Airsoft Arizona

Airsoft Hardware => Accessories & Gear => Topic started by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 02:21:14 PM

Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 02:21:14 PM
heres whats going on, i want a good set of military issue woodland digital bdus and i dont want to pay $30 for a shirt and $30 for pants (thats just letting someone rob you). ive looked in lots of my usual places but the prices seem too high or the bdus are fakes. does anyone know a good online store selling military issue digital for reasonable prices?
Post by: studdermonkey on March 28, 2005, 03:23:14 PM
Seriously.. $60 is too much for the pair? Quit airsoft right now.. you'll never last.
Post by: busta_cap on March 28, 2005, 03:34:52 PM
He's a thrift-softer. Tis why he will probably spend alot more than needed buying everything two or three times at a low(er) price.
Post by: PHX COBRA on March 28, 2005, 03:45:18 PM
If you want real MARPAT, be prepared to pay about 45-50bux per on ebay.
The stuff for 30bux is just the replica, still quality brand but not Marine issue or accurate pattern.
Post by: andyhinds on March 28, 2005, 03:45:52 PM
Or spend more on shipping than what he saved buying on-line.  $60 for fatigues is CHEAP!  They'll last forever.
Post by: busta_cap on March 28, 2005, 03:50:10 PM
Propper BDU's are 30 a piece, and well worth it. My woodland pair just got here. Damn nice stuff..
Post by: PHX COBRA on March 28, 2005, 03:52:39 PM
Quote from: "busta_cap"
Propper BDU's are 30 a piece, and well worth it. My woodland pair just got here. Damn nice stuff..

I have a few pairs of Proppers, I agree with you every bit!
Post by: studdermonkey on March 28, 2005, 04:15:47 PM
Yeah, I've got bdu's left and right here, you can't walk into a room without seeing a pair.. I don't know why we have so many, it's like going somewhere and saying "hey, those are cool.. I'll get them" but.. it's online sometimes, and others are just plain ol' thrift (surplus) pairs.
Post by: Cheeze_IZ_G00d on March 28, 2005, 05:46:57 PM
Hey man, don't knock the surplus cammies. I think they are great because they are cheap, and nice and worn so they don't itch or anything.
Post by: sNiPeRWoLf88 on March 28, 2005, 06:44:36 PM
Quote from: "busta_cap"
He's a thrift-softer. Tis why he will probably spend alot more than needed buying everything two or three times at a low(er) price.

We're not all made of money.  i can say that surplus and myself will take what we can get, and will not ever spend more than 30 bucks for a shirt or pair of pants.  bdus dont get destroyed and dont need replacing if you know anything about them, and you can always get them for cheap.  I've got tons of woodland bdus that i've owned since 4th grade, worn them constantly, and still are in great condition without any signs of bad wear.  who the hell has bad enough bdu's that actually need to ever be replaced anyways....?  

i mean.... look at all the surplus korea and vietnam stuff we have, thats still in better condition than my, yes, i dare to say.... Propper cotton/poly (60/40) OD jacket/shirt.  and its not even that old (1 year, max).  i just have worn it every time i get cold, which is often.  but yea, the 50 year old warm weather korea era shirt hanging next to it is in twice as good of condition, and i wear it just as often. which goes to show you.... surplus can be a great option and a great buy that exceeds much of the more expensive stuff now a'days.
Post by: Long Trang on March 28, 2005, 06:55:34 PM
Quote from: "Cheeze_IZ_G00d"
Hey man, don't knock the surplus cammies. I think they are great because they are cheap, and nice and worn so they don't itch or anything.

They might not itch, but wait until you start itching because of who had them before you  :lol:
Post by: busta_cap on March 28, 2005, 07:04:42 PM
Quote from: "Long Trang"
Quote from: "Cheeze_IZ_G00d"
Hey man, don't knock the surplus cammies. I think they are great because they are cheap, and nice and worn so they don't itch or anything.

