Airsoft Arizona

Off-Topic Forums => Real Firearms => Topic started by: Paco on April 16, 2004, 08:19:07 AM

Post by: Paco on April 16, 2004, 08:19:07 AM
Very nice...  Hopefully they will do better than "Air America".  I know their funding is 100X better, so hopefully they'll stick.  I'd love to see it result in a turnaround of the '86 MG ban, though I don't think that GUN STORE RETAILERS will "allow" it since they'd lose WAAAAY too much $$ on their $10,000 20 year old M16's.  [:(]
Post by: leakingpen on April 19, 2004, 12:36:10 PM
very cool, and I'll tune in now and then.  As for doing better than airamerica, I doubt it.  Its already set the record for biggest growth of a multistation network (they are going to be up to 28 stations from the original 5 by the end of may) and set records for net streaming, with roughly 100k listeners at any one time.  but hey, heres hoping.
(sorry for the thread jack, but I couldn't stand the bashing.  Brought on by the so called "bounced check" scandal im sure, which has been pissing me off.)
Title: NRA to Launch News Company
Post by: Harley on April 16, 2004, 06:44:33 AM
The nation's gun lobby is creating an "NRA news" company that will produce a daily talk show for the Internet, buy a radio station and seek a television deal to spread its gun-rights message nationwide.,2933,117233,00.html (,2933,117233,00.html)