Airsoft Arizona

General Airsoft Arizona => General Airsoft Discussion => Topic started by: infinitydragon11 on October 12, 2006, 10:58:50 PM

Title: Forced Milsim....
Post by: infinitydragon11 on October 12, 2006, 10:58:50 PM
It seems like everybody on this forum has an obsession with the game of airsoft being 110% Milsim... my questions is why?  Its a game, or sport if you like (which is what i would call it if there was some real competitions), and some people has different styles of play.  The group i play with at the moment has one guy in particular who's stlye is a bit unortodox and pretty much anti-milsim.  The thing is, the second you all saw him you would laugh and not take him seriously, and he would probably RULE most of us out there.  The guy is good, real good.  We all call his style "bounty hunter" or "renegade".  What is wrong with having a bit of flavor and diversity in the sport?  Now dont get me wrong, Im a milsim guy... i wear all marpat camo with the real marine issue boots, but i see NOTHING wrong with letting some diversity play in the game without being instantly frowned on... pass on your thoughts
Post by: babybackribs on October 12, 2006, 11:54:36 PM
Post by: Farslayer on October 13, 2006, 12:19:41 AM
This is a scenerio based activity.  If your friends "style" fits game play, fine.  If it doesn't, no matter how good he is, he'll stick out like a sore thumb and will draw unwanted attention.  I'm speaking of open field play, however.  In a CQB arena, he's as equal as anyone.  He can play however he wants.

As far as the MILSIM aspect in general, it is what drew the majority of us to the sport and the only reason we continue to play.....IMO.
Post by: gearbox on October 13, 2006, 01:03:43 AM
I've often pondered the same question myself.  If you have, or can find, a group of like-minded friends, you can do whatever you want: MILSIM, COPSIM (I don't know what it's really called, but like a SWAT team sim), spec ops vs. terrorists, bounty hunters vs. bail jumpers, whatever.  Really, you can reenact any real life situation in which guns are commonly involved. Hell, you could even do completely fantasy stuff, too.  It's only limited by your imagination (and your wallet  :lol: ).  
Organized airsoft events are generally centered around MILSIM, but that doesn't mean that's all you can do with it.

Geez, first I make positive comments about ICS guns, now I'm standing up for non MILSIM airsoft.  I'm at risk of being tarred, feathered, and kicked off the forum at any moment ...  :lol:  ;)
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 01:09:38 AM
For some of us... we do MILSIM, not AIRSOFT.  Airsoft happens to be the platform we use presently to conduct milsim, but honestly if UTM was a little less expensive many of us would be using that instead.  But that's another story...

do what you want to do and dont worry about what other people think.... but don't slam what other people want to do either...
Post by: studdermonkey on October 13, 2006, 01:29:43 AM
I've yet to see someone dress the part of Neo or Ethan Hunt and get away with it. Or even dress the part and be able to carry on a decent conversation about real guns, airsoft or anything at all. Usualy, the people that try to dress like movie characters, like Dog the Bounty Hunter, don't know much about military tactics, or tactics at all. They're just too in to WOW, BF2 or CS.

Maybe your friend is different, but odds are against it, in my opinion.
Post by: Ares on October 13, 2006, 02:17:55 AM
MILSIM is about dicipline and realism. its Military Simulation for a reason. if we wanted to play nothing but capture the flag or emilination all the time we'd play paintball (+1) this sport is what its name implies. we dont simulate the adventures of "counter strike" we simulate actual military combat. play how you want, but dont expect to make alot of friends with posts like that.
Post by: Whiskey11 on October 13, 2006, 08:19:45 AM
Orig Poster... Dude thats soo not milsim!  jk.  I can understand the desire to know the answer to your question.  Its been answered to an umpteenth time =)  I play milsim because Paintball degraded to Speedball and bunker defense and neither of which involve a large amount of tactics, but a large amount of Paint and luck.  Airsoft has tactics, it has people who respect other players, and a common underground community feeling.  That is where I thrive, that is why I am here :)

Milsim, although expensive, is insanely fun.  Even when I just had a 70 dollar LPEG My friends and I did military style simulation even with the basic goal of CTF.  MilSim is in our blood!

(Btw what the hell is wrong with ICS guns? honestly, I own one, it kicks ass, no major ICS specific issues yet, STOP THAT ><)
Post by: Giland on October 13, 2006, 09:06:08 AM
There is no wrong way to play games using airsoft weapons. (assuming you follow basic common sense and safety precautions).  If you want to get a 6 shot revolver based gun and fast draw each other, that is fine.
Most of the people on this board enjoy the milsim playstyle, so that is what they talk about.
Post by: Ganef on October 13, 2006, 09:17:01 AM
We play milsim because Airsoft isnt a game of winning.

I could cheat very easily, have a hot gun and be realy good at the "game" of airsoft, but that isnt the point.

Airsoft is "force on force" simulation training, I run weapons that are in similar configurations to my real guns to build muscle memory and put myself in situations where I have to use critial thinking about the battlefield to achieve success. We were defeated so badly at OP IRENE4 you would imagine I would quit the game entirely but we didnt.
Post by: deathbydanish on October 13, 2006, 10:30:35 AM
Some people have different ideas of what is "fun". I don't look down on speedballers so much anymore, in fact in can be very fun at times, I just simply think milsim is more fun.
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 11:14:07 AM
Quote from: "Ganef"
We were defeated so badly at OP IRENE4 you would imagine I would quit the game entirely but we didnt.

But thats just so not true.  

Although the point system ensures a winner and a looser, they points are just not a true indicator of what happens on a battlefield.  Two very strong companies fought a difficult set of objectives and there was victory on both sides, and losses on both sides.  And at the end there was a combined force that kicked the insurgents asses so badly some of them were refusing to regen anymore....

Post by: Maidrowl on October 13, 2006, 11:15:04 AM
Quote from: "babybackribs"
Because the game was CREATED to be mil-sim.  If you have a problem with it being 110% mil-sim, go play paintball.

