Airsoft Arizona

Off-Topic Forums => General Off-Topic Discussion => Topic started by: VanillaGuerrilla on December 17, 2007, 06:53:30 PM

Title: Garmin Rino 120
Post by: VanillaGuerrilla on December 17, 2007, 06:53:30 PM
I just stumbled accross a deal on a Garmin Rino 120 GPS/radio. I've never used gps or many radios for that matter, but I couldn't pass it up.
I couldn't get much (good) info on the net. Anybody got hands on with one of these? Is it a quality unit?
I haven't had a chance to fool around with it, and i'm kind of a any tips or advice would be appreciated.
I guess what I'm really trying to determine is if this sucker is worth keeping.
Post by: Ganef on December 17, 2007, 07:10:41 PM
As GPS goes, garmin is great though depending on the model that particular one isn't the best (though that depends on what you determine as best).

It suffers from a case of trying to be two things in one and not really doing either great. The cool feature that the rhino has is that it sends gps info along the frs channel so that all your buddies (that have rhinos as well) can see your position in addition to theirs. The downside is the radio isn't that great when compared with some of the radios we use and the gps isnt the top either (not much better than a basic etrex).

Read up online about more of your particular units features and give it a try. There are so many gps reviews out there.
Post by: VanillaGuerrilla on December 17, 2007, 08:20:31 PM
Right on, that answers some questions. I really don't like being spoon fed answers...but it seems like most of the reviews/info that I've read are posted by sellers and end in "buy it". I'll keep digging. Thank you, Ganef. If anyone else wants to chip in their opinions/knowledge, it'd be appreciated.