goldenball .30(white), Goldenball .30(black)
5. Madbull .30(white)
6. Madbull .36(green)
7. Madbull .43(tan)

I really hate to even list the madbull's with the rest of those because they are in a whole other, crappy league. The Bioval clears are made of a resin that makes them impervious to deflection of energy, instead they just shatter if anything.

Maruzen SGM .29's and the Goldenball .30 series are VERY VERY similar in size, weight(.3g of difference on avg), and composition.

The madbull .30, .36, and .43 are about the same hardness, which is very very soft.

Composition / air bubbles

I took a batch of 10 bb's from every one listed above and attempted to cut or break them in half. Here are the results.

Bioval .27 Clears cannot be cut, they shatter, like glass. They have zero air bubbles.

Maruzen SGM's break clean in half every time, and have zero air bubbles as well as a solid composition.

Bioval .30's are basically identical to the SGM's and contain zero air bubbles.

Goldenball .30's follow with just a slightly less dense composition than the SGM and Bioval's, but with no air bubbles present.

Madbull .30, .36 and .43 all contain a center air bubble and sometimes smaller additional ones. They are so soft that when 'breaking' them, they just smash instead.

You can see in the photos below the madbull .43(tan), a goldenball .30 (black), a bioval .30(white, right), and a Maruzen SGM .29(white, left)

I have noticed a lot of people are finding greater success in AEG's and GBBR's by switching to a BB in the .27 to .30 range. As long as you are shooting 380 to 400 I think this will tighten up those groupings a bit more at long ranges. .20's and .25 are just too light.

Although a sawed off shotgun can add to your mil sim loadout, trying to wield most shotguns in airsoft is a bit of a pain. You really have to use some tactics..You get one shot, rack, and shoot again. I had a Marushin and gave up on it after one game.

Accessories & Gear / Re: High cap or mid cap?
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:17:35 AM »
Quote from: "Vince"
Quote from: "carbon14c"

-only 100-150rds per mag
-a bit tough to reload under fire (if your situation calls for it)
-need to be realistic with your trigger finger, only fire when you have a target within engageable range
-midcaps require a somewhat thought-out tactical load out, you need to have them within accessible reach, but you also have to balance it out with comfort/functionality etc

So basically :

-too real (and it's really even not that realistic)
-requires advanced motor skills
-requires tactics and a concept of range
-requires a half a brain

yeah man, super drawbacks

I agree with Vince on this..

You gotta remember though..a lot of people don't play airsoft for the realism or mil-Sim aspect..  :roll:

Personally.. I would really like to start seeing some local games where real-cap's only are allowed. I have played a handful of games within games that were like this, and it's fun and challenging. Typically the guy who sprays and prays is out of ammo in the first couple minutes. This kind of game play also really tests your weapon and your ability to make that kill with just a couple shots. I learned a long time ago that I would rather run a quarter mile around someone, flank them and take them out with a few shots than spray and pray with a Mexican standoff and hope one lands on them.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Mt Ord game - April 17th
« on: April 05, 2010, 03:11:41 AM »
+1 for Whatever team you need, I have PMC, ACU, and MC.

Accessories & Gear / Re: MBTR replica
« on: April 03, 2010, 01:33:43 PM »
Quote from: "Vince"
Everybody knows sneaky SF dudes use ICOMs.

"Fuck special forces!!"

Accessories & Gear / Re: MBITR replica
« on: April 03, 2010, 10:32:09 AM »
Quote from: "Ganef"
I think DBT has one. I made one for the Icom.

I don't see the purpose behind buying a fake MBTR. It is much larger than a commercial radio that has more range and clarity.

Well, I don't plan on only having a fake MBITR.... But this radio is for the milsim aspect.. and actually from what I have read and the fact its also a 5w..its pretty powerful.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: New and looking for tips
« on: April 03, 2010, 10:02:21 AM »
Quote from: "BahaBill"
Being new I would stick to a JG or echo 1 before making a big investment like most of us have untill you know you really like the sport. If I were you I would visit Gearbox in Tempe off of 60 I think. They have a selection of guns you can put in your hand a feel em to make sure you like the feel and weight.
If you really think you will stay in the game then think about a M4 gun being there the most versatile and customizable.
I would also say to buy a good battery charger for the batteries so yu dont destroy em to quick. The ones that come with the guns are not good.

Gearbox is located on the Southeast corner of McClintock rd and Southern Rd.

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