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Messages - Pickle

Pages: [1]
I promise to post a better nod towards this game later, im just tired and need at least a little sleep before work.  ;D
That being said, This game was awesome. Even considering the unfortunate last minute change with the corn fields, it turned out relatively well. I'm glad there was a nice turn out for this event and that it made a positive difference for Ron's family. Thank you PSC for setting up this event for all of us to enjoy!!!


Jasen "Pickle" K.

PS. MY Gemtech Oasis IS AWESOME!!!

Hell Yea! I'm gonna see if work can tweek my schedule on friday to let me out before 6pm (But im not gonna be holding my breath). I Know we can get this done XD

I only have one =( And i don't get paid until Thursday....Craptastic!

So Ready for this game!!! Ive been spending ALOT of time (and a bit of money) getting ready for this game. Just godda grab one more flashlight and hopefully get two more 2 mags for my WE 1911 Pistol, and ill be set.......WE SHALL SURVIVE!!!

How much would it be for 2 of the tomahawks?

Please switch Jasen Kochheiser to Civilians.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introduction
« on: October 06, 2012, 02:23:54 AM »
so.....bad choice in nicknames, covered. Anyone have anything else they wish to talk about?

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introduction
« on: October 06, 2012, 01:27:41 AM »
You just bought my handgun.

And if not, then this is too coincidental that a guy named Jasen from JROTC was introduced into airsoft by a guy named Matt.  Because I know that guy.

Ah, Hey Krivas.

We used to be called pickles in jrotc also due to the class A uniforms. All green looks like a pickle I guess.
AFJROTC has blue uniforms though..
I was in Army JROTC. If he is air force then the nick name pickle is just weird. ;)

"Pickle" in the AF designates my ordinance has been dropped as "I pickled the target zone"...

Cool, learn something new every day. I don't believe he was going for that when he picked the name though...

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Introduction
« on: October 04, 2012, 10:38:06 PM »
Wow, i didn't think i would get this much of a response....Hello.

pm'ed you

I never received a pm from you.

I wouldn't be surprised.  But I know this guy sooo.. yeah.

you know me?

Introduce Yourself! / Introduction
« on: September 30, 2012, 10:39:28 PM »
Hello, My name is not actually Pickle (duh!), it is Jasen. I actually recieved that nickname in JROTC from my friend Matt, who is the same guy who introduced me into this sport.( It is still yet to be determined WHY he calls me this, and yes i know the gutter jokes that it brings to mind) I am really excited to learn from all of you and enjoy alot of good times. If anyone wants to know more, you can easily ask here or PM me.

I cannot wait until this game, im gathering new gear in anticipation. THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!
I Have Pm'd you my situation PheonixShadowCompany, i hope to see a reply soon =)

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: 1911 with pics! needs to go!
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:33:22 PM »
Unfortunatly my paycheck is gone now, but if this is still here in 2 weeks, I will be happy to go for this deal.

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