They might not itch, but wait until you start itching because of who had them before you  :lol:
Yeah...Mmmm Crabs.... ;) Hahahahaha...Id laugh if someone got an STD from used surplus shit.
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 07:37:23 PM
propper tru spec and milspec all make crappy bdus, iv had a bit of all of them and none of it is rip stop and all of it fades after washing. call me frugal but 30 dollars for a bdu shirt seems too much. especially since you can get real issue, un used woodland for 10 bucks at savers. if you knew anything about the clinton administration busta, youd know he banned lot sales of surplus to private retailers driving the prices up making good bdus hard to find. im not looking fo 5 dollar hand outs. 45-50 dollars a set sounds pretty good if you know the site post it. otherwise you can stop assuming what kind of airsofter i am because of how much im willing to spend... and please busta learn something about how stds are spread, your ignorance is so painful.
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 08:15:21 PM
your come back sounded as if it came from a hot headed fifteen year old whos mad at life and those who dont share the same opinon as himself... but wait IT DID!

propper and true spec make nice little copies for light use. my buddy sniper wolf only wears his propper jackets around school n such because thier not the most reliable in the field. those bdus will fade and they will tear twice or even three times as fast as military issue ripstop bdus. seeing as you come to very few games they are perfect for you. (nice light duty) but those of us who come to two games a month and countless desert wars in the out back of tucson, tougher materials are needed. maybe im crazy but i got tired of replacing true spec and propper bdu pants after the cinch ties frayed, the buttons fell off and the stiching tore apart in less than a year of moderate use. stop trying to convince me that all these knock off brands produce quality stuff that rivals the real deal it doesnt. real military for reasonable prices thats all im saying.
Post by: Greg on March 28, 2005, 08:36:30 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
propper and true spec make nice little copies for light use. my buddy sniper wolf only wears his propper jackets around school n such because thier not the most reliable in the field.

Hey kid... who do you think makes the issue MARPAT cammies?  :roll:
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 08:43:24 PM
no i saw it was a joke... it just sucked thats all.

im sure there are plenty of people who prefer real military issue to fakes. i cant name one person that thinks the fakes are better than the real thing. without real bdus to copy, propper and tru spec would pobably be making tote bags and moccosins for the elderly.
Post by: Greg on March 28, 2005, 08:45:15 PM

Post by: Greg on March 28, 2005, 08:53:04 PM
Quote from: "busta_cap"
In a firefight, who is going to win, the Green Beret with his Ranger plates on his m4 mags, or some jihad with his ChiCom and AK mags? Hahahaha :lol:

You were right until you said this.. The US soldier would still win even if the gear was switched around here. All the cool gear in the world won't make you win a fight. ;)
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 09:16:57 PM
(in a civilized voice) bdus are made for the military, if bdus are being made by companies not contracted by the dept. of defence, and are not held to the same rigid specs as military issue bdus they are in fact fakes. its like buying a pair of oakleys in mexico, it says oakley and it is a pair of sunglasses but they are crappy and not the real thing.

on a differnet note, can some one please reccommend me where i can get issue digitals for cheap?
Post by: Firehead on March 28, 2005, 09:21:28 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
on a differnet note, can some one please reccommend me where i can get issue digitals for cheap?

no such thing.
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 09:32:07 PM
well i guess that solves the problam then doesnt it.
Post by: Raith on March 28, 2005, 10:17:55 PM
I removed a number of posts from this thread.  Keep it civil.
Post by: Lightning_Man on March 28, 2005, 10:20:47 PM
Quote from: "USMC-Greg"
Quote from: "busta_cap"
In a firefight, who is going to win, the Green Beret with his Ranger plates on his m4 mags, or some jihad with his ChiCom and AK mags? Hahahaha :lol:

You were right until you said this.. The US soldier would still win even if the gear was switched around here. All the cool gear in the world won't make you win a fight. ;)

1. Don't call them "Green berets". They are Special Forces or SF. Refering to them as Green berets shows a lack of knowledge, so now you know.

