Airsoft Arizona

Off-Topic Forums => General Off-Topic Discussion => Topic started by: deathbydanish on November 14, 2008, 07:34:42 PM

Title: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 14, 2008, 07:34:42 PM
About 6 months ago, we hired a new student employee. At first he was ok, I got along with him and tried to teach him everything I knew. 6 months later, he is still making stupid rookie mistakes, I'll spare you all the details and say this, he cannot do tasks befitting of his position without extensive supervision. He literally cannot be left alone to do tasks that people who have been here half as long are doing on a regular basis on their own. For some reason he is not retaining any information we tell him, it is pretty much in one ear and out the other. He is used to being rewarded for his failure, he expects everyone else to pick up the slack if he fucks up and he whines and makes excuses instead of presenting solutions for the problem.

As some of you know I sprained my ankle at Balkan Hammer II this weekend, so I took Monday and Tuesday off to recuperate. Anyway I come back and I see that this sad excuse for a worker fucked up four new hire computers. I spent nearly 3 hours undoing the damage he did, 3 hours that I wouldn't need to waste if it was done right in the first place. Then when I approach him about it today, he gives me attitude like I was in the wrong, this shithead literally refuses to take responsibility for what he did, for something that he should know how to do. He cuts me off in mid speech and I pretty much tell him to shut the fuck up and never interrupt me when I am speaking, not ever again. I felt angry enough to reach across the desk and slap the stupid out of him, it took a lot of self restraint to hold it back. Honestly though he has it coming, and I honestly think it would be good for him, it would teach him that his bullshit attitude and pass the buck mentality will not be tolerated. I'm not in a position to fire him, but his shitty behavior is definitely getting reported, and his borderline insubordination is going to be the highlight. If he doesn't get outright fired or demoted, I'll at least make sure he doesn't touch anything in my department ever again.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: Cheeze_IZ_G00d on November 14, 2008, 07:39:02 PM
If I were you, I would simply report the behavior to the appropriate authorities within your company. There is no real point in you getting so worked up especially when you cannot do anything about it directly (firing, discipline, etc.) If he gets fired, he will learn, especially since there will be no other job for him at this particular point in time.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 14, 2008, 07:54:46 PM
This isn't the first time he's done it, he's done it to the team leads for both shifts and neither of them are happy with his performance. In truth his behavior should've gotten him fired almost immediately, one of the previous team leads (who was extremely skilled) got fired outright for arguing with the manager in front of some students and staff. Then I find out that earlier on, he requested a transfer because he wasn't getting along with his previous boss, nor some of the other staff. Whatever the problem is, it isn't isolated to just us and him, he's been doing this for a while and I predict that he will do the same at any other job he gets after this one.

In all likelihood he will not learn from his mistake, he will be doomed to repeat it and he will end up failing school and have to move back into his parents house.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: SARC on November 15, 2008, 12:08:33 AM
Document, Document, and....You guessed it, Document........
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: Raith on November 15, 2008, 12:09:38 AM
Whew... I opened this topic thinking it was going to be about me or something... :P
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: SARC on November 15, 2008, 12:10:56 AM
Quote from: "Raith"
Whew... I opened this topic thinking it was going to be about me or something... :P

YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: oldgamefreak on November 15, 2008, 09:09:02 AM
Dude it's AZ, dump his dead ass and get someone that will do the job.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 15, 2008, 10:20:48 AM
Quote from: "oldgamefreak"
Dude it's AZ, dump his dead ass and get someone that will do the job.

Yeah getting him fired will at least allow for someone more qualified to fill the spot. If he gets demoted, then the guy he's been hassling and bossing around for the past couple of months will probably get promoted. It will definitely be hilarious and I think a small bit of justice will be served by something like that happening.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: Sandy on November 15, 2008, 10:22:44 AM
Well for one, I know this is airsoft and its close knit and everything, but posting on the internet for advice on employee behavior? When you are a shift lead? Come on now...YOU are the boss, YOU are the decision maker.

When I was put in charge of things, I gave people three chances. First time, I understand, maybe you need help. Second time, its a warning but I sill would be willing to help you. Third time is inexcusable is grounds for removal.

Be gone with him. If hes making everyone unhappy, not contributing to the welfare of the business and employees, and hampering efficiency,  get rid of him.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 15, 2008, 11:45:35 PM
Quote from: "Sandy"
Well for one, I know this is airsoft and its close knit and everything, but posting on the internet for advice on employee behavior? When you are a shift lead? Come on now...YOU are the boss, YOU are the decision maker.

This was really more of a rant, I just needed to vent. I seriously wanted to punch him at that point, but of course that would end up in me getting an assault charge. I guess it was more cathartic for me to put my anger and frustration into words instead of breaking this punk's jaw.

I'm not in a position to fire him, but his shitty behavior is definitely getting reported, and his borderline insubordination is going to be the highlight.

Quote from: "Sandy"
When I was put in charge of things, I gave people three chances. First time, I understand, maybe you need help. Second time, its a warning but I sill would be willing to help you. Third time is inexcusable is grounds for removal.

