Airsoft Arizona

Off-Topic Forums => General Off-Topic Discussion => Topic started by: studdermonkey on May 05, 2006, 10:52:23 AM

Title: "What would you do if.." (Video)
Post by: studdermonkey on May 05, 2006, 10:52:23 AM
Question from arfcom. "If you were in that restaurant and witnessed this happening and you were carrying concealed, what would you have done?" ... reason.wmv (
Title: what..
Post by: Ivan on May 05, 2006, 11:24:54 AM
Implement the OODA loop...

I would have tried to get  good cover, assess the total situation, line up a good shooting angle, scream " stop! get on the floor now!! stop!!! I will shoot!! and pray that one of the punk bitches still tried pulling a gun so I could put him where he belongs - in a wooden box.
Post by: Raith on May 05, 2006, 11:25:19 AM
Obviously anything we say at this point is after the fact and with hindsight.

Hard to say... There are 4 of them, and only one of you.  You know one is armed, but you don't know about the others.  You don't have any responsibility to do anything at all, but at the same time, your ability to protect from immient fatal danger extends to other people as well.

We'd all say "Well I'd have stopped the fight."  But the reality may be different.
Post by: Lightning_Man on May 05, 2006, 11:37:00 AM
I am with whacker except that I would add "call911" into the plan. I part so that if I had to shoot there would be tape of me giving them a chance. That said, disparity of force rules would probably mean you could simply open fire in there, no warning needed.

As for there being 4 or them, I am pretty sure I can drop 2-3 before they have any idea wtf just happened, the 4th be to busy wetting his pants to fight.
Post by: -MAD- SARGE on May 05, 2006, 11:42:50 AM
I agree with Matt.  Also In that video I dont know if when the guy pulled the gun out if it was at all visible to the people around the area. At least until he fired on the guy. People may have not known the full extent of the immediate threat.  I aslo dont know how fast it all happened. It could of been 30 seconds or longer, can't tell cause they dont show the whole tape. 30 seconds is a long time and at the same time very quick. Depends on what mode you're in.
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on May 05, 2006, 11:47:26 AM
Well mikey would just bust out some Bruce Lee moves...

But I think, if I was armed, I would still be very hesitant to use my weapon. Not because I wouldn't want to hurt them, but you have to remember collaroral damage, possibly to other people in the area. Wacker probably said it best, find cover before you pull it out. But like lightning said, make sure someone else knows before you take matters into your own hands.
Post by: studdermonkey on May 05, 2006, 12:08:31 PM
Quote from: "Raith"
Obviously anything we say at this point is after the fact and with hindsight.

Hard to say... There are 4 of them, and only one of you.  You know one is armed, but you don't know about the others.  You don't have any responsibility to do anything at all, but at the same time, your ability to protect from immient fatal danger extends to other people as well.

We'd all say "Well I'd have stopped the fight."  But the reality may be different.

I would do the exact same thing I said "+1" to on arfcom..

"It's a trick question. I wouldn't be eating there in the first place"
Title: woulda shoulda coulda..
Post by: Ivan on May 05, 2006, 12:15:41 PM
ok. heres a question for y'all.. how many of you here have actually had a situation similar or had to draw down on someone? how many of you have actually had to shoot someone in real life?  If so.. how many years has it taken you to stop having bad dreams or sitting awake at night running it through your head how you coulda done it differently? it's been over 10 years for me, and It still rents space in my head.
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on May 05, 2006, 12:22:56 PM
There's been multiple times where I've been present at a fight or brawl (fortunately no guns were involved) and I saw a friend was in trouble, and just by instinct jumped in and saved him from getting beat to pieces. You can't prepare for a situation like that. It's all based on what you've done in the past to get yourself to the right mental and physcical condition to be able to improvise logically. Me? I work out ( a lot), trained in martial arts, stay in athletics, etc. We all have our ways.
Post by: Firehead on May 05, 2006, 12:27:52 PM
It may not have been a clean shoot....

