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Messages - dogoxin

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Whats the numbers look like for camping?

I am sure it is but, are you allowed to just come up on Saturday for the games and not camp?

For those of you without GPS the turn off on Hwy 89 is .9 miles past the gravel pit/hwy 260 interchange. Right before the hwy curves to the left you'll see the first exit which runs alongside the hwy for about 200ft and joins the main exit.

Can you show us on a map(screenshot/ pin point) where the AO is and the exact driving route after the turn off?

Question about the directions. Is the meeting spot right off the 87? Or is there some kind of exit?

When you see the gravel pit on the right side of the road, go 1 mile, when the road curves left, in the middle of the curve there is a dirt road on the right. Go down that dirt road, it will Tee. Last time we went left at the Tee if I remember correctly, but I imagine 6CA will post up a sign directing you.

It's hard to see on google maps, but that dirt road is directly on the marker. There is a dirt road turn off about 100ft before the marker that's easier to see, and that merges into the same road, so you can take either one. (click the Earth/satellite view button)

Hmmmm... Can you (or anyone) post a map of the actual AO. For people like me who are driving up alone, I'd really appreciate specific directions to make sure I don't get lost and cant find the AO and miss a day of airsofting.

Question about the directions. Is the meeting spot right off the 87? Or is there some kind of exit?

I'll be there in Multicam.

Looks like forecast is calling for rain, will this game be played even if it's raining?

I should be there in Multicam

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Full face mask and red dot sights
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:26:43 AM »
I bought a 1/2" riser for my red dot. It brings it up enough perfectly for me to see through my RDS. Risers come in a lot of different sizes depending on how high you need the sight to come up.

I'm trying to see if I can rally some friends together

Anyone have an updated headcount so far?

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Monthly Milsim?
« on: October 13, 2014, 05:29:25 PM »
This is great to hear. I'm very excited.

For us who don't have Facebook... Can you post the details on here, please?

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Free Crossfire Airsoft August 15-17, 2014
« on: August 01, 2014, 10:35:19 PM »
In for multicam with +1, probably head up Saturday morning

Any update on getting this game/ monthly series back up and going?

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