A good policy, unfortunately for this bastard all three strikes were gone a long time ago, this time I am going for the jugular, I'm making sure he gets fired, and is never allowed to work here again.  

Quote from: "Sandy"
Be gone with him. If hes making everyone unhappy, not contributing to the welfare of the business and employees, and hampering efficiency,  get rid of him.

I'm already lining up a buddy of mine to replace him when this asshole gets fired. For once we'll actually have a full roster of productive techs instead of being -1 in terms of manpower every afternoon shift.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: corporalred on November 15, 2008, 11:59:18 PM
where do you work at?
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 16, 2008, 12:09:12 AM
I work at a call center, but for now it is just me and maybe one student employee that takes care of the IT issues.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: studdermonkey on November 16, 2008, 10:24:06 AM
You've got to put his stapler in a bowl of jello. That always does the trick.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: Altered_Soul on November 17, 2008, 09:00:30 AM
Its been said already, very efficiently, but I will say it again.  Write it alllll down in official notices.  He will be long gone if there are things like that.  Its amazing how quickly action gets taken when it is all written down officially rather than by pure speech.  Even though the written document is the same "pure speech" but just done with a pen instead of the vocal chords.  

Get his ass fired dude!
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: Doc Hollywood on November 17, 2008, 11:37:07 AM
Get a bunch of post it pads and write "YOU"RE FIRED" on them and post them EVERYWHERE in his cubicle/office/whatever....

Even if you cant technically fire him it will rattle his cage.  

Can you lighten his schedule a little ?  Like give him the next 3 months off ?  Fuckk with him every way you can and smile.  Loose his paycheck on payday.  Send him out on jobs in Florence.  (It doesn't matter that you dont have anything there.....)  Take him to lunch and get him drunk... order a gin and tonic but replace it with just tonic for youself and let him get trashed.

If all else fails facefuck his wife, girlfriend, daughter (assuming she is at least 18) .....  then let him know you did it ....

Never supervise people unless you have the authority to hire and fire them.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 17, 2008, 12:10:56 PM
Those are some pretty damn funny ideas doc. The guy is pretty much a bastard, he tells the manager that he is only available to work at night now because of classes, which is bull because the guy has maybe 2-3 tops. Apparently waking up early is not in his nature, and working at night means that most of the management staff is gone and this shithead can get away with fucking up.

I am still going to report him, apparently he doesn't understand that even though he does not report directly to me, he doesn't have the right to mouth off without consequence. I'm going to keep it quiet, wait for him to think he is in the clear, and then laugh as he either gets fired or demoted to entry level bitch, where he should've stayed.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: corporalred on November 17, 2008, 01:07:04 PM
Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
If all else fails facefuck his wife, girlfriend, daughter (assuming she is at least 18) .....  then let him know you did it ....

Hopefully Doc, I never piss you off..... 8)
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 20, 2008, 10:33:20 AM
The punk got a talking to by the manager. I can already figure out what he said, he likes to play the victim and try to put a spin on his story. Of course his manager didn't buy any of it, I already know the little bitch is trying to make me out to be the bad guy and tried to get me fired. Sure the guy who does all the hardest jobs and closes the most trouble tickets most certainly has to be the bad guy. What a bitch, the good thing is though he's forbidden from touching any of my tickets or even coming near my department ever again, best of all he has the piss scared out of him. Hopefully he'll leave on his own, otherwise I can always count on him to fuck up bad, then I'll just be there to pick up the pieces.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: Altered_Soul on November 20, 2008, 11:16:03 AM
Quote from: "deathbydanish"
The punk got a talking to by the manager. I can already figure out what he said, he likes to play the victim and try to put a spin on his story. Of course his manager didn't buy any of it, I already know the little bitch is trying to make me out to be the bad guy and tried to get me fired. Sure the guy who does all the hardest jobs and closes the most trouble tickets most certainly has to be the bad guy. What a bitch, the good thing is though he's forbidden from touching any of my tickets or even coming near my department ever again, best of all he has the piss scared out of him. Hopefully he'll leave on his own, otherwise I can always count on him to **** up bad, then I'll just be there to pick up the pieces.

Clearly everything else has failed.

You need to make him eat his parents.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 20, 2008, 01:06:38 PM
LOL that fucker is scared to death of me, in his mind I can never be fired and now he's going to have to watch what he does.

Still though to get him to eat a bowl of chili laced with his pubes would be hilarious.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: corporalred on November 20, 2008, 02:32:30 PM
He wouldn't happen to listen to Radiohead would he? :lol:
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on November 20, 2008, 04:37:36 PM
No, but I think he loves the sound of his own voice, he likes to gossip and bitch about everyone at work.
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: **INFIDEL** on December 09, 2008, 06:12:29 PM
Hell Danish hire me I'll screw shit up for half what he's getting paid... :D
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: **INFIDEL** on December 09, 2008, 06:13:46 PM
Opps just noticed how old this topic was...Oh well
Title: Re: How should I deal with this flippant employee?
Post by: deathbydanish on December 09, 2008, 10:19:07 PM
LOL its ok, I think I'll be fine, in fact I might be getting my own assigned workers and maybe even more money. Everything is coming up roses as far as I'm concerned.