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Messages - Recruit Moates

Pages: [1]
Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: need gone soon
« on: September 12, 2010, 05:16:58 PM »
sorry can't get the pics to post but pm you're email and i can send the one i have

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / need gone soon
« on: September 08, 2010, 10:12:22 PM »
i'm not getting out of airsoft just need some money
i have a cyma m14 with a scope riser, battery, 4 mid caps and 2 metal high caps
i also have a kjw sig with one mag
both work great just hard up right now
pm for pictures
$200 takes the lot

Quote from: "azcrazie"
Quote from: "Recruit Moates"
We're wondering if we could get a list of approved melee weapons

Any foam weapon such as a pool noodle, nerf sword, or something that is foam that dose not havea solid core. This means you cant stick pvc in a pool noodle. The reason for this is safty, in addition having a soft cored weapon allows you to curve it around corners. I hope that helps.

awesome thx

this sounds like a blast and at least three of us from Team Mugin will be there. Two as xenomorphs and one undecided. We're wondering if we could get a list of approved melee weapons. thx and looking forward to the game  :twisted:

Other items for sale... / Knight's Dagger $50 obo
« on: July 21, 2010, 12:27:57 AM »
Decorative knights dagger with stainless steel blade and sheath.
Only opened for the pictures $50 obo

this game was a blast! the difference in pace from normal games was awesome. anyone that didn't have fun because you didn't shoot at all or because you didn't have anything to do that's your own fault. i got bored a few times so i raided the PRA, then later killed a couple for no reason and at the end robbed my teammate for $10,000. There was plenty of fun to be had you just had to create it yourself sometimes :twisted:
Long live the Cartel!

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: Possible new field!
« on: May 28, 2010, 01:36:15 AM »
Quote from: "zachbusch"
really now! the whole damn thing is a catch 22 !  if you dont notice that after hearing this speach the first time than you must be a thick headed commie!!!  :evil:

uhm, what?

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: Possible new field!
« on: May 27, 2010, 08:08:40 PM »
hey guys i appreciate the feedback so far but don't worry about the legal stuff, we're obviously going to look into that. that's why the post says possible new field, right now we're just looking more for how much interest there would be in this location and maybe somethings you'd like to see at this field. thx

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Possible new field!
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:10:06 PM »
Hey everyone, just wondering my team is in the works of getting some land 5 acres to be exact out just south of maricopa and was wondering if there would be anyone who would be willing to come play out there. It will be privatly owned so no trouble from cops. Its just in the works right now but please give us some feedback to see how many ppl would go out there.

hey guys my buddy posted that Amatho would be coming but unfortunately he won't be able to make it. Sorry about the short notice, lookin forward to the game tomorrow.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: JG G36K FOR SALE
« on: March 29, 2010, 09:12:14 AM »
i'm half asleep so i may have just missed it but how much are you asking?

Hey i'd love to buy the whole kjw and crossdraw vest combo

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