Airsoft Arizona

General Airsoft Arizona => General Airsoft Discussion => Topic started by: studdermonkey on March 03, 2005, 01:42:57 PM

Title: Lightfighter Tactical!
Post by: studdermonkey on March 03, 2005, 01:42:57 PM
Ok, I made an order from them a bit under a week ago and both of the items were out of stock. They told me they were out of stock because I Asked through an email and they responded quickly. Then, I replied back asking them to cancel that and they didn't respond. I send almost 5 other emails to different addys asking them to cancel. They never responded. I called them 10 times and the message says they're busy.

I go to the bank today to deposit my check, which was $140. I ask for my balance, they say it's $130. I ask "Doesn't that mean I Was overdrawn $10?" And they said yes. I go home and LF has charged me $84, and nothing has been shipped, and the order is still pending. I do the same routine, sending a crapload of emails and calling the two numbers, but nothing happens.

wtf.. what do I Do?!?

I don't think I'll be ordering from them again.
Post by: busta_cap on March 03, 2005, 01:46:58 PM
You sit and wait..Keep calling..This is why I do not deal with lightfighter.
Post by: azsarge on March 03, 2005, 01:48:47 PM
Next time order by phone so you can make sure the desired item is in stock.

I placed an order with Eagle yesterday, and was assured they will not charge me unitl my item ships.  I know that Diamondback does the same, as do other gear retailers.

I'm sorry you had this experience, but don't give up on them yet.  They will help you, just make sure to call first next time!
Post by: studdermonkey on March 03, 2005, 02:51:03 PM
I'm about to explooooode, I'm so angry.

I found a new place.. a bit more money, but they might be better than lf. (

It's got the same site setup and gear as LF, but it's got a special section for the S.T.R.I.K.E. gear, which is super cool.
Post by: RickEJ6 on March 03, 2005, 03:02:24 PM
I have never been charged from lightfighter unless they shipped the products.  I had part of an order that I placed almost a year ago arrive last week, and I wasnt charged until the day it shipped.  Lightfighter is currecntly undergoing a major upgrade of their computers systems, and most of the people who answer their phones are tied down with that.  Next time check if the item is in stock before you buy it. Rick
Post by: studdermonkey on March 03, 2005, 03:19:20 PM
Rick, I've gotten that tip a few times now. Thanks, though.

The thing is, I WOUDN'T be mad, but when I told them to cancel it, I ordered the exact same thing which should be arriving now.. so I'll have two! Anyone wanna buy a brand new woodland Ambush Camelback? :-D
Post by: azsarge on March 03, 2005, 09:52:50 PM
Quote from: "studdermonkey"
Rick, I've gotten that tip a few times now. Thanks, though.

The thing is, I WOUDN'T be mad, but when I told them to cancel it, I ordered the exact same thing which should be arriving now.. so I'll have two! Anyone wanna buy a brand new woodland Ambush Camelback? :-D

How much?  send me a PM, I'll take it off your hands.

By the way, why would you buy that from LF?  There are many places here in town that stock them.

You live and you learn.  I can say from experience that the Tactical Gear industry is one big pool of "upgrading computer systems", and "government contracts", and all kinds of other shit.  The military has alot of money these days, and they are spending it at alot of the same places we do personally.  It makes it difficult sometimes to simply call and order a rig!  I was on the phone with a nice girl from Eagle Industries for about an hour yesterday discussing their RLCS line, and I must say the customer service was excellent.

You also have to understand that most of the money made by these companies is from gov't contracts and bulk orders.  Sometimes, in order to stay afloat, they must concentrate on these orders and give the back seat to individuals.  Moreso if they are civilians.  

Basically what I'm saying is don't expect the red carpet treatment from these companies unless you are a Military/LE person or a gov't agency buying alot of sh*t.  Being an airsofter, sometimes you must be humble and realize your spot in the grand pecking order.
Post by: Ganef on March 03, 2005, 09:55:25 PM
I have delt with them quite a few times, and am currently dealing with the results of a few of their problems. i ordered some things online(stupid) and they were out of stock(duh) and then canceled a few of the items(good) but they canceled my whole order(doh!) so i called and talked to them and tried to work things out, but to no avail. I will just wait untill it either shows up on my door or they fix the computer problems to work things out. One of the downsides is that with most "hot" gear, paraclete, MLCS, Eagle, etc... the things are mostly out of stock everywhere anyway, but that means that they are contiually buying stuff like that. it of course depends on what you are getting but sometimes you just better get in line and hope for the best, like the R.A.I.D. packs and smoke green paraclete upright GP pouches. bulk orders and having a good rep with those companies does help a bit too. also be on the lookout for specials from companies like paraclete or subscribe to the Lightfighter forumn and get enough posts to take part in the high end swap meet, you can get most of the "hot" gear there too, and faster if you are quick with the trigger.
Post by: studdermonkey on March 04, 2005, 12:57:24 AM
I always order my stuff online (such as the STRIKE gear I'll get on my NEXT paycheck :-() because locals don't cary that stuff.. or am I mistaken?

