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Messages - 135th Ranger Regimen

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself! / Re: NEED HELP WITH A GUN
« on: January 24, 2011, 06:27:54 PM »
recommend an Aftermath M9
nuff said

Introduce Yourself! / Re: NEED HELP WITH A GUN
« on: January 24, 2011, 06:24:51 AM »
no, acually.. some you and some other people decided to get pissy over a name, and if the first thing u think of is "stopping power perk" then u got issues..
no smartass, im sayin it hurts if ur close enough..
is every 18+ year old on this damn site an asshole or what?

Introduce Yourself! / Re: New Team Recruiting For Arizona/Surpirse Area!
« on: January 24, 2011, 06:20:02 AM »
wow isnt this lovely?
everyone gets all pissy at someone cuz of a name... r u joking? GROW UP.. its a name.. get over it jeez...
and EARN respect? yeh.. that makes sense.. but u shud have the common damn couritsy to keep ur damn trap shut...

in ur "line of work" u gotta earn respect" yeh good line.. what is this? hollywood? dude its airsoft.. a GAME
this isnt the military, this isnt ur show, so next time, think k?

sorry mat, i didnt know u posted one already so i made a formal one

Introduce Yourself! / Re: NEED HELP WITH A GUN
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:46:34 PM »
Hey man, wanted to give u a personal opinon of mine,

1. Aftermath M9, comes with an extended mag (45+/-) i dont know the exact rof ill let u know later, one of the founders for my team told me it clocks at about 370-400 FPS
2. Punisher M1911, not my gun, its the founder i was talking about, his gun ONLY HAS 15 SHOTS, but at point blank range, can deal a TON of damage, its good for what i call an "o Sh*t gun,(when reloading, out of ammo, jams, etc)

any questions?
email me at
or shoot me a txt at

if ur interested in joining this brand new team go check us out!
sorry for the douchebage posting... i hate that crap

Introduce Yourself! / Re: New Team Recruiting For Arizona/Surpirse Area!
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:44:01 PM »
learn some respect will ya?
at least were not like half the others who have names like this
1337 team
or any crap like that..
and if u were prior service members, u wuld know what respect means.. so shut it

Introduce Yourself! / New Team Recruiting For Arizona/Surpirse Area!
« on: January 23, 2011, 10:13:49 PM »
Hey, our team consists of 5 total players, we started January 22nd,
if you have any questions that i failed to answer here send me an email or let me know (ill post Email at bottom of post)

So far, we have
-(forgot lmao)
-(forgot lmfao)

Minimum requirements to join:
-ACUs (Army green, Tan, or Urban Grey)
-SOME Airsoft/paintball experience(airsoft perfered, and SOME doesnt mean 10+ years, were not asking for pros(but they do help, so if u are a pro and can prove it awesome),were asking for anyone who isnt afraid to get hit and who is smart
-MUST be active, no people who say "yes i promise ill be there" then bail out at the last second, we DO understand family obligations, however family obligations do not occur every time
-MUST be able to attend airsofting schedule, Normally we airsoft on SATURDAYS
-as for age restrictions, if u got a gun, a mag, some bbs, and a brain, ur in!
-any kind of LMGs,(we had one, but 1Shot's M249 decided to committ suicide O.o)
-anyone with grenades (as of now, i am the only one with grenades, we need more Grenadiers.)
-Tell ur type of airsofting
Ex.) CQB, Grenaider, LMG, Assaulter, Sniper, ETC.
-Name (if ur shy or dont want to post ur name here, u can call or text me, # listed BELOW!)
-Field name, for example, when im airsofting, i dont like to be called Chris, because theres 40million Chris' in the world and it can get confusing on the field...
-email, or phone #, i like to call and make sure i can get a hold of u to let u know the schedule,
- what days can u / cant u airsoft, (its just a common curtousy, it helps alot so that we can make sure u can airsoft with us.)
-IF u have any military experience, it helps us understand u more and it helps with being accepting
^ if so list what branch
- any airsoft weapons u have, (kind of repetitive, but hey it helps)
- age, nice to know, no minmum req. for age, but it helps with a recruitment process.
- active in ROTC/JROTC, helps with recruitment also.
-if u have a job that MAY conflict with the schedule, atm, we only play on saturdays, but we will be more active when we get more people.

LEVEL/PROMOTION SYSTEM-(due to be updated!)
when u start off, no ur not gunna b the highest rank just cuz ur good, u gotta work ur way up.
levels-(in next update)

Thats all!

wanted to say hi to the AA forums and send out a recruiting note, wanted to kill 2 birds with 1 bb.

any questions? Email me at
not responding? call or shoot me a text at
623-764-4320 (please!!! only call during the hours of 3 Pm-10pm, im sorry, i DO have a life)

Thnx, 135Th Rangers

Hey Everyone!
My name is Mat Smith and i am one of the founders for our club. Right now there is only five of us on our team, and we are all the founders of our new team. We try to airsoft every saturday at fighter town paintball park from 11:00am untill about 3:00pm. All five of us are very experienced with airsoft, and we are all friendly so dont be afraid of us.
If you join our team you will start off as a private and we will give you a green star pin that goes on your shirt to show that you are that rank. Every game you play with us you will earn points(depending on how well you do that game), after you earn enough points to promote we will promote you and give you a new rank. If you like airsoft and want to be apart of a great team please email me at
have a digital uniform or at least a digital shirt
have your own airsoft gun to use
be willing to show up on saturdays at fightertown
be a great team player
and love airsofting!

check out the other post too!

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