2. Yeah Greg is right. When I was still shooting competitively I would regularly outshoot people with $5k rifles with me $900 AR15. Gear can be a help, but it is no substitute for brains and training. Gear does not make the soldier.
Post by: busta_cap on March 28, 2005, 10:21:30 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
(in a civilized voice) bdus are made for the military, if bdus are being made by companies not contracted by the dept. of defence, and are not held to the same rigid specs as military issue bdus they are in fact fakes. its like buying a pair of oakleys in mexico, it says oakley and it is a pair of sunglasses but they are crappy and not the real thing.

on a differnet note, can some one please reccommend me where i can get issue digitals for cheap?
Some specs that the government calls rigid makes me laugh my ass off..Yes ISSUE may be great for some stuff, surplus is also a different story because alot of surplus is the crap that got rejected by inspection(hint why its so cheap sometimes). I will stick with my propper's any day over surplus. But unless you join up, where are you gonna get issue BDU's? I mean, TRUE issue.
Post by: Firehead on March 28, 2005, 10:27:30 PM
I have craploads. I can get the stuff no problem. Where do you think I got all my BDUs from? I certainly didn't pay for them.
Post by: Lightning_Man on March 28, 2005, 10:29:21 PM
Well, once the supply chains filter down those of us with access will be able to go buy them on base.

As for the price, last time I purchased BDUs on base I think it was about $40/set so if you think you are going to find the new digitals, when they are in short supply, for less than $60, forget it.
Post by: Airsofter1 on March 28, 2005, 10:31:44 PM
Surplus man, MARPAT woodland BDUs are still new to the world.  Those $10 woodland BDUs you got have been around for ages.  Thats why those are so cheap.  When MARPAT has been around that long then maybe the price will go down to what you are willing to pay for them now.
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 10:39:11 PM
40 bucks a set sounds pretty sweet, i could go down to dm or ft wachuka and look in thier base store or whatever. ill look into it
Post by: Kurn on March 28, 2005, 10:41:43 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
40 bucks a set sounds pretty sweet, i could go down to dm or ft wachuka and look in thier base store or whatever. ill look into it

Don't you have to be in the military to go into a base?
Post by: Surplus man on March 28, 2005, 10:48:07 PM
nah i got a friend who has a pass she could check it out for me.
Post by: TimW on March 28, 2005, 11:01:26 PM
Quote from: "Raith"
I removed a number of posts from this thread.  Keep it civil.

I didn't realize that mine was anything but that's what happened?  Man, this place is getting to be as bad as ARFCOM.  :lol:
Post by: busta_cap on March 28, 2005, 11:02:56 PM
Quote from: "Lightning_Man"
Quote from: "USMC-Greg"
Quote from: "busta_cap"
In a firefight, who is going to win, the Green Beret with his Ranger plates on his m4 mags, or some jihad with his ChiCom and AK mags? Hahahaha :lol:

You were right until you said this.. The US soldier would still win even if the gear was switched around here. All the cool gear in the world won't make you win a fight. ;)

1. Don't call them "Green berets". They are Special Forces or SF. Refering to them as Green berets shows a lack of knowledge, so now you know.

2. Yeah Greg is right. When I was still shooting competitively I would regularly outshoot people with $5k rifles with me $900 AR15. Gear can be a help, but it is no substitute for brains and training. Gear does not make the soldier.
I said it because I get tired of saying SF or special forces for some reason. Most don't even know that Green Beret's are in fact SF.
Post by: azsarge on March 29, 2005, 01:00:00 AM
We need to change the name of this forum from AA to ADD.  You guys are so erratic with your posts, it's like reading four threads in one!

Now, to answer the original question:  You will be very, very lucky to find Genuine MCCUUs for less than 60 dollars.  Check ebay every now and then, and you might get lucky.  If you will settle for good knockoffs, expect to spend about 60-75 dollars new.
Post by: sNiPeRWoLf88 on March 29, 2005, 01:34:38 AM
well, I may be wrong here... but if you dare to check pawn stores with lots of clothing, you can always stumble on BDU's.  And as it seems, most of those BDU's are issue BDU's that ex-servicemen are discarding because they've been sitting around in a closet forever.  I mean, i'm pretty sure the BDU's  i have are all issue because they've mostly come outta those stores and have been around for me for years and years, and are all just a bit different in material that a lot of the new stuff I see guys out with.

