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Off-Topic Forums => General Off-Topic Discussion => Topic started by: usafcajun on March 18, 2009, 09:41:13 PM

Title: The Second American Revolution
Post by: usafcajun on March 18, 2009, 09:41:13 PM ... r_embedded (
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: Vince on March 18, 2009, 10:29:29 PM
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: I-AM-THE-REAPER on March 18, 2009, 11:55:07 PM
A-f**kin-men on this one, stop trying to ruin our country, just accept that we are all americans, and stop callin everyone racist cause your not white, has anyone read that obama forum someone linked on here, theyre trying to ban all the 'racist' sites, but all theyre doin is being extremely racist towards whites while spreading their communist bullshit, they need to stfu and accept that they are americans, and they need to be damn pround of it, and stop trying to start a communist revolution, havent we already lost enough young american lives in korea and vietnam, trying to stop commnism?
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: Fat_Santa54 on March 19, 2009, 06:52:54 AM
Quote from: "I-AM-THE-REAPER"
A-f**kin-men on this one, stop trying to ruin our country, just accept that we are all americans, and stop callin everyone racist cause your not white, has anyone read that obama forum someone linked on here, theyre trying to ban all the 'racist' sites, but all theyre doin is being extremely racist towards whites while spreading their communist bullshit, they need to stfu and accept that they are americans, and they need to be damn pround of it, and stop trying to start a communist revolution, havent we already lost enough young american lives in korea and vietnam, trying to stop commnism?

you do relalize that half the people on the obama fourm are just on there to mess around, one of the fourms is slave repramands....
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: I-AM-THE-REAPER on March 19, 2009, 12:21:55 PM
well yeah i kinda figured, but still, its totally hippacritical(i bet i spelled that wrong) that they're trying to ban all the so called 'racist' sites even though they are the ones truely spreadig the hate, however since they hate guns, when the revolution starts, we will easily win
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: Vince on March 20, 2009, 03:05:20 AM
The revolution won't ever start.

There won't be a second American revolution.

Here's why :

Imagine this country is a now middle-aged man with a wife, kids, car payments and a mortgage.

When it was younger, it was real easy to stay up all night, eat pizza, bro it up in Halo 3 on Xbox Live, raw dog random girls, and play pokers on the Internets in between pretending to go to class and whatnot. It was easy, without any real responsibility, to do whatever it wanted. Felt like going to Vegas tomorrow? Fuck, do it. Awesome.

Now, there's big responsibility. Gotta eat right, exercise, pretend to tell your wife you love her (and then go beat off to w4m ads on Craigslist. Maybe m4m ads. Gross.), help kids at easy math that they suck at, and look forward, to, hopefully, the big piece of chicken for dinner. Have a job you hate that you don't get paid enough for, and a car that needs repairs. Feel like going to Vegas tomorrow? Well, better check the honey-do list, get a babysitter, ask for the time off work, get your neighbors to look after your dog and make sure you have enough in savings to do it.

We have fifty states now (not thirteen), and approximately 303,824,640 people. That's 30,078,639,360 different problems (give or take a couple million if bitches ARE one of some people's) if Jay-Z's math is right.

Do you guys even have any idea what the effects of a Second American Revolution would be on all of those lives?

Whoever's left over would be living in a country completely destroyed, both physically and politically. If you guys think that President Obama has weakened our image since taking office, just think about what a bunch of fags we'd look like after having a completely unnecessary civil war.

Or, hope you are alive to think about it - if you weren't killed during the civil war, the chances of you being killed by Russian or Chinese invaders launching a massive attack in the wake of this war are probably pretty high.

Really, just absolutely preposterous to hope for a second American revolution.

We're just too old for this shit.
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: Fat_Santa54 on March 20, 2009, 07:24:18 AM
^ =D>  I think there needs to be some reform, but not on the level of this. He does make a good point about the race aspect, but thats always going to be there. Obama has greatly increased our image to the world, when people heard america they heard Bush and Iraq, so I think obama "stands" for change (his words) and I hope he can change some things for the good.

I will give him credit where its due, he said he was going to be an action man and get shit done. and well he's doing things, although very rash and in the heat of the moment, at least he is doing something (this is all finincial wise, in terms of reform). My biggest problem with him and most of the current politicians is they are just patching holes, like the scene from vegas vacation where he puts the gum in the leak then another one pops open, then another. Thats what he is doing, without stoping to think "why is there a bunch of water leaking through?". America the best foundation for a nation in the world (IMO), but we build them to big, everyone adds a floor and eventually when something is that big things are bound to break, and the recent earthquake did some damage (hows that for metaphorical =P)

In the end look at america compared to the rest of the world, Europe is one giant cluster of shit going wrong, half of africa lives in shacks in the desert, not to mention the wars. The middle east, communist contries its nothing like america, and austrilia is a bit of a fire hazard. Overall we are still WAAAAAAAY better off than the rest of the world, and we still will be.
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: I-AM-THE-REAPER on March 20, 2009, 10:27:28 PM
Agreed, we are still WAY better off than most of the world, and yes we do need reform, I think Obama might consider what needs to be reformed, but he wont do it, he'll change the wrong things, I'm sorry if anyone disagrees, its what i think.

I really hate to say this cause it might spark something, maybe not, but whatever. I believe that at least 30% of his votes came purely from people who wanted to be 'part of history' and that he got the majority of the minority( lol majority minority) vote just becuase he wasn't white, apparently just cause somethng new, like a minority member is running for president, means that all the politics and beliefs fly out the window, and its left to the matter of, will i be a racist and not vote for the 'black guy', or vote against him based on my political beliefs, therefore being considered racist.

It really dissapoints me, that so many people follow his communistic views,and for those who dont, but just voted for him for the hell of it, its gonna be a cold slap in the face when they realize what they've done(what theyve done, if anything ever happened, like in terms of rebellion, or a communist revolution. hopefully it wont come to that) for all we know, the world may be better off this way, however i strongly doubt it, all i know is I disagree with most of what he says, but maybe, just maybe, he'll be a good president, however, like i said before, i doubt it.

by the way, vince, great metaphor.
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: azsarge on March 21, 2009, 05:16:51 PM
I think that all the folks that squawk about revolution would bitch out come GO-time and cower behind their computers logged onto conspiracy websites.

Buying alot of ammo, seeds, and bottled water isn't how you prepare for a revolution.

That said, it WON'T ever happen.  At least not on a scale like the last one, or to the same effect.
Title: Re: The Second American Revolution
Post by: I-AM-THE-REAPER on March 25, 2009, 11:01:13 AM
Yeah, Sarge, that pretty much sums it up