LF seems to be a horrible site to me, nothings ever in stock, and right now (guessing cause of the pc problem?) they don't respond to my emails, and never have the phones up.
Post by: Ganef on March 04, 2005, 01:20:26 AM
I hope that you are not just saying that because you feel embarrased to order over the phone because of your age or civvy status. Lightfighter is a great site, and they provide a great service to a lot of customers, but cut them a little slack, you are going after military items during a war. and lightfighers popularity has outstepped its ability to meet the demands of its customers, and on top of all that they are changing their site and computer systems. Not an easy thing for a company as lage as LF to do. just relax, cut them some slack, shop around and perhaps seek out a replacement to your beloved STRIKE gear. There is so much great gear out there and TT is one of the best compaies I have ever done buisness with and most of their stuff is in stock. cordura is the same no matter how you slice it, though single stich is not a sign of trust in their thread. There is no one stop shop home depot for tactical gear. unless you are a police department and have DBT do all your outfitting. I sat on hold for 20 min for lightfighter and had a good conversation with one of thier stock girls, though nothing was accomplished.
Post by: azsarge on March 04, 2005, 11:21:19 AM
DBT is as close to one-stop-shopping as I've seen.  Short of the supply room, that is.8)

They are a successful company, are up-to-date with their ordering equipment, and have everything you would need to fight.  They literally have pre-packaged kits with everything to outfit 1-12 soldiers.  Down to the socks and underwear, body armor, mag pouches, etc.

I love dealing with them, and since they allow me to pick up my orders, it is never a problem.  I go online, see what I want, call and order/inquire about stock status, then go pick it up.  The girls that work there are world-class and an absolute pleasure to deal with.

Studdermonkey, You might want to check out BattleLabs line from DBT.  The prices are great, and there are some neat features not found on other brands like Paraclete, TT, etc.  For example, their small GP pouch has a double-layer pouch floor (2 layers of cordura instead of one), and the mag pouches have a rubberized material to keep your mags in.  They attach with Natick snaps just like the BPG and SDS stuff, so if you like the Paraclete SOF snap, that will be a compromise.  I prefer Natick snaps to Paracletes system, though.

Check it out!

PS, Battle Lab is made in the USA (Georgia to be exact).  BLACKHAWK! stuff is made in Vietnam.
Post by: Ganef on March 04, 2005, 01:01:50 PM
I have seen some of the DBT battle lab stuff and it is realy cool!, I got my RAV from DBT but you must admit they have a tendancy to have a lot of things out of stock too, especially battle lab stuff, and are a bit partial to the mill-LE community. For good reason though. Be sure to call ahead with them too.
Post by: studdermonkey on March 06, 2005, 03:16:45 PM
Everywhere I call, no-one ever picks up. I swear.. I've called 7 places that have the gear I want and once, someone picked up but I had to go. Then, I Call back the next day and no-one picks up. Same right now.
Post by: busta_cap on March 06, 2005, 03:22:40 PM
Well you should realize it IS sunday and no one works the weekends..If you are going to call the companies, atleast stay on the phone with them. Try DBT and you won't be dissapointed.
Post by: studdermonkey on March 06, 2005, 03:53:50 PM
I'm talking about most days. Not just sunday, busta.
Post by: ocmsrzr on March 07, 2005, 08:38:39 AM
LF'ers cmputerized phone sysyem has been crashed for over a week and they didn't know it till recently.

They just found out about it and a franticly working on getting it back up.

This came at a time when they are in a Software change over on their entire ordering and inventory system.

To add which the owner(Brad Nelson) was out of town for a week dealing with a death in the family.