And yea... I have a friend (old neighbor) who got me some BDU's when I was younger from the ANG years and years ago.... and I know they're issue.

So getting older issue patterns isn't really to hard to get.  Its just the new stuff.  I mean, not 2 years ago all I saw photos of in magazines and in the paper was of solders in 3 color.  No MARPAT to be seen.
Post by: Surplus man on March 29, 2005, 11:32:37 PM
the quest has ended, i have found my website of choice and ill be purchasing tomorrow.
Post by: azsarge on March 29, 2005, 11:34:24 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
the quest has ended, i have found my website of choice and ill be purchasing tomorrow.

Care to share the details?
Post by: Mooncruiser on May 16, 2005, 09:30:58 PM
This stuff is heavy and lasts for a long, long time. Combat Cloth BDUs from Brigade Quartermasters.

Probably not the cheapest place, but the stuff wears. I have a few sets that lasted over 5 years of outdoor abuse.
Title: Base access
Post by: Bullseye on May 17, 2005, 10:03:05 AM
Quote from: "Kurn"
Quote from: "Surplus man"
40 bucks a set sounds pretty sweet, i could go down to dm or ft wachuka and look in thier base store or whatever. ill look into it

Don't you have to be in the military to go into a base?

1: Active Duty Personnel - or -
2: Dependants of above

can purchase at a Base PX/BX Commissary

Access to Military Installations are reserved for Active Duty, Reservists/NG, CAP, Federal DoD Civil Servants, and DoD Contractors (like me...)
Post by: studdermonkey on May 17, 2005, 10:13:06 AM
Quote from: "USMC-Greg"
Quote from: "busta_cap"
In a firefight, who is going to win, the Green Beret with his Ranger plates on his m4 mags, or some jihad with his ChiCom and AK mags? Hahahaha :lol:

You were right until you said this.. The US soldier would still win even if the gear was switched around here. All the cool gear in the world won't make you win a fight. ;)


Then why am I buying all this gear?

Title: Re: DIGITAL!
Post by: Reaver on May 17, 2005, 12:50:51 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
heres whats going on, i want a good set of military issue woodland digital bdus and i dont want to pay $30 for a shirt and $30 for pants (thats just letting someone rob you). ive looked in lots of my usual places but the prices seem too high or the bdus are fakes. does anyone know a good online store selling military issue digital for reasonable prices?

$30 a piece is the best price I've found, and I'd be suprised if you really found anything less.  These are brand new on the market, so you ain't gonna see 'em cheap.  ;)
Post by: andyhinds on May 17, 2005, 02:28:09 PM
If you live in Tucson go to the swap meet, there is always a guy there selling used BDU's, probably really cheap.  Just wash them a couple of times before use.
Post by: azsarge on May 17, 2005, 06:07:22 PM
I guess you guys missed this:
Quote from: "Surplus man"
the quest has ended, i have found my website of choice and ill be purchasing tomorrow.

Post by: GUNFIGHTER6 on August 26, 2005, 01:59:39 AM
Quote from: "Surplus man) bdus are made for the military, if bdus are being made by companies not contracted by the dept. of defence, and are not held to the same rigid specs as military issue bdus they are in fact fakes. [/quote

I have worn Genuine issue miltary BDU's, quite a few pair actually, and found them to be no better or worse than any of the ones found in surplus stores.  They last according to how you care for them.  They all fade, and they will all rip.  Longevity really shouldn't be a concern for airsofters, since you don't wear them daily, so buy what you can afford folks.  As for rigid military specs....thats a great laugh.  Thanks.
Post by: azsarge on August 26, 2005, 08:49:40 AM
Quote from: "GUNFIGHTER6"
Quote from: "Surplus man) bdus are made for the military, if bdus are being made by companies not contracted by the dept. of defence, and are not held to the same rigid specs as military issue bdus they are in fact fakes. [/quote

I have worn Genuine issue miltary BDU's, quite a few pair actually, and found them to be no better or worse than any of the ones found in surplus stores.  They last according to how you care for them.  They all fade, and they will all rip.  Longevity really shouldn't be a concern for airsofters, since you don't wear them daily, so buy what you can afford folks.  As for rigid military specs....thats a great laugh.  Thanks.