Establish good cover with a good field of view. Pull my pistol, and yell for them to stop, if they fail to stop I would open fire. I'm sure I could get it justified becuase I was attempting to save a third party. It might have been fun to jump in with a knife and cut a few people though.
Title: knife
Post by: Ivan on May 05, 2006, 12:32:16 PM
LMFAO  - I can see that too.. Ian with a friggin knife.
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on May 05, 2006, 12:36:34 PM
Good ol' Ian. Gung ho to the end. What do they feed you infantry dudes?
Post by: Firehead on May 05, 2006, 12:38:22 PM
Quote from: "Gantaliano Hoff"
Good ol' Ian. Gung ho to the end. What do they feed you infantry dudes?

Mostly MREs.

It would have been a big knife, but it would have been VERY messy.
Post by: Airsofter1 on May 05, 2006, 01:44:04 PM
MREs are the primary food source of active duty infantry.  Ian is only a tampon, he gets to eat McDonalds mostly.
Post by: studdermonkey on May 05, 2006, 01:49:05 PM
Quote from: "Airsofter1"
MREs are the primary food source of active duty infantry.  Ian is only a tampon, he gets to eat McDonalds mostly.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

But he gets a bonus every month.
Title: Re: woulda shoulda coulda..
Post by: Lightning_Man on May 05, 2006, 01:58:17 PM
Quote from: "whacker55"
ok. heres a question for y'all.. how many of you here have actually had a situation similar or had to draw down on someone? how many of you have actually had to shoot someone in real life?  If so.. how many years has it taken you to stop having bad dreams or sitting awake at night running it through your head how you coulda done it differently? it's been over 10 years for me, and It still rents space in my head.

I have had to draw my weapon all of 1 time in the civillian world and the "situation" ended immediatly. In fact I seem to recall the guy (who wanted to use his 100 pound girl friend for a bunching bag) wetting himself.

As for killing people, yeah it changes your life forever.
Title: Re: woulda shoulda coulda..
Post by: Firehead on May 05, 2006, 02:24:51 PM
Quote from: "Lightning_Man"
As for killing people, yeah it changes your life forever.

Changes theirs too!
Title: ian
Post by: Ivan on May 05, 2006, 02:56:33 PM
Ian; How did they prepare you in the military for (possibly)  killing people? I know when I was in military school, it was sort of implied but never directly addressed.
Title: Re: ian
Post by: Firehead on May 05, 2006, 02:58:22 PM
Quote from: "whacker55"
Ian; How did they prepare you in the military for (possibly)  killing people? I know when I was in military school, it was sort of implied but never directly addressed.

They drove it into our mind that its kill or be killed. They were sticklers on ruthlessness in combat.

When we trained they would harass us; "You're going to end up on the fucking internet getting your head cut off, you dumb fuck!"

"Some fucking Hadji is going to have his way with you, Private!"

"You fuckin' retard, you are going to die!"

They encouraged that you not think about what you are doing, or what you are being told to do, and just do it.
Title: wow
Post by: Ivan on May 05, 2006, 03:03:41 PM
wow, that's hardcore but true straight to the point. Kudos to the Army not to sugarcoat it.
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on May 05, 2006, 04:03:11 PM
You gotta love the way those army guys talk too. ;)
Post by: Farslayer on May 05, 2006, 04:39:36 PM
Well you never know what you are going to do in moments of extreme's like being a tube of toothpaste, when you get squeezed what ever is inside is coming out.

Oh, I've noticed there's been a lot of F-bombs being dropped on this thread!  Let's keep it friendly..
Post by: Vince on May 05, 2006, 05:09:42 PM
This thread fuckin' sucks.
Post by: studdermonkey on May 05, 2006, 05:14:44 PM
All my threads do.