First of all, that was incredibly antagonistic. He wasnt tryin to start a fight. He had a valid question and was looking for valid answer. We dont like paintball nor the way paintball is played, but mil-sim is a little too much for us. Not to say it isnt fun, its jus not what we choose to do most of the time. And that renegade guy hes talking about is as honest and decent as they come. He enjoys the game in every way. Why is it so hard to accept that a person can be a good and honest player without being mil-sim?
Post by: gearbox on October 13, 2006, 11:19:50 AM
Quote from: "Whiskey11"
(Btw what the hell is wrong with ICS guns? honestly, I own one, it kicks ass, no major ICS specific issues yet, STOP THAT ><)

My first experience with ICS was my new MP5A4. So far, I'm damn impressed with it.  I only added that comment to my post because ICS guns seem to be such a bone of contention among airsofters.  No other non-LPEG maker has been so maligned on the various forums.  I'm with you, man. I like ICS. 8)

Quote from: "Maidrowl"
First of all, that was incredibly antagonistic. He wasnt tryin to start a fight. He had a valid question and was looking for valid answer. We dont like paintball nor the way paintball is played, but mil-sim is a little too much for us. Not to say it isnt fun, its jus not what we choose to do most of the time. And that renegade guy hes talking about is as honest and decent as they come. He enjoys the game in every way. Why is it so hard to accept that a person can be a good and honest player without being mil-sim?

Well said.  My thoughts, exactly.  There are people who are into airsoft guns, and people who are into MILSIM  using airsoft guns, plain and simple. I don't see why both groups can't peacefully coexist.  As to the specific guy in question, as long as the group he plays with is cool with his unorthodox style, what's the problem?
Post by: JoJockAmo on October 13, 2006, 12:09:05 PM
F*** all that, I go out to shoot people.And play dress up, I guess. I'm Half-assed milsim.
Post by: gearbox on October 13, 2006, 12:12:56 PM
Quote from: "JoJockAmo"
F*** all that, I go out to shoot people.And play dress up, I guess. I'm Half-assed milsim.

Added to sig!  Hope you don't mind, man. That's just too good a quote to pass up. :lol:
Post by: Ganef on October 13, 2006, 12:17:49 PM
Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
Quote from: "Ganef"
We were defeated so badly at OP IRENE4 you would imagine I would quit the game entirely but we didnt.

But thats just so not true.  

Although the point system ensures a winner and a looser, they points are just not a true indicator of what happens on a battlefield.  Two very strong companies fought a difficult set of objectives and there was victory on both sides, and losses on both sides.  And at the end there was a combined force that kicked the insurgents asses so badly some of them were refusing to regen anymore....


What I meant was that "if" it was a game of points and "if" that was all that I cared about then I would have been pretty pissed by the outcome of that game. I thought the points were pretty jacked up but I dont care because that is not why I went, I went to play at zussman and if the scenarios were stacked against me all the more fun.  We stepped up and fought hard every other scneario that op because we wanted to be there, and didnt care about the "game score".

It was fun to work with you guys and yea we totally destroyed the insurgency in that scenario.
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 01:48:58 PM
I see your point.....I agree the points were pretty jacked up..... and you are right, for 99% of us there it wasn't about the points.... OK maybe 95% of us...
Post by: mustremember13 on October 13, 2006, 02:26:40 PM
Quote from: "babybackribs"
Because the game was CREATED to be mil-sim.  If you have a problem with it being 110% mil-sim, go play paintball.

Don't be so fuckin' arrogant. You were just sucessful in making me think you're 110% dumbass.

I think alot of people just get into airsoft because they like mil-sim aspect of the sport. I guess those people just get pissed off when somebody with a few highcaps comes along and has an advantage or something. Who really knows? Draw your own conclusions.
Post by: Ivan on October 13, 2006, 03:10:21 PM
Quote from: "mustremember13"
Quote from: "babybackribs"
Because the game was CREATED to be mil-sim.  If you have a problem with it being 110% mil-sim, go play paintball.
Don't be so fuckin' arrogant. You were just sucessful in making me think you're 110% dumbass.

I think alot of people just get into airsoft because they like mil-sim aspect of the sport. I guess those people just get pissed off when somebody with a few highcaps comes along and has an advantage or something. Who really knows? Draw your own conclusions.

my point exactly... dumbass kids don't think before they type anymore.

I like to be outnumbered. the fun is being right along with my fellow team mate, and having the odds against us. win or lose. just getting out and shooting a few guys in the tweeters is where it's at. milsim or not, it's not your place to decide whats right. it's the individuals right to enjoy his / her self.
Post by: Gauge on October 13, 2006, 03:35:50 PM
Personally, I love the milsim. I understand the need for diversity and wanting to be outside the grain, but I pride myself and only myself towards presenting a personality on the field and an image on the field that derives from MILITARY based roots. What everyone else does is their own thing but a uniform identity for team members (in the aspects of gear and movement and practical theory) as well as establishing a military atmosphere for games would be IDEAL.

Granted we don't have functional mortars with the big sounds that kick up fans of dirt. We don't have or its at least much more difficult to get a hold of military vehicles from APC's to Tanks and God Forbid: aircraft of ANY type. WE don't have ready access to gun turret emplacements worth a damn in actual combat, next gen nightvision, parachute drops or fully functioning cargo/ supply vehicles that actually provide supplies along heavily contested transit routes which must be guarded at all times. So the presumption of forcing the idea of MILSIM on EVERYONE EVERY GAME is a little unfair.

I find it much easier to let people do what they want and ally myself with others who simply share my passion. That way everyone gets what they want.
Title: well...
Post by: infinitydragon11 on October 13, 2006, 03:39:31 PM
looks like i started somethin here, im glad to see that some people out there relize its just a game/sport, and not the military... if you want to be military join up!  now i may sound a little brash, but its just because of those people who got all kinds of pissy when I said something that wasnt in line with the way they live!!!  oh no!!!  GUYS... THE WORLD IS REALLY ROUND!!!  to everyone else who did look at the post with an open mind, thanks... its good to know that there are some people that realize that it is just a sport, and real people play to have real fun
Post by: Vince on October 13, 2006, 03:40:52 PM

You were doing good till you stepped on your dick with that last post.
Post by: infinitydragon11 on October 13, 2006, 03:47:57 PM
thanks for the ego boost man... 8)
Post by: Gauge on October 13, 2006, 03:49:03 PM
Quote from: "Vince"

You were doing good till you stepped on your dick with that last post.

on what part? He was just commenting that he noticed there were people of different minds who responded... jeez, relax this place is kind of tense at times for no reason at all.
Post by: Ivan on October 13, 2006, 03:52:24 PM
Quote from: "Vince"

You were doing good but since I am a dick, i'll comment negatively on that last post.

