Airsoft Arizona

Airsoft Hardware => AEG's => Topic started by: Salvo66US on September 28, 2008, 02:41:33 PM

Title: Would like your input???
Post by: Salvo66US on September 28, 2008, 02:41:33 PM
Hey guys, I already have more than I need and have told myself not to buy anymore, ... But suppose I was thinking about adding maybe something fresh to the armory... I have mostly CA ( AR15A4, M14, M14Scout, SA58, M249 ) and 1 Echo1 ( M14RIS ). I don't really know much about any other makes... Are KingArms any decent? And what about parts availability? I hear TokyoMarui mentioned often but never see to much in the way of parts for them or am I just not finding the correct avenues to them?  I don't mind the CA's that I have and I'm not too sure about the Echo, it seems to skip a round or two every couple of seconds, I'm not sure if they all do that or just mine in particular, I don't like that though! I just wanted to hear what your thoughts were on other manufacturers?  Thanks!
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Firehead on September 28, 2008, 02:46:41 PM
Den Trinity has KA falls for 242+shipping. Damned good deal if you want a non-AR series rifle, and a .308 weapon. With shipping, it comes to like 300 bucks. I have also heard good things about the FALs(Ganef did a review), though it doesn't matter if you plan on upgrading them. I'd get one if a.) I wasn't strapped for cash b.) the cash I already/am getting have wasn't dedicated to something else.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: satallite on October 01, 2008, 11:49:11 PM
Your Echo 1 M14RIS/EBR is a KART rebrand. Kart is one of the crappiest Clone companies out there. I would take it to your local tech to have it fixed and upgraded.

As for TM, what do you mean "parts for them"? Minus the plastic bodies,TM's are tough. Stock gearboxes can last forever. But once you start upgrading, they tend to go down hill.


G&P- Are the shit
G&G- getting better, better quality control = less lemons on the market.
TM- Reliable
CA- could be better
ICS- 2 piece gearbox is genius, Run a little on the heavy side for their M4s
STAR- Good stuff, Love my UMP and M249
VFC- Good stuff could be better.

this is from first hand or first person observation.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Salvo66US on October 02, 2008, 03:57:40 PM
What I meant by " for them" was that when I look thru some of the webpages and magazines, I never seem to see any listings that specifically say that this or that are for TM's... Maybe I am overlooking them or something. I have heard lot's of raving going on about TM's and thought I would see more accessories/parts for them. With my only experience being with CA, I see in some ad's where they'll say this or that fit's CA, or " insert manufacturers name here " etc... for that matter and just don't see them for the TM's...ah, who knows! I'll keep your list in mind though!  I realize that these things are just our toys, but with all the crappy crap that people will sell just to make a buck, I would like to keep the investment in crap to a minimum if possible!  :-({|=   8)
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: satallite on October 02, 2008, 05:46:47 PM
TM is one of the originals. That is why everything is TM compatible. TM (to my knowledge) created the V.1, V.2, V.3, etc Gearboxes. For internals i would go with G&P, KA, and Systema. if you are looking for actual TM parts, try,, Their overseas retailers but might have a better selection of what your looking for compared to CONUS retailers.

Thank god we live in Arizona, because some of our "toys" are become to realistic for comfort. I.E. WA M4A1 can use real steel parts.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Whiskey11 on October 03, 2008, 07:02:19 AM
Salvo what particularly are you looking for?  What role do you plan on filling with it?  You already have a pretty diverse gun collection.  Are you looking at venturing into G36's?  AK's?  What?  You say you'd like to keep your investments to a minimum, whats your max allowable price tag?

Just some simple questions to get the creative juices flowing so you can helpyourself decide what you want.

Just about anything for a specific gearbox (V2, V3, etc) is TM compatable...  Being the original AEG producer most of the designs of AEG's are based off of their gearboxes, mags, and hop up units.  Some have ventured out of this realm into newer designs and as a result you see some off shoots of parts specific to a certain gun.

What intrests you? ? ?
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Salvo66US on October 03, 2008, 11:59:19 PM
I was looking more for information on different makes/brands that people on the boards here were using and their opinions on what was reliable. I am hoping to find out more about brands other than CA's...  As for the role...I've only been in this for a year and I don't think that I ever thought of a specific role , I was having too much fun just runnin' around trying to make objectives happen!  8)  I don't really have a cap on prices... I have just been burned on "stuff" before and now that I'm in as far as I am, I would like to try and make further purchases maybe not such "purchases on a whim..."    :roll:   I didn't know that TM's were the "originals".
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: XavierMace on October 04, 2008, 12:18:18 AM
I'll always recommend ICS M4's to anyone looking for a solid M4 with features you don't get on other airsoft M4's.  I can get you a discount on one as well if you are interested in going that path.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Whiskey11 on October 04, 2008, 04:48:32 AM
Agreeing with Xavier.  The ICS M4 is an awesome bit of kit.  The only complaint I have with them is their standard foregrip plastics are pretty bleh.  Get the RIS version of their M4 and you are good to go or buy a replacent set of handgrips and no more issues!

