Airsoft Arizona

Arizona Game Discussions => General Airsoft Game Discussion => Topic started by: Reaver on September 16, 2002, 01:02:13 PM

Title: October 13th, Operation Sunscreen
Post by: Reaver on September 16, 2002, 01:02:13 PM
------------- FLASH TRAFFIC ---------------
-------- UPDATED INFO AS FOLLOWS -------
Operation Sunscreen

Date: October 13th
Location: Red Rock, AZ
Time: 0700 (fall in at 0630)
Situation: A corporate espionage team has acquired a prototype Strategic Area Denial Mine. This prototype S.A.D.M. is a 2 megaton equivalent Neutron device. The team that took the device had engine damage and their helicopter was forced to ditch near Red Rock, AZ. According to satellite intelligence, the team has created a defensive position in the ghost town of Sasco. Intelligence reports that they have radioed for reinforcements and pick-up.
U.S. Delta Force detachment is charged with the duty of retrieving the package and capturing the team if possible. Extermination if necessary. Capturing the package is of the utmost importance. Explosives will not be issued as massive collateral damage of the ghost town must be avoided. The team will be air dropped via Blackhawk transport near the Sasco entrance. According to intelligence, the espionage team littered the area with anti-personnel mines on the east and west sides of the ghost town. This will force the Delta team to move up the road. Utmost caution must be maintained. Once Delta team has secured the package, they will head back to the rendezvous point for pick up. Photos of the area can be found at (
The secnario will be a mil-sim style engagement. Try to use realistic ammunition requirements (this will not be enforced as many of us still don't have multiple mags). NO BLIND FIRE! This is especially important in the CQB area where BB storms can quickly build up. Medics will be allowed along with the appropriate rules for them. Delta will need to have an EOD specialist that will carry the "bomb" when captured. The team needs to protect the EOD specialist. Delta will be on the attack, while the espionage team defends. Once Delta captures the prize, they need to make it back to the pick-up zone. Call surrender at less than 10 feet... please. Eye protection mandatory. Mask protection recommended. Respawn zones will always be 100 feet back from the line of engagement. Downtime for respawn will be anywhere from 2-5 minutes depending on how many people we have showing up. Both sides will have a designated referee. Bring red rags as well.
Any questions? Did I leave something out? Please let me know.


Edited by - reaver on 09/30/2002  2:23:53 PM

Edited by - reaver on 09/30/2002  2:25:49 PM

Edited by - reaver on 09/30/2002  2:52:03 PM