I fixed it for you Vince. here ya go
Post by: mini-support on October 13, 2006, 04:03:49 PM
The whole point to playing airsoft is to roleplay. If you wanna be a tard and run around dressed like a mullet wearing bum and think your cool doing so then fine, be my guest. Find a group of equally silly people and start your own thing.
95% of real airballers play for the milsim aspect, period, end of discussion. Id make jokes and shoot you as much as possible for dressing/acting stupid on purpose during an AA or any organized local airsoft game. We all have our own styles and types of tactics as teams but, we have the same goals: to own cool replica guns, shoot them at people and MILSIM.
Title: Re: well...
Post by: Ares on October 13, 2006, 04:14:48 PM
Quote from: "infinitydragon11"
looks like i started somethin here, im glad to see that some people out there relize its just a game/sport, and not the military... if you want to be military join up!  now i may sound a little brash, but its just because of those people who got all kinds of pissy when I said something that wasnt in line with the way they live!!!  oh no!!!  GUYS... THE WORLD IS REALLY ROUND!!!  to everyone else who did look at the post with an open mind, thanks... its good to know that there are some people that realize that it is just a sport, and real people play to have real fun

we realize this. but the military is not for everyone. we like the game. some of us would rather be in school than in the armed forces, some of us already have carreers. one things for sure.. if we go to North Korea.. ill be first in line at the recruiting table.
Post by: Gauge on October 13, 2006, 04:28:09 PM
Personally, I think the army designed their ACU's around the potential of being engaged in a landwar with North Korea. Hence the use of a lot of green. But that's just my observation.
Post by: Uchiha Itachi on October 13, 2006, 05:19:35 PM
Well this is my mindset,

 This isn't my board nor group. I didn't start it, maintain the board, or host the games. I conform to AA and MA rules when I go(I still use 2 hi-caps as backup during non-milsim days). It's their game and their rules. They LET me play and I am grateful. To me Milsim is just fun and cool as crap.

That's pretty much it for me. It's just fun to shoot people in the end.
Post by: infinitydragon11 on October 13, 2006, 05:34:52 PM
Quote from: "mini-support"
The whole point to playing airsoft is to roleplay. If you wanna be a tard and run around dressed like a mullet wearing bum and think your cool doing so then fine, be my guest. Find a group of equally silly people and start your own thing.
95% of real airballers play for the milsim aspect, period, end of discussion. Id make jokes and shoot you as much as possible for dressing/acting stupid on purpose during an AA or any organized local airsoft game. We all have our own styles and types of tactics as teams but, we have the same goals: to own cool replica guns, shoot them at people and MILSIM.

"real airsoft players?" he carries and shoots an airsoft gun... the gun shoots airsoft rounds... he doesnt hold the gun above his shoulder like a pballer... he gets kills... how is he not a real airsoft player?
Post by: Gauge on October 13, 2006, 05:52:58 PM
I agree, this is all about semantics at this point. Who's "real", who's genuine... That's all BS. If the guy is good, he's good, he rightly deserves props because he can score kills. What he dresses as, any discussion about whether or not he's a "real" airsoft player when he plays the damn game with an airsoft gun to begin with is just elitest garbage.
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 06:01:49 PM
what was that song in the Army....

here we go again..... same old shit again.....
Post by: yammie r6s on October 13, 2006, 06:31:22 PM
Quote from: "Gauge"
I agree, this is all about semantics at this point. Who's "real", who's genuine... That's all BS. If the guy is good, he's good, he rightly deserves props because he can score kills. What he dresses as, any discussion about whether or not he's a "real" airsoft player when he plays the damn game with an airsoft gun to begin with is just elitest garbage.

definately! if you can kick ass on the feild, regardless of what you wear or what style you have, that is what makes you a good airsoft player.(maybe not a good milsim) i think you guys are getting confused between a good
"aisoft player" and a good "milsim" two completely diff things playing the same game.
Post by: andyhinds on October 13, 2006, 06:46:47 PM
Personally I like Mil-Sim, I've hosted games that had a SWAT theme, pistol only matches, etc.

I like airsoft because its tactical, no poking your head around the corner, finger fucking the trigger as fast as you can and then hiding.  

As far as gear goes, I don't care.  Wear jeans if thats all you've got (especially if your on the other team, you'll be easier to spot), bring a springer if thats all you can afford but have a tactical attidude when you come out, not the paintballer mentality.  Lately there has been a lot of noobs wanting to hold games with 'no high caps' well I have 10 hi-caps that I use, this way I load up at the start of the day and I'm good to go for the entire day.  Minimizes down time.
Post by: KOBO on October 13, 2006, 06:55:59 PM
Okay, everybody relax. The way we hold our events are not going to change. As far as the question your topic sucks, "forced Milsim" You are correct, there are different ways you can play, no one is forcing Milsim on you.

NEW PEOPLE TO THE BOARDS, you need to understand that the group of guys on this board is partial to milsim. Read our Rules and CoC and it even describes a milsim environment. Look that the events that we hold, they are of milsim nature. If you are not interested in milsim go ahead and check out our boards and learn whatever airsoft information you are interested, there is a ton of knowledge on here. But do not expect a great response when asking why you are forcing milsim on me, which is just how the majority of people on the boards like it.
Post by: Phyrst on October 13, 2006, 07:44:16 PM
I have a few thoughts.

Although on the forums Milsim is encouaraged, heavily at times.  I never got the forced feeling.  Its more like "This is what we like and this is what we think is cool"  kinda thing.  And that is fine, its what I like.

Also, Airsoft is primarily a game of Honor.  This goes hand in hand with military doctrine.  Often times people with less skills, and or inferior guns and gear, can still contribute to the team and have fun because of techniques used in the military.

But I digress from the main point I wanted to make.

I go to every game that I can, and in all my play time I have never seen Milsim forced on any people at GAMES!!  It may be stressed on the forums at times, but in my 9 months of playing games I have never seen a person wearing sneakers burnt at the stake.  Nor have I seen a dual wield pistol d00d run off.  Generally people are very friendly and supportive.  

Certain games may have special rules that may simulate milsim, but if you don't like the set up don't go to the game.

My suggestion is to go to games.  And I think that perhaps you may be won over to Milsim, or not.  But I garuntee you'll have fun.

