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Messages - Airsofter1

Pages: 1 ... 71 72 [73] 74
General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: November 11, 2002, 07:31:19 PM »
I believe there is a CD you can get from most electronics outlets called "Bleemcast".  Its probably pretty inexpensive nowadays.  I guess you put it in to the Dreamcast then and does some kind of magic thingy that allows it to play Playstion 1 games.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: November 07, 2002, 07:08:34 PM »
If you are looking to up your level of play (techniques, tactics, teamwork...) try to make it out.  It is definetly a worthwhile learning experience.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: November 05, 2002, 01:03:07 AM »
Remember that you need to register for this US Airsoft event to attend.  You will also need to bring your own equipment, such as goggles.  Speaking of goggles, do you have the ones I let you borrow out at Sasco?

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: October 26, 2002, 05:08:40 PM »
Could someone please pass a meesage on to Pat that I will need my goggles that I loaned him back sometime in the future...  Tell him to email or call me so I can arrange to get them, Thanks!

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: October 13, 2002, 09:11:16 AM »
Wish I could make it.  Things are a little tight right now, Crimson Dunes drained my wallet a bit.  Need to recharge my big game airsoft savings  

Airsoft Equipment Specials /
« on: October 11, 2002, 01:01:06 AM »
I do have one vn190 hi-cap...

If the reserve isn't set to high and I can find more surface area on my body to stash ammo pouches I might just place a bid on them  

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: September 25, 2002, 11:55:55 PM »
Don't believe my fellow airsofter in his rant about paintball player not aiming... I still paintball and I always aim my shots.  I actually find that with full auto so readily accessable on my M4s that my aiming tends to get lazy and suffer.  They no longer allow full-auto markers in most all paintball events nowadays.  Anyways...

He is correct about the pain factor however.  That is of course you get shot in the face or lip...

I am not sure if I can agree on the the differences in range though.  The hop-up mechanism on AEGs help the bbs travel straighter but affect the range.  With a bb traveling with a back spin they just fall down when they reach the end of their range.  No arcing.  Barrel length seems to affect the range the most to me.  When I had my PSG1 stock its range appeared better than my stock short barreled SR16/M4.  And before when I cut down the barrel on them the range (and accuracy at range) seemed better.

If you are really looking to skirmish with your airsoft gun get an electric (AEG) gun to start.  Much easier to deal with than gas and you don't have to cocking it like a springer.  As for maintance on AEGs there really isn't much involved.  Some players will completely disassemble there weapon all the way down to the gears while others just throw there replicas in the closet after a game (me included).  Every so often you should swab the barrel and hop-up and keep those clean.  Disconnect the battery from it after use, and maybe discharge it if storing it for a while.

<img src="" border=0><i>"A team is only as strong as its weakest member"</i>

Edited by - Airsofter1 on 09/27/2002  11:53:08 PM

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: August 31, 2002, 11:28:21 PM »
uhh, this game has already happened...  Check the title of the post again.

<img src="" border=0>  Its ok to love your AEG, just don't <i>love</i> your AEG.two first time players, who we all wanted to remain with the other four of us.  As far as night games go, the lights definately contributed to it.  I enjoyed being able to use my surefire as weapon, and doing just as much damage with it as I did with my airsoft weapons.  Though it would be difficult, it would be neat to have teams seperated according to filters placed on their lights, with maybe one blue team and one red team, so when a light goes off you could use that to figure out where your team is.  Of course, that would eliminate all of that wonderful confusion, which I found to be a lot of fun.  

Who was going to finish the joke about how many airsofters it takes to kill a rattlesnake?

Anytime, Anywhere Baby

General Airsoft Discussion /
« on: August 23, 2002, 08:00:09 PM »
Good luck in your new endeavor!  Keep us in the loop on those rumors of the hot, new titles soon to hit the shelves!

<img src="" border=0>  Its ok to love your AEG, just don't <i>love</i> your AEG.

AEG's /
« on: August 22, 2002, 12:01:36 AM »
Dvlax, I would say that most AA members have a stock AEG.  Those that have more than one usually have one that is stock for a backup, lower FPS powered games or just because they like the looks of it.  You probably have heard this before but I will say it anyway - If you only have one AEG keep it stock, it is less likely to fail you in a game.  Unless you are experienced at messing around with AEG gearboxes you might want to wait to upgrade for a bit.

I used my upgraded M4 for the first time this weekend at Crimson Dunes.  I upgraded it with a full cylinder and a PDI 150 spring.  It fired over 380 fps in my backyard but in Cali it fired an average of 370.  Other than the BB traveling faster I can't say I noticed a huge difference in range.  Even when I play with my stock SR16 I can't say I really feel all that <i>outranged</i> by anyone.  The difference in range is not as huge as some think.

<img src="" border=0>  Its ok to love your AEG, just don't <i>love</i> your AEG.

Accessories & Gear /
« on: June 18, 2002, 11:49:55 PM »
There are several different things you can do here.  Check out for a list of accessories.  I have used throat mics, ear buds w/ PTT inline mics, ear buds w/ attached boom mics, and finally the hand held CB style mic/speaker.  The throat mics fairly work good but my neck is to small for it to stay in the sweet spot on your neck.  Lots of players have success using the ear bud with the inline PTT mic.  I have found the ear buds with the boom mic attached tend to get uncomfortable after a while just from the little ear hook thingys on them.  

So far I prefer my current set up which uses the CB style hand held remote speaker/mic.  It has a jack on it to hook up an single ear bud speaker.  When you attach that to it it bypasses the handheld speaker to keep things private between you and the radio traffic.  I like this set up the most so far.
-The handheld mic PTT button is easy to actuate under combat stress.
-I can remove the ear bud piece so I can broadcast the play by play to others when needed through the handheld speaker.
-I am less likely (zero chance) to drop and loose my radio when its secured in a pouch and I use the handheld speaker/mic.
-Looks cool.

<img src="" border=0>  Its ok to love your AEG, just don't <i>love</i> your AEG.

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: May 16, 2002, 10:36:27 PM »
Was it definetley the very same KJW metal framed one that Wargamers is selling?

<img src="" border=0>  Its ok to love your AEG, just don't <i>love</i> your AEG.

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: April 23, 2002, 09:29:32 PM »
I to have heard the same rumor about the Glock, but have yet to see that happen to one.  I have a metal slide on mine and 134a gas is not powerful enough to cycle the slide back.  Compared to The Rev's stock 18c his ROF is alot fast than mine.  And thats with hfc22.  

I have used both gasses in my KJW Beretta and my USP.  I get better performance out of hfc22.  I once used 134a in a skirmish with my USP and the range and power was very poor - worse than springer power.  But it still cycled the slide.  

On my Beretta the slide catch wore down, so it didn't catch all the time.  I fixed that by super gluing a small strip of metal cut from a 3.5" diskette slide to the catch area.  That worked out really well.  I have only fired that bad boy around the house for a few hundred rounds and it still catches ever time on the last shot.  I still have yet to battle test it though.  A fix like that I am sure could be done to a Glock slide too if need be.

<img src="" border=0>"...I wanted to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill!"

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: April 01, 2002, 07:32:35 PM »
The regular KJW M9 mags don't use the copied "magna valve" of the USP line.  I have been wanting another M9 for sometime, but I like my USP so much (except the mags).  I think when this comes out it might just force me to shelf my USP to make room in my right side holster for one of those babies.

<img src="" border=0>"...I wanted to be the first kid on my block with a confirmed kill!"

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: March 06, 2002, 10:47:41 PM »
I'll be holding my breath for a gas or electric M14!

<img src="" border=0>
... I was trained to make a difference.

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