I've hit a lot of M4 brands... started off with ICS, switched to CA, then to G&P, now I'm full circle back at ICS again.  There are some things I just cant get over.  Especially the split gearbox, I'm just so glad the only parts I tweak the most are the same parts that take me a fraction of the time to get to then in a standard M4 :)  Their metal bodies are definetly on par with G&P Metal bodies (read: VERY GOOD)  if they would update their hop up unit to a metal one (Xavier were they not going to release one soon?  I'm kinda tired of waiting lol) and update the plastic used in their foregrip they'd be 100% amazing.

G&P Also makes good AEG's.

G&G Also makes good brand of AEG's.  If you alreayd have a stockpile of CA M14 magazines maybe a G&G M14 Vetern would put you into the DMR mode?  Preupgraded to 430 fps with damn good trigger response on an 8.4v battery, wood stock, 6.04 tightbore and a good hop up unit stock!  How can that not intrest anyone? :D  They also make a lot of other good guns.  The general rule of thumb is to avoid 1st and 2nd generation guns (not gearboxes, generations, like the M14 is on the 4th/5th generation now) as these are the ones that usually have issues :)
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Farslayer on October 04, 2008, 07:43:12 AM

Try PM'ing some of the vets with specific questions.  CT guys like Ganef, Vince and Mikey.  Saguaro also has some really experienced guys.  Kobo is also a good guy to ask.

Gadget from AMSOG knows a lot too.  

I don't know crap.

Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: XavierMace on October 04, 2008, 11:30:49 AM
Quote from: "Whiskey11"
if they would update their hop up unit to a metal one (Xavier were they not going to release one soon?

It's going to debut in their FNC which is supposed to happen next year.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: deathbydanish on October 05, 2008, 12:36:49 AM
If money is no object, then why not try a Systema PTW?
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Salvo66US on October 05, 2008, 10:46:21 AM
Man, I knew someone was going to say Systema!  :D  Ok, maybe I don't really have a "cap" on prices although I'm having a "little" issue with "their" prices only because I paid $1700.00 for my "Loaded Package" Springfield M1A and I'm finding it a little hard to swallow on that one.... I appreciate the suggestion, they do offer a supreme piece of equipment!  I'll talk around some more, That's why I posted here, to get your opinions! I can only read so many reviews and have to wonder how accurate they are at times, hence they might be leaning towards the manufacturer...  I kind of like the idea of the split gearbox, does it make it easier to change out springs? I would think so... I have to have metal bodied guns, something about plastic bodies that doesn't agree with me, so I think in the long run that would rule out TM's... I appreciate you guys chimeing in, I would rather talk to you guys, magazines don't answer back!
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: deathbydanish on October 05, 2008, 11:49:01 AM
You might want to talk to Sparrow (Glenn) about his Systema, I know he has the stock velocity cylinder and a higher velocity one. I'm mainly looking into one because of stuff like that, easy change and minimal user maintenance required. I'll eat the price if it means it never breaks.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: XavierMace on October 05, 2008, 02:55:08 PM
Quote from: "deathbydanish"
You might want to talk to Sparrow (Glenn) about his Systema, I know he has the stock velocity cylinder and a higher velocity one. I'm mainly looking into one because of stuff like that, easy change and minimal user maintenance required. I'll eat the price if it means it never breaks.

That's the thing, I've heard too many people have them break and the parts are retardedly expensive, just like the gun.
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Vince on October 05, 2008, 03:07:27 PM
Quote from: "XavierMace"
Quote from: "deathbydanish"
You might want to talk to Sparrow (Glenn) about his Systema, I know he has the stock velocity cylinder and a higher velocity one. I'm mainly looking into one because of stuff like that, easy change and minimal user maintenance required. I'll eat the price if it means it never breaks.

That's the thing, I've heard too many people have them break and the parts are retardedly expensive, just like the gun.

Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: deathbydanish on October 06, 2008, 01:06:34 AM
Does it occur with all generations of Systema PTWs or just the earlier ones?
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: USNSEAL986 on October 07, 2008, 08:00:24 AM
I dont know why you would want to pay $1700 for an airsoft gun in the first place?
Title: Re: Would like your input???
Post by: Salvo66US on October 07, 2008, 03:08:42 PM
The $1700.00 was for "real" steel!  ;)