Be Well,
Post by: yammie r6s on October 13, 2006, 08:01:10 PM
good point, i dont think that its actually forced. i beleive that what he meant was, would people look frown on a person that is not milsim? more of a question rather than an accusation.(trying to see what yall felt about non-milsim players)
Post by: infinitydragon11 on October 13, 2006, 08:11:25 PM
Yeah... It would be nice to not be frowned on if you werent milsim...
Post by: mini-support on October 13, 2006, 08:19:10 PM
Quote from: "infinitydragon11"
Quote from: "mini-support"
The whole point to playing airsoft is to roleplay. If you wanna be a tard and run around dressed like a mullet wearing bum and think your cool doing so then fine, be my guest. Find a group of equally silly people and start your own thing.
95% of real airballers play for the milsim aspect, period, end of discussion. Id make jokes and shoot you as much as possible for dressing/acting stupid on purpose during an AA or any organized local airsoft game. We all have our own styles and types of tactics as teams but, we have the same goals: to own cool replica guns, shoot them at people and MILSIM.
"real airsoft players?" he carries and shoots an airsoft gun... the gun shoots airsoft rounds... he doesnt hold the gun above his shoulder like a pballer... he gets kills... how is he not a real airsoft player?

Exactly the lack of understanding or reasoning you would expect from a noob. Totally misunderstood my post. Anyone can be a real airsoft player. Not everyone is an airballer. There is a difference and someday young skywalker you will understand...

As far as gear goes, I don't care. Wear jeans if thats all you've got (especially if your on the other team, you'll be easier to spot), bring a springer if thats all you can afford but have a tactical attidude when you come out, not the paintballer mentality. Lately there has been a lot of noobs wanting to hold games with 'no high caps' well I have 10 hi-caps that I use, this way I load up at the start of the day and I'm good to go for the entire day. Minimizes down time.

+1 We all started without gear, cool guns, etc. But from talking to and hanging out with everyone the milsim mentality was there regardless.
Post by: Gauge on October 13, 2006, 08:21:18 PM
scratch this post.
Post by: Phyrst on October 13, 2006, 08:22:41 PM
Man, my team-mates make fun of me, and we gun for eachother with a vengance if we get split up!

A huge dump-pouch can be fodder for hecklers as well as a pair of Reboks!!

The Forums are different than games.

Be Well,
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 08:29:25 PM
Quote from: "infinitydragon11"
Yeah... It would be nice to not be frowned on if you werent milsim...

Who the fuck is "frowning" on you????

YOU came in here and started this silly conversation and YOU are perpetuating this silly conversation AFTER its been fully explained that no one is forcing, frowning, or otherwise gives a rats ass what the hell you do or don't do when you play airsoft........

So stop frowning on our milsim and find a real topic already....
Post by: yammie r6s on October 13, 2006, 08:31:52 PM
Post by: Gauge on October 13, 2006, 08:37:24 PM
Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
Quote from: "infinitydragon11"
Yeah... It would be nice to not be frowned on if you werent milsim...

Who the **** is "frowning" on you????

YOU came in here and started this silly conversation and YOU are perpetuating this silly conversation AFTER its been fully explained that no one is forcing, frowning, or otherwise gives a rats ass what the hell you do or don't do when you play airsoft........

So stop frowning on our milsim and find a real topic already....

Wow, Doc, RELAX. It's a forum.
Post by: yammie r6s on October 13, 2006, 08:42:34 PM
Quote from: "mini-support"
The whole point to playing airsoft is to roleplay. If you wanna be a tard and run around dressed like a mullet wearing bum and think your cool doing so then fine, be my guest. Find a group of equally silly people and start your own thing.
95% of real airballers play for the milsim aspect, period, end of discussion. Id make jokes and shoot you as much as possible for dressing/acting stupid on purpose during an AA or any organized local airsoft game. We all have our own styles and types of tactics as teams but, we have the same goals: to own cool replica guns, shoot them at people and MILSIM.

so this isnt "frowning" ? i mean come on this quote isn't very inviting
Post by: mini-support on October 13, 2006, 08:50:16 PM
Quote from: "yammie r6s"
Quote from: "mini-support"
The whole point to playing airsoft is to roleplay. If you wanna be a tard and run around dressed like a mullet wearing bum and think your cool doing so then fine, be my guest. Find a group of equally silly people and start your own thing.
95% of real airballers play for the milsim aspect, period, end of discussion. Id make jokes and shoot you as much as possible for dressing/acting stupid on purpose during an AA or any organized local airsoft game. We all have our own styles and types of tactics as teams but, we have the same goals: to own cool replica guns, shoot them at people and MILSIM.

so this isnt "frowning" ? i mean come on this quote isn't very inviting

Simply an opinion and worded as such. Grow a backbone already. Sucks for you if my forward and blunt opinion offends you. Its a free country, do whatever the f*ck you want, most of us here milsim is the point.
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 08:51:27 PM
Neither is a bunch of strangers coming into our house and throwing shit around...

Mini Support and I don't always see eye to eye on things but he is a Vet and I would go to war with him anytime and anywhere because he is honorable and would never leave someone behind.

His opinion, at this junction considering you are 7 posts old in this fucked up fraternity, means a LOT more than anything you might vomit.

Note to new guys, take a moment to observe and get to know the place before you puke on our carpet.... thats all that is asked of you....

But what the hell do I know...

EDIT:  Looks like Mikey needs to add "fucked" to the stop Doc from cussing filter.....
Post by: yammie r6s on October 13, 2006, 09:10:33 PM
well considering my newb status, i should have kept to myself. i did not intend to get knee deep in someone elses shit so i'll leave it at that.
Post by: infinitydragon11 on October 13, 2006, 09:25:36 PM
Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
Neither is a bunch of strangers coming into our house and throwing s*** around...

Mini Support and I don't always see eye to eye on things but he is a Vet and I would go to war with him anytime and anywhere because he is honorable and would never leave someone behind.

His opinion, at this junction considering you are 7 posts old in this fucked up fraternity, means a LOT more than anything you might vomit.

Note to new guys, take a moment to observe and get to know the place before you puke on our carpet.... thats all that is asked of you....

But what the hell do I know...