Hang in there I know they're franticlly working to sort out the phone and computer issues.
Post by: studdermonkey on March 07, 2005, 04:00:01 PM
Ok, I just called LF. I was on hold for about 30 minutes (Now I know why, as OCMSRZR just said), and then was told everything I wanted wouldn't be in for a long, long time.

So, I call Downrange ( ( and they picked up the first 20 seconds and asked what I needed. I told them all that I wanted, and they had PLENTY of all. All in all the standard colors and sizes. So, I baught $100 worth right there, and I'll buy another crapload next weekend.

I suggest Downrange over LF, they've got the exact same stuff, better customer service and more in stock.

I hear great things about LF, but I never get them! Now, Downrange I found by myself and it's great. Someone else, give it a try!
Post by: azsarge on March 07, 2005, 11:59:21 PM
I don't buy from anyone without a GSA schedule unless I have to.

DBT...the place for me!
Post by: studdermonkey on March 10, 2005, 04:51:57 PM
They said the canceled the order two days ago and...

Somehow, the charge for the Hydra popped up and so did the charge, although they responded twice saying they canceled it. Now, I called them TWO HOURS AGO and I'm still on hold. I'm pissed. I don't care what their excuse is, they suck. No way should a person be on hold for 2 hours.

And if that's not enough, they're playing the most overplayed song I've ever heard: Greenday - Boulevard of Broken Dreams!

.. cruel world.
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on March 10, 2005, 06:07:10 PM
Well I prefer walk-in stores myself, you get what you need, and walk out, you don't have to wait a week for it to come in the mail.
Post by: RickEJ6 on March 10, 2005, 07:28:28 PM
All those walk in stores that sell MOLLE gear...
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on March 10, 2005, 09:00:42 PM
Quote from: "RickEJ6"
All those walk in stores that sell MOLLE gear...
Sorry, what's MOLLE gear?
Post by: RickEJ6 on March 10, 2005, 09:08:17 PM
All that nifty modular stuff the cool guys are wearing.  Its all the rage.

It is modular gear that the Army and Marines are using now.  Do a search for MOLLE or PALS and you will come up with tons of matches.  It allows you to customize your loadout to your specific mission needs.  And it looks sexy.

Post by: Greg on March 10, 2005, 09:44:12 PM
Just go look at lightfighter in the vest and pouch sections. You'll see.
Post by: azsarge on March 10, 2005, 09:46:07 PM
Quote from: "Gantaliano Hoff"
Quote from: "RickEJ6"
All those walk in stores that sell MOLLE gear...
Sorry, what's MOLLE gear?


You don't know.  Rick was being sarcastic, but I see it went right over your head.  When it comes to gear, it's MOLLE or it's obsolete.  Simple as that.

Old crap may "work for you", and that's cool (I guess), but guys who know all the latest fashion trends in nylon know it got to be covered end-to-end in 1-inch webbing at 1-inch intervals!  Gucci gear, baby!  Gucci gear! 8)
Post by: RickEJ6 on March 10, 2005, 10:58:03 PM
The man speaks the truth.  Everything else beside a few very well set up vests have been made obsolete by MOLLE gear.  There are still a few quality chest rigs/harnesses out there (HSGI has a few, the South African stuff Tim sells is pretty nice).  But nothing beats being able to customize your gear to your personal needs.  Everything is made ambexdterous (spelling is overrated) by the MOLLE system and if on a certain mission you dont want as many grenades, but want more ammo, pop the grenade pouches off and slap some ammo ones on.  Its really beautiful. Rick
Post by: studdermonkey on March 11, 2005, 12:14:35 AM
Bud, walk-in stores don't have everything, though. ;-)
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on March 11, 2005, 09:02:36 AM
Yeah I know, but I hate having the dumb online stores "out of stock" and having to wait weeks and weeks before I can even order it, stores will just order it for you.
Post by: studdermonkey on March 11, 2005, 10:35:07 AM
Btw, As soon as all my packages come in and I get refunded my $80, ima order more stuff for my vest and post that sexy beast on Bustas thread!

.. I have the vest, no pouches for it yet, but.. I wear it sometimes.. I'm like a 9 y-o on X-mas.. :-D:-D
Post by: busta_cap on March 11, 2005, 02:43:24 PM
Nate I suggest getting the BLCS line of pouches for non mag related. I haven't received mine yet but I will let you know when I do.
Post by: studdermonkey on March 11, 2005, 03:16:23 PM
Too late.


Some pouches are on the way, and others I Was supposed to order yesterday, but this friggin fiasco popped up.