ETA: Then again, it's the wrong forum for it anyways.
Post by: Vince on May 05, 2006, 05:16:55 PM
Shut up, we totally just had this conversation in PMs. Your intent was was the unfortunate contribution of others.
Post by: gixser13 on May 05, 2006, 05:32:49 PM
Quote from: "Vince"
Shut up, we totally just had this conversation in PMs. Your intent was was the unfortunate contribution of others.

So, no one is entitled to an opinion or any input here but you :roll:
Post by: deathbydanish on May 05, 2006, 05:42:36 PM
God that was senseless, why do people get all riled up from accidental contact? You just say you're sorry and continue on with your business as usual.

If I saw this happening of course I would step outside and call the police, even with a gun I wouldn't instinctively go for it first, for me it'd be a last resort if the attack were to be on my person.
Post by: Gantaliano Hoff on May 05, 2006, 06:28:18 PM
Quote from: "Vince"
Shut up, we totally just had this conversation in PMs. Your intent was was the unfortunate contribution of others.

Well we're glad that you set the perfect example for contributing effectively to nice threads like this...
Post by: Vince on May 05, 2006, 06:40:23 PM
Not so much nobody else can have their own opinion, but there's some truly laughable responses in this thread -- this is basically a "let's all be Internet tough guys and blow eachother". I'm all for self-policing, the protection of self, and the protection of others, but I'm pretty sure a) this won't happen to anyone in this thread b) the "ideas" put forth in this thread wouldn'y do any good and c) the people putting these "ideas" forth in this thread wouldn't actually execute them.

This is an airsoft board, and while this might be the off-topic forum, this is DEFINITELY not the place to find people who shoot people, aside from the, maybe, 3% of the people in the Military or Law Enforcement nor does anyone here have nightmares about shooting people. Except Ivan.

So, basically, this thread, if summarized, could be as such; an excuse to blow ourselves and talk about how cool and prepared for armed conflict we all are.

Post by: Firehead on May 05, 2006, 06:50:11 PM
So....'re saying I wouldn't try to fuck someone up if I saw this happening?

Granted, you're right. This may not, and probably won't happen to anyone on this board, but he did call it "what you would do if..."
Post by: gixser13 on May 05, 2006, 06:57:46 PM
Dude I have already come to the conclusion that 92% of the guys on here are Mall Ninjas,

 So what let them talk about whatever on here. I would rather them do thier tough guy talk and blow each other on here, Then when We are at a game and suppose to be watching my six

Its all a part of the is Meterosexually world we live in now
Post by: studdermonkey on May 05, 2006, 07:03:39 PM
This was sooooo the wrong board to post this in.

I think everyone should shut up. My fault for posting something off topic.
Post by: funkylover1010 on May 05, 2006, 08:58:51 PM
well, some people might say tipical 14 year old, but if i had a concealed weapon (gun) wiht me, id do what an officer would normaly do and try to stop it. and if that didnt work, id do what a racist cop would do to a black guy and beat the living shit out of those 4 guys
Post by: Vince on May 05, 2006, 09:04:03 PM
Aaaaand point proven.
Post by: taz on May 05, 2006, 10:07:08 PM
Personally i would mind my own business. If it were myself of anyone close to me (family,friends) it would be game on. I don't think i could shoot someone if they were not putting myself,family, or friends in danger.

Ian, I think your all talk no action. You don't have the balls to shoot someone at close range much less stab someone. Wake up from your dream world!

Nate, this was a good topic, it makes people really think about these types of things. It happens more than we would like to think.

And i agree with Benn, everyone needs to watch the F-bombs around here. If you want to use them all the time go to another forum.
Post by: gixser13 on May 05, 2006, 10:19:03 PM
I think it was a Great Topic, Wrong Forum Maybe.
Vince If you think it wont happen. Then Bang your already a target, My Brother in law has had a gun pulled on him TWICE and he is your average Joe.