EDIT:  Looks like Mikey needs to add "fucked" to the stop Doc from cussing filter.....

earn my place? fraternity?  this is a forum... a place to go and talk about the game.  what the hell is wrong with talking about a game we all play? just because ive only posted 10 times here doesnt mean ive only played nine games, or dont have tactical training.  i may be a newb on the forum but im sure not a newb on the field.
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 13, 2006, 11:44:16 PM
ok hero....

good luck with all that....
Post by: Bobaganoosh on October 13, 2006, 11:57:43 PM
What I've found throughout my Airsoft "career" is that milsim is the most challenging and most rewarding way to play the game. We don't make up the rules as we go, there a certain rules that are everlasting. If you have some guy running around with a hunting camo jacket and jeans, it takes a bit out of it for those who want that milsim experience and, from my perspective, I usually find these people to be the most likely to not call hits, use hot weapons, or be an all around douche in general.
Post by: Ares on October 14, 2006, 12:14:55 PM
earn my place? fraternity?  this is a forum... a place to go and talk about the game.  what the hell is wrong with talking about a game we all play? just because ive only posted 10 times here doesnt mean ive only played nine games, or dont have tactical training.  i may be a newb on the forum but im sure not a newb on the field.

whats ur real age, rambo?
Post by: fathamburger on October 14, 2006, 02:54:13 PM
This is something I've felt for awhile ever since I first started showing up here and the reason I'm not as involved even though now I have opportunity to be.  Even if it is true that milsim isn't "Forced" at games etc, the attitude here is has a prevalent feel of "don't show up at all unless you have full gear, M4 or Armalite" etc. For example I run an MP5 (until I get a proper longgun) + woodland BDU's, am I going to be turned away if I showed up because I'm not wearing MARPAT and woodland isnt issue anymore, and get a real gun you goddamn noob?

I am not against milsim. Milsim is what attracted me to airsoft and is my end goal gear wise. However the way a lot of you carry on,  you might as well rename his place to milsim arizona, not airsoft arizona. That is a decision that might have to be made soon judging by this post. Like people have said, Airsoft are people running around with airsoft guns shooting at each other. You can play copsim, terrorist sim, whatever. Why does milsim have to be exclusive? That would be just as bad as only playing CQB swatsim forever. Wouldn't it get boring?

I prefer to think of Airsoft as the medium, not milsim. I used to do milsim with paintball back in the day when it was underground and our only avenue of doing so. Milsim is incredibly fun and incredibly satisfying, but airsoft wise, how do you think people will work up to that point. Other playing styles allow you to get playing sooner and get involved and make further investment gear wise.

Right now I play with a group that has specifically requested that we do not invite anyone from AA, I think that's a bit harsh since I think the problem is, do not invite any hardcore milsim guys from AA who will give you crap about your gear or playing style. Perhaps make up different forums for milsim, copsim, fantasy/counterstrike/gaming style whatever. That would be a start. It would be nice if one day this place represented AIRSOFT ARIZONA, as opposed to just milsim arizona. Until then, I'll only come here for anything related to milsim.
Post by: B00MINATOR on October 14, 2006, 03:05:58 PM
Quote from: "fathamburger"
This is something I've felt for awhile ever since I first started showing up here and the reason I'm not as involved even though now I have opportunity to be.  Even if it is true that milsim isn't "Forced" at games etc, the attitude here is has a prevalent feel of "don't show up at all unless you have full gear, M4 or Armalite" etc. For example I run an MP5 (until I get a proper longgun) + woodland BDU's, am I going to be turned away if I showed up because I'm not wearing MARPAT and woodland isnt issue anymore, and get a real gun you goddamn noob?

I am not against milsim. Milsim is what attracted me to airsoft and is my end goal gear wise. However the way a lot of you carry on,  you might as well rename his place to milsim arizona, not airsoft arizona. That is a decision that might have to be made soon judging by this post. Like people have said, Airsoft are people running around with airsoft guns shooting at each other. You can play copsim, terrorist sim, whatever. Why does milsim have to be exclusive? That would be just as bad as only playing CQB swatsim forever. Wouldn't it get boring?

I prefer to think of Airsoft as the medium, not milsim. I used to do milsim with paintball back in the day when it was underground and our only avenue of doing so. Milsim is incredibly fun and incredibly satisfying, but airsoft wise, how do you think people will work up to that point. Other playing styles allow you to get playing sooner and get involved and make further investment gear wise.

Right now I play with a group that has specifically requested that we do not invite anyone from AA, I think that's a bit harsh since I think the problem is, do not invite any hardcore milsim guys from AA who will give you crap about your gear or playing style. Perhaps make up different forums for milsim, copsim, fantasy/counterstrike/gaming style whatever. That would be a start. It would be nice if one day this place represented AIRSOFT ARIZONA, as opposed to just milsim arizona. Until then, I'll only come here for anything related to milsim.

Very well said.

It may not be AA's attempt to come across as "milsim or die," but it sure does reflect that way most of the time.
Now, I have nothing against milsim or AA, but I think some slack needs to be given.

Just last weekend, I got together with 6 of my closest friends.
You know what we did, we constructed ~80-by-20 foot airsoft "speedball" arena in his backyard and played with nothing more but eye wear, shorts, and a t-shirt.
Let me just tell you, it was LOADS of fun.

I don't think airsoft should lean towards paintball.
However, I don't think milsim should be a required factor.

Why do you play milsim?
The answer is because you enjoy it.
Now, why should this factor be any different for any other form of airsoft...

Post by: KOBO on October 14, 2006, 03:38:03 PM
I have never seen anyone turned away because they didn’t have a specific rifle or camo pattern. There are many different varieties of gear, guns, and camo that are being used when we play, that has never been an issue and I do not believe it will be. There has been time when people show up just putting mags in their pockets. If you look at the rules camp is defined as desert or woodland. We use that to identify teams; do you know how hard it is to tell if a member is part of your team of 30 people when they are not in a distinctive uniform such as desert? Besides color it doesn’t matter if you have chocolate chip, 3 color, or some European desert camo, its all in the desert scheme.

Again, this board was set up with a group of guys that are involved with the milsim aspect. That is the culture of our board. The board has a lot of other information about airsoft in general, but we are a group of milsim players. Now on the boards has it been harsh? Yes it has, but you are voluntarily coming onto this board that supports milsim. If you have another style of play that is great, none of us are going go you your group of guys and say you are not doing it right, but here on our board that is how we play.

Again, come and check out the forums and if you get any information that you are looking for that is great, do not expect us to change the board because you want it another way.
Post by: studdermonkey on October 14, 2006, 03:39:09 PM
Why the fuck is everyone getting so goddamn technical? If you like playing one way, play that way. Fuck whoever thinks you're in the wrong, they won't matter. Not like you've got to deal with them all the time.

I like Milsim because it's more fun, I like playing soldier. Plisken is for PS2 and Bond is for DVD. That's all my opinion. Again, my opinion matters to me and only me. Nobody else. No point in arguing.
Post by: Fish on October 14, 2006, 06:14:29 PM
Quote from: "studdermonkey"
my opinion matters to me and only me. Nobody else.