Not necessarily a factor of QC, but the all-cotton ripstop DCUs I bought faded and ripped faster than anything I've seen.

BDUs are sooo "out" right now, ABDUs are where it's at! ;)
Post by: Firebert on August 26, 2005, 01:26:52 PM
I cant believe I just read 3 pages of this??   A couple swap meets and pawnshops.  :idea:  Try doing a simple web search for bdu.

Propper makes and ISSUES BDU's to the government.  If you look at the tags in what you are all calling ISSUE you will see a small note that says something like "made by Propper for the US government." not on all but on quite a few.  ALL of my issue BUD's are Propper.

Also BDU's come in as many fabrics as they do patterns.  You need to look at the materials and decide what will work best for you.  

Check out ( If you don’t like Propper that’s fine, I don’t really care.  Everyone has their own opinion.  On their site they list different fabrics and what you can expect from them.  They have a flat $6.99 shipping and good service.  I have ordered from them and am happy with there service.  The BDU' start at $19.95 and I think the most expensive is $24.95 with the exception of the fireproof stuff.  

My $.02 take it or leave it I could care less.

Oh and if I have to say it.  Yes they have digital.
Title: I got a set of ACUs
Post by: RangerBob on August 26, 2005, 04:51:50 PM
Not for cheap :(

I looked around for a long time, and the only digital sets I found were in the normal BDU patterns, just digital fabric.
If anyone wants a set of ACUs, I can give them the website.  I dont recall off the top of my head right now is all.

Also, SF are green berets, they've been called green berets ever since, you guessed it...They wore a green beret, to jump on someone for using that term as opposed to "Special Forces" is quite quite silly.
Title: Re: DIGITAL!
Post by: pythonline on August 26, 2005, 08:11:59 PM
Go surplussing...

I dont know if you'll find digital, but if you get the actual used stuff its like $6 a piece.
Post by: Surplus man on August 26, 2005, 10:57:21 PM
... I bought the digital i originally started this thread for, then i sold it. This thread is long dead and ressurecting it wont make me think any more highly of after market bdus, seeing as the ones i got from true spec were twill material and started fading and fraying after one wash. If its not issue i wont wear it...thats just my preference though.
Post by: azsarge on August 29, 2005, 08:57:58 PM
I don't have one pair of BDUs from PROPPER.  I had 8 sets, 2 temperate and 6 EHW.  I haven't seen any issue BDUs come out of a CIF in AZ, Ft. Jackson, SC or Ft. Eustis, VA. . . ever.

That said, I know very well that PROPPER makes BDUs, DCUs, and even MCCUUs for the Corps.  I just don't have any myself.

Surplus Man, the TruSpec garments I have owned showed the same early signs of wear as you described.  Incidentally, they sell uniforms to the gov't under the name "Atlantco."  I have some of that stuff, and it is fantastic.

This isn't an issue of what brand and what kind of quality as much as it has to do with who get's what.  The gov't will always get the best of the products, while the stuff for public sale might be SI or have other minor imperfections as well as lower QC stds.

Overall, Propper is GTG.  Thier 100% cotton shit is all I wear in the summer months.
Post by: Greg on August 29, 2005, 09:43:44 PM
Quote from: "Surplus man"
... I bought the digital i originally started this thread for, then i sold it. This thread is long dead and ressurecting it wont make me think any more highly of after market bdus, seeing as the ones i got from true spec were twill material and started fading and fraying after one wash. If its not issue i wont wear it...thats just my preference though.

Faded digitals look better and work better as camo anyway- and you probably won't ever wear the real digitals long enough to fade them.