Like Scott said If felt my family was in danger. Then I would shoot to kill to prevent my family from being hurt or killed'

Yes I have my CCW and I know my rights.
Post by: Farslayer on May 05, 2006, 10:25:28 PM
One of the founding members of SWAIRTAC was washing his car at a carwash and had two thugs rob him at gunpoint.  It was the ONLY night he had decided not to take his side arm with him.  
The cops busted the dudes who did it sitting on a porch in the Projects down the street...the gun turned out to be a Crossman CO2 BB pistol.  The guy I'm talking about would have double tapped those dudes in a second...I think someone was praying...not for him...but for those two fools who rolled him.  They'd be dead.
Post by: Firehead on May 05, 2006, 10:27:27 PM
Quote from: "taz"
Ian, I think your all talk no action. You don't have the balls to shoot someone at close range much less stab someone. Wake up from your dream world!

Doubt me all you like, I could do it. I'm tellin' ya.
Title: posts
Post by: Ivan on May 05, 2006, 10:40:53 PM
you all can thank vince for gaying up this thread. It was a great "what if" thread. And Vince you can have all the ideas and speak your mind - it is afterall a free country. But we should all remember that you speak of what you know based on reading and others stories rather than actual experiences or actual first hand knowledge.  So my advice to you is to STFU once in a while.. if you haven't got anything good to say.. don't say it. Im breaking that rule right now cause I feel it needs to be said.
Post by: gixser13 on May 05, 2006, 10:52:35 PM

I been biting my tongue as I know many others have been also,
Vince you have Finally over step your bounders, Go play God in your own little world(you know what I referring to) This is Airsoft Arizona Not Vince Sends Show

I also see you never step up to a challenge that was thrown your way. This shows me a lot about your character
Post by: azsarge on May 06, 2006, 12:47:51 AM
Considering those who've posted on this thread [with a few exceptions], readers should take the preceeding info with a giant grain of salt.

Some of the responses thus far are laughable, but some are simply scary.  Considering the [lack of] training some of you have, actually responding in the manner described in your posts would no doubt be the cause of more violence than is necessary.

"Hero" is just another name for someone who gets other people killed.  Who they are and where they are at the time determines how the response will be viewed by others.

I've always felt a little sorry for the guys who didn't cut it in one way or another for military/police life, spend thousands of dollars on gear and training just to compensate in their boring civilian lives, and end up as vigilantes in the public eye.  Everyone can contribute in one way or another; how we choose to do so represents what kind of character we possess.

But, to answer the question, I'd have never gone to that restaurant in the first place.  There isn't a goddamn bucket of fried chicken on the planet that's worth my life!
Post by: Lightning_Man on May 06, 2006, 12:53:36 AM
Post by: studdermonkey on May 06, 2006, 01:32:30 AM
Quote from: "azsarge"
Considering those who've posted on this thread [with a few exceptions], readers should take the preceeding info with a giant grain of salt.

Some of the responses thus far are laughable, but some are simply scary.  Considering the [lack of] training some of you have, actually responding in the manner described in your posts would no doubt be the cause of more violence than is necessary.

But, to answer the question, I'd have never gone to that restaurant in the first place.  There isn't a goddamn bucket of fried chicken on the planet that's worth my life!

Bingo. Which is why my response wasn't "I'd pull an MI3 on their asses", instead it was.. that it was a trick question. And I'm sure every one of the guys in here that said they'd do something about it failed. It's exactly what your answer was, the right one.. None of us would have been there in the first place. Situation awareness.

ETA: Vince never crapped up the thread. He said exactly what I was thinking (of my own thread), but.. just didn't want to say it. I'm sure many other of your guys' 'idols' were thinking the same thing.
Post by: Airsofter1 on May 06, 2006, 10:03:57 AM
All this witty banter could have been avoided and I wouldn't have to sift through 3 pages of BS if everyone actually took in what the inventor of the TIE fighter said:

Quote from: "Raith"
We'd all say "Well I'd have stopped the fight."  But the reality may be different.

Off-topic or not, this is ultimately an airsoft forum.

I think some of you guys are taking this a bit personally.