I think that it's easier said than done.

I showed up to a game, with my AK and drum mag. And I got so much sh!t about it. And I'm not the kind of person who would be effected by that, but that was a lot of sh!t everyone gave me.

"Oh, fish, WTF?? what's up with that f*cking drum mag"
"Dude, is that a f*cking drum mag!?"
"That looks so gay"
*load of dirty looks*
Now I know it wasn't exactly the sexiest gun, but the only reason I got sh!t, is because it wasn't milsim. If the setup could be done in real life, I doubt anyone would say anything.

I must say I enjoy dressing up for events, it's sometimes the funnest part. Reasently I have become very interested in impressions. I do agree though that milsim shouldn't be required, I personaly would prefer it, because I already have gear and it's nice to play with everyone who is serious about the sport. But some people just can't get that, and they shouldn't be excluded from games. Also, I F*CKING HATE THE NEW, "NO HICAP RULE" which is now getting more popular . That's worse than anything else.

Post by: fathamburger on October 14, 2006, 06:28:09 PM
Quote from: "Fish"
Quote from: "studdermonkey"
my opinion matters to me and only me. Nobody else.

I think that it's easier said than done.

I showed up to a game, with my AK and drum mag. And I got so much sh!t about it. And I'm not the kind of person who would be effected by that, but that was a lot of sh!t everyone gave me.

"Oh, fish, WTF?? what's up with that f*cking drum mag"
"Dude, is that a f*cking drum mag!?"
"That looks so gay"
*load of dirty looks*
Now I know it wasn't exactly the sexiest gun, but the only reason I got sh!t, is because it wasn't milsim. If the setup could be done in real life, I doubt anyone would say anything.

I must say I enjoy dressing up for events, it's sometimes the funnest part. Reasently I have become very interested in impressions. I do agree though that milsim shouldn't be required, I personaly would prefer it, because I already have gear and it's nice to play with everyone who is serious about the sport. But some people just can't get that, and they shouldn't be excluded from games. Also, I F*CKING HATE THE NEW, "NO HICAP RULE" which is now getting more popular . That's worse than anything else.


You know, of all the things to be nazi about. A drum mag shouldnt be one of them. I can understand jeans and tshirt, or kids running around bunny hopping like in Quake but seriously, a drum mag CAN be done in real life. There is no reason why there should be some milsim bs drama about it. I know someone irl who has been saving to buy an real steel romanian AK and the first thing he is getting is a drum mag. Why? who wouldnt want more bullets. It may not be the most practical thing weight wise and it may be rare but it *can* be done.

As for the no hi-cap rule, its not the ridiculous amounts of extra ammo that bugs me about them, it's the rattle. Running around with a gun that sounds like you're running around with a big bag of shaker fries attached to your gun is a real killjoy for me, milsim or not lol. Hi caps are better suited for more loose and fun speedball or spray and pray type games though. Everything has their place.
Post by: Fish on October 14, 2006, 06:33:44 PM
I have a feeling this will turn into one of those many "drum mag discussions".

Sorry I wasn't being very specific. I had an AK 47 MAG drum, on a AK74. And that couldn't be done in real life, I would need to get a AK74 drum, which is very rare.
Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 14, 2006, 06:38:00 PM
Thank Bhudda for the Lionclaws Series national milsim events....
Post by: mustremember13 on October 15, 2006, 01:25:57 AM
Quote from: "Fish"
I have a feeling this will turn into one of those many "drum mag discussions".

Sorry I wasn't being very specific. I had an AK 47 MAG drum, on a AK74. And that couldn't be done in real life, I would need to get a AK74 drum, which is very rare.

I hate to slide more into the bullshit, but wake up, kid.  If you go to a fuckin' game that's being put together by OTHER people and you don't like the rules, then leave. That's not people being Nazi-Mil-Sim. It's you not wanting to play by someone elses rules. If you don't like it, run your own damned game!

This is where we must differentiate between this "Forced Mil-Sim", and people who just don't like the way things are run.
Post by: Farslayer on October 15, 2006, 08:42:11 AM
Quote from: "mustremember13"
I hate to slide more into the bullshit, but wake up, kid.  If you go to a fuckin' game that's being put together by OTHER people and you don't like the rules, then leave. That's not people being Nazi-Mil-Sim. It's you not wanting to play by someone elses rules. If you don't like it, run your own damned game!

This is where we must differentiate between this "Forced Mil-Sim", and people who just don't like the way things are run.

Well said.

We all have "agreed" how we want to play and what we want to wear.  We have also agreed that the type of airsoft we wanted to play is of the MILSIM variety.  If you don't like it, take your marbles and go home.

Try showing up at IRENE or LC in your T-shirt and won't get through the gate.  We have decided the same.  

Not for you?  Goodbye then......
Post by: fathamburger on October 16, 2006, 03:08:47 AM
You guys are going more than a little overboard here. First of all, nobody on tihs thread is saying they want to turn up in a tshirt and sneakers. You're making that assumption on your own.

On one hand you have a post from somebody who says no one will get turned away because they don't have a particular pattern and there is a variety of guns etc etc and right after that "a different type of drum mag is bullshit go eff yourself". We can argue all about technicalities till the cows come home, but regardless of whatever your personal poison of "legit" is, it is  this kind of attitude that is the real problem.

So how is a different drum mag unacceptable but someone running around with a "different" kind of gun, P90, FAMAS (love them or hate them) or even a G36 okay? I have to admit I don't know the intricate differences between the 74 and the 47 drum mags but if outwardly they look the same but with a different interface then what is the problem? You're already airsofting, however "legit" you are striving to be, you're running a gun that shoots plastic BB's, there already is an element of make believe whether you like to admit it or not. I don't see drum mags often at stores either, maybe Fish didn't have a chance to get the proper mag for his gun. Sounds like you guys are more concerned with the gear than what type of player the player is.

Personally, if I was to be a real stickler for milsim, I wouldnt turn up wearing old style camo since it is no longer "realistic".
Post by: Uchiha Itachi on October 16, 2006, 10:34:51 AM
Quote from: "fathamburger"
You guys are going more than a little overboard here. First of all, nobody on tihs thread is saying they want to turn up in a tshirt and sneakers. You're making that assumption on your own.

On one hand you have a post from somebody who says no one will get turned away because they don't have a particular pattern and there is a variety of guns etc etc and right after that "a different type of drum mag is bullshit go eff yourself". We can argue all about technicalities till the cows come home, but regardless of whatever your personal poison of "legit" is, it is  this kind of attitude that is the real problem.

So how is a different drum mag unacceptable but someone running around with a "different" kind of gun, P90, FAMAS (love them or hate them) or even a G36 okay? I have to admit I don't know the intricate differences between the 74 and the 47 drum mags but if outwardly they look the same but with a different interface then what is the problem? You're already airsofting, however "legit" you are striving to be, you're running a gun that shoots plastic BB's, there already is an element of make believe whether you like to admit it or not. I don't see drum mags often at stores either, maybe Fish didn't have a chance to get the proper mag for his gun. Sounds like you guys are more concerned with the gear than what type of player the player is.

Personally, if I was to be a real stickler for milsim, I wouldnt turn up wearing old style camo since it is no longer "realistic".

Why the hell are you guys still complaining about this. The person aruging about the Drum mag is 14 YEARS OLD. He can't he play a legit AA game. So nothing he says matters since it's all forum talk. Boominator is in the same league. The rest have never even played an AA game. And I think it is asinine and completly disrespectful to say:

"Right now I play with a group that has specifically requested that we do not invite anyone from AA, I think that's a bit harsh since I think the problem is, do not invite any hardcore milsim guys from AA who will give you crap about your gear or playing style."

Then come here and help stir up an arguement. If you don't like it LEAVE since you aready have. Alot of you are making assumptions and being a little freaken forum trolls.

You see this

OMFG tennis shoes at an AA game. Was I giving shit for it, NO. Did they make fun of me, NO. Did they do anything negative to me, NO. You are assuming all your facts and making wild guesses based on the recounts of other people. Why don't you go to a game then start this asshatery to their faces. This group does represent Arizona. Since they are willing to fork out the cash to travel the nation and play in the big ops. Don't like it? To bad.

As Farslayer said,

"Not for you? Goodbye then......"
Post by: Nil8r on October 16, 2006, 11:47:08 AM
Quote from: "Fish"
Now I know it wasn't exactly the sexiest gun, but the only reason I got sh!t, is because it wasn't milsim.

I've never been on the field with you, but are you absolutely sure the problem with you using a box mag was because it wasn't milsim? You might want to ask some of the guys you play with to speak up, just in case it was one or more of the following:

- lack of trigger control, meaning you're firing in long, extended bursts that are hitting players with far more bb's than necessary?

- the field/area is too small to allow movement under such a heavy volume of fire, thus dragging on scenerios and making the game end in a stalemate (running out the time given for the scenerio)?

- maybe they don't consider you an honorable player that regularly calls your hits, and this is just something else against you?

- no one else had money and/or access to similar equipment, and they felt too intimidated to let you use it?

Again, I'm not attacking you or anything of the sort, I just want to make sure the facts are straight. I've been airsofting for quite a few years now, and have never seen anyone turned away from any local events due to what they're wearing or what rifle they carry.

This hobby tends to lean towards milsim because of the styles of weapons  available, and the areas we play. I know I started wearing BDU's not to be more military-like, but to help me blend in to the areas I was playing and to give me a small advantage. Not to mention it's a dedicated set of "play clothes" to get dirty, wet, muddy, etc. while not ruining a good set of clothes that can't handle the rigors of aggressive play. I wear boots to offer ankle support over rough terrain and to protect my feet, not to look cool.

Bottom line - If you don't like the mil-sim aspects, come up with something better to organize a group of people that like to shoot each other with plastic bb's. I know Tucson players utilze other styles of play occasionally, and I know others that do too. If it's fun, people will show up.
Post by: Fish on October 16, 2006, 03:49:26 PM
I was just using it as an exaple, I'm getting rid of that thing anyway. I wasn't turned down, I was just stating that at the event I was at, those were people's reactions.
Anyway, this was started by a person who who read a few posts and assumed everything. And now that I re-read my post, sorry, it was kind of stupid.
Post by: Vince on October 16, 2006, 04:17:14 PM
Quote from: "fathamburger"
This is something I've felt for awhile ever since I first started showing up here and the reason I'm not as involved even though now I have opportunity to be.  Even if it is true that milsim isn't "Forced" at games etc, the attitude here is has a prevalent feel of "don't show up at all unless you have full gear, M4 or Armalite" etc. For example I run an MP5 (until I get a proper longgun) + woodland BDU's, am I going to be turned away if I showed up because I'm not wearing MARPAT and woodland isnt issue anymore, and get a real gun you goddamn noob?

Woah, dude. You know better than this. I met you. You were cool. You voiced this concern, I said hey man, no, that's not how it is, you should come and have fun as long as you have the requisite gear (an AEG, any AEG and eye protection).

So, summarily, like, wtfever.

Quote from: "fathamburger"
Right now I play with a group that has specifically requested that we do not invite anyone from AA, I think that's a bit harsh since I think the problem is, do not invite any hardcore milsim guys from AA who will give you crap about your gear or playing style.

That's awfully rude. I don't know anybody I play with who will give anybody crap about their gear or playing style. Like, I've got good gear. I know people who don't. They're still my friends. This is baseless, at the least, libelous even.

Other than that, like, all I got to say in this thread is that it's retarded. If you want to hold an airsoft game, post it. Some people here DO like stuff other than milsim. Just because the Official AirsoftArizona games are milsim oriented does not mean that AirsoftArizona as a forum is against milsim. I don't even see how milsim is forced on anybody on this board.

The real players on here wouldn't touch this backyard stuff with a thirty foot pole, so it's a non issue. Not saying that it's any less legitimate, but like it or not, milsim is the flavor, milsim is popular.

For fuck's sake, people.
Title: right!
Post by: Ivan on October 16, 2006, 04:35:52 PM
Quote from: "Vince"
Quote from: "fathamburger"
This is something I've felt for awhile ever since I first started showing up here and the reason I'm not as involved even though now I have opportunity to be.  Even if it is true that milsim isn't "Forced" at games etc, the attitude here is has a prevalent feel of "don't show up at all unless you have full gear, M4 or Armalite" etc. For example I run an MP5 (until I get a proper longgun) + woodland BDU's, am I going to be turned away if I showed up because I'm not wearing MARPAT and woodland isnt issue anymore, and get a real gun you goddamn noob?

Woah, dude. You know better than this. I met you. You were cool. You voiced this concern, I said hey man, no, that's not how it is, you should come and have fun as long as you have the requisite gear (an AEG, any AEG and eye protection).

So, summarily, like, wtfever.

Quote from: "fathamburger"
Right now I play with a group that has specifically requested that we do not invite anyone from AA, I think that's a bit harsh since I think the problem is, do not invite any hardcore milsim guys from AA who will give you crap about your gear or playing style.

That's awfully rude. I don't know anybody I play with who will give anybody crap about their gear or playing style. Like, I've got good gear. I know people who don't. They're still my friends. This is baseless, at the least, libelous even.

Other than that, like, all I got to say in this thread is that it's retarded. If you want to hold an airsoft game, post it. Some people here DO like stuff other than milsim. Just because the Official AirsoftArizona games are milsim oriented does not mean that AirsoftArizona as a forum is against milsim. I don't even see how milsim is forced on anybody on this board.

The real players on here wouldn't touch this backyard stuff with a thirty foot pole, so it's a non issue. Not saying that it's any less legitimate, but like it or not, milsim is the flavor, milsim is popular.

For ****'s sake, people.

f'in A cotton f - in - a.

100% right. now can we all just have fun and play?

Vince FTW
Post by: Farslayer on October 16, 2006, 04:36:56 PM
That's it...I'm locking this thread. :?
Post by: B00MINATOR on October 16, 2006, 05:42:55 PM
Quote from: "Uchiha Itachi"
Quote from: "fathamburger"
You guys are going more than a little overboard here. First of all, nobody on tihs thread is saying they want to turn up in a tshirt and sneakers. You're making that assumption on your own.

On one hand you have a post from somebody who says no one will get turned away because they don't have a particular pattern and there is a variety of guns etc etc and right after that "a different type of drum mag is bullshit go eff yourself". We can argue all about technicalities till the cows come home, but regardless of whatever your personal poison of "legit" is, it is  this kind of attitude that is the real problem.

So how is a different drum mag unacceptable but someone running around with a "different" kind of gun, P90, FAMAS (love them or hate them) or even a G36 okay? I have to admit I don't know the intricate differences between the 74 and the 47 drum mags but if outwardly they look the same but with a different interface then what is the problem? You're already airsofting, however "legit" you are striving to be, you're running a gun that shoots plastic BB's, there already is an element of make believe whether you like to admit it or not. I don't see drum mags often at stores either, maybe Fish didn't have a chance to get the proper mag for his gun. Sounds like you guys are more concerned with the gear than what type of player the player is.

Personally, if I was to be a real stickler for milsim, I wouldnt turn up wearing old style camo since it is no longer "realistic".
He can't he play a legit AA game. So nothing he says matters since it's all forum talk. Boominator is in the same league.

"Not for you? Goodbye then......"

Oh of course.
My bad.
I've never participated in a game of real milsim before because it wasn't AA milsim.

Allow me to make this straight, you sound no better than a whiny 16 year old right now.

I never made any personal attacks against AA.
I was simply expressing my thoughts on the matter.
If you can't respect that, than I'm not the one who needs the maturity check.

Post by: Doc Hollywood on October 16, 2006, 10:32:14 PM
Quote from: "Farslayer"
That's it...I'm locking this thread. :?

like, WHEN???

Post by: Ares on October 16, 2006, 10:52:39 PM
+1 lock
Post by: babybackribs on October 17, 2006, 12:14:23 AM
Post by: GUNFIGHTER6 on October 23, 2006, 09:12:37 AM
I just have to say that I love all the hardcore milsim guys in here who walk around with hi-caps or mid caps, fire full auto bursts that would melt a real barrel, and then bitch and complain about people in non-military clothing.  Here's a fucking solution to all the bitching and complaining put all the players in non-military clothing on one team and call them insurgents.  Jesus chritst I can't believe this thread has gone on for five pages with nothing but bitching and complaining.  Why don't you guys just enjoy the damn game.  Some poeple on here seem to bitch about anything said, especially if it comes from someone with less than 3,000,000,000 posts.  The only thing a high post count proves is that your on the damn internet too much.  You know for people who supposedly dissaprove of paintball so much you sure act alot like them.
Post by: Vince on October 23, 2006, 09:16:35 AM
Quote from: "GUNFIGHTER6"
I just have to say that I love all the hardcore milsim guys in here who walk around with hi-caps or mid caps

The two contradict each other, but thank you for your contribution.
Post by: GUNFIGHTER6 on October 23, 2006, 09:18:31 AM
I'm not really sure what you mean by contract each other, perhaps you were thinking of contradict.  But thank YOU, for your contribution.
Post by: KOBO on October 23, 2006, 09:24:49 AM
Well the thread was on its way out going almost a week without someone posting. Now its back on top!

Post by: Vince on October 23, 2006, 09:25:27 AM
See, you knew what I meant. :)

No thanks is necessary, I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea about what milsim is, that being, no hicaps. Most of the people I know seldomly shoot in full auto anyway.
Post by: GUNFIGHTER6 on October 23, 2006, 09:40:00 AM
Well what you wrote and what you meant were two different animals.  Perhaps a little more grammar, and a little less internet.  Aslo I don't give two shits about hi-caps.  I don't use them.  Also I don't care how old this thread was, I had something to say so I did.  Remember we still have freedom speech, for the time being.
Post by: Vince on October 23, 2006, 09:46:36 AM
Well, to be honest with you, it wouldn't be a grammatical error as much as an error in word choice.

If you want to be rude and snippy, you don't exactly have perfect command over the English language, let alone it's grammar.  

I hope your stay on this board this time is as equally short as all of your others, and that the the magnitude of stupidity your ideas reflect is ever so slightly lessened.

Your friend in Christ eternal,

Post by: GUNFIGHTER6 on October 23, 2006, 09:53:40 AM
Oh was that a feeble attempt at hurting my feelings.  Let me see did that hurt, hmmmm?  No.  Yes my stays at AA are short, but that my dear boy is because I have a life outside the internet.  Yes that's right young people there is a world outside the internet.  I however, would like to thank you once again for your contribution.  May allah be with you as well my brother.
Post by: Vince on October 23, 2006, 09:56:43 AM
I'm driving back from a national op right now. :)
Post by: GUNFIGHTER6 on October 23, 2006, 10:08:17 AM
That proves what?
Post by: Nil8r on October 23, 2006, 10:45:12 AM
Post by: Raith on October 23, 2006, 10:49:50 AM
This isn't really going anywhere.  Locked for now.  PM me if you need something.