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Messages - Nixtwiz

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Spring Power!! / Re: Airsoft GI G700
« on: August 23, 2010, 10:20:29 PM »
As soon as you see it in stock add it to cart. You can place the order when its out of stock but you cant add it to cart when its out of stock. (I know from experience lol)

Spring Power!! / Re: PDI hop up for L96. Won't turn "off"
« on: August 23, 2010, 06:06:43 PM »
Quote from: "VICTORIOUS"
try heavier BBs.
I use .40g and sometimes use .43g. Any heavier and they'd be metal ;)

Spring Power!! / Re: Following bb's at night when sniping
« on: August 23, 2010, 05:15:36 PM »
Quote from: "axisofoil"
Learn to adjust for wind without watching your impact, or tracers work well.
I could try that, but it seems a lot easier just to use tracers.

Quote from: "axisofoil"
a large flashlight wouldn't be a great choice as it would give away your position.
I know. But at the same time, a 500 lumen light would make it difficult for people to even look in my direction. I think a flash-bang grenade is 600 lumens. 500 would still be blinding.

Quote from: "axisofoil"
I'd say just get a good aeg and play a different role at night. Bolt action is a tough role in airsoft at night.
That's true, but that's why I'm doing it. I'm up against a bunch of aeg's that my bolt action can out range by far.

Spring Power!! / Re: PDI hop up for L96. Won't turn "off"
« on: August 23, 2010, 05:06:33 PM »
No you don't understand, I have screwed them in as far as they go, but the hop up is still 'on.' And they can fall out the other side, because the length of them is shorter than the distance the arms can move up. And the arms can't possibly give any less pressure at this point (they are squished up against the outer barrel). yet it still curves insanely high.

Spring Power!! / PDI hop up for L96. Won't turn "off"
« on: August 22, 2010, 10:21:24 PM »
First off, I realize I just posted question (tracing bb's at night), but this is a completely different question that I need help answering.

I bought a PDI hop-up chamber for my L96. Its a great looking peice of work. My only problem with it, I can't seem to turn the hop-up 'off.' I have screwed the screws in to the point they almost fall out of the other side of the hop up chamber, and the arms are being pushed up as far as possible, but my shots still curve up at a 75 degree angle by about 50 feet with .40g bb's. I thought about cutting the clear rubber part (hop up nub is what I've heard it called before) pushing on the bucking in half, but I just wanted to be sure I wasn't about to do something stupid.

Spring Power!! / Following bb's at night when sniping
« on: August 22, 2010, 10:13:44 PM »
I am a sniper. I use the AirsoftGi G700 (outstanding gun btw). I ran into a problem the last time I airsofted. The field's time is set up so half of the time it is light out, the other half it is dark (the times are from 6 to 9 pm). I ran into the problem that I could not see where my shots where going. There was a slight breeze so not being able to see the curve of my shots at night became a terrible problem. I came up with a few sollutions, what should I do?

1. This cheap, yet good quality AEG:

2. A 500 lumen flashlight so I can see my shots (and probably blind my enemies at the same time haha)

3. .25g Glow in the dark bb's

Using this to light them
^It is a mock suppressor that senses when the bb enters it, and flashes the bb much like a camera flash, but all the way around. the flash would be so fast it wouldn't be as easy to see my location as a 500 lumen light, and I would be able to follow the glow of the bb until it hits the target. Would look pretty cool too lol.
The only problem is I have to buy this barrel attachment part for the gun:

4. CO2 Mac10 and upgrade the barrel with a longer, 6.01 tightbore barrel. Basically turn it into a small, accurate assault rifle that shoots 16-20 bb's a second.*:IE-SearchBox&oe=UTF-8&rlz=1I7TSHB_en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=10103928213219275466&ei=WANyTIKNMo2ksQP2sfz8Cg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCMQ8wIwAg#

Spring Power!! / Re: Airsoft GI G700
« on: August 22, 2010, 09:58:00 PM »
I have this gun.


I guarantee this is the best sniper rifle you will possibly get for that price. With my experience, its perfectly accurate. On a day with no wind, there is absolutely no curve at all. The gun shoots at least 200 feet. And the fps is amazing for the price. Its worth every penny. I use .40g bb's. I'd suggest .36g because they come in white (.43g are black, .40 are tan, I've used both. They are hard to see when its not noon on a clear day) and the gun shoots fairly accurate with the bb's it comes with, which i assume are .20g.

Its very difficult to pull the bolt back to the point it catches at first (I called airsoft gi because i thought the gun was broken) but after about 100-150 shots or so it becomes very easy. I got a bruise just from cocking it repeatedly the first day I got it (shot at least 50 shots). As for the bolt handle, it depends how you pull it. I got blisters pulling it under hand, but it didn't bother me at all pulling it over hand (except I had to use 2 hands to do it for a while).

As for the fps, it is high. Though I airsoft at Disruptive in Marana where the limit is 550 for bolt actions. You could always change out the spring if you wanted to lower the fps.

The only problem I've had with it is I have to push the mag in every time I pull the bolt back for the bb to load. I seem to be the only one with that problem. I don't mind it at all though.

Bottem line, whether you are a noob or a pro, this gun is the perfect spring airsoft sniper short of $300. Plus, its pre-uprgraded with almost all the upgrade parts you need for it. The stock has a nice texture to it too.

I don't currently have the money. I have about $50 and for a Well/UTG version its about $150 at my local airsoft store (Disruptive). The higher end version of the gun is $2-300 I think.

Yes I do.

I think I know what the problem is. I think my outer barrel is loose and wobbles when i shoot. When I took the gun apart the first time I did no notice a small grub screw that holds the outer barrel from unscrewing off of the gun. I stripped half of the threads on it. I bought the gun used with no instructions or anything so yeah..
I might just buy a new gun and put my upgrades in it again.

But the thing is, I also have the front of the outer barrel rubber-banded tightly to the stock so it doesn't move.

It kinda did this before that happened though.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: UTG L96
« on: July 14, 2010, 11:26:48 PM »
Ok. I'm not saying I was going to buy (I'm in Tucson not Phoenix).
Just wanted to have that in mind in case mine breaks any time soon.

First off thanks for being serious.
I use .28g bb's and they sometimes do this. I'm not sure if the barrel is flexing or something. I use .43g bb's too. Because of the color they're hard to see however. The ones I can see seem to be directly on. And I will try cleaning it. Might be the problem. Recently had a bb explode in the barrel and never actually cleaned it with some cotton and silicon. I'll try that though.

And as for the duct tape, it can't be that, because it doesn't do this in one direction. The direction constantly changes. The consistency at 60 feet is about 1/5 shots are perfect with .28g.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: UTG L96
« on: July 14, 2010, 11:48:22 AM »
Evike sells a lot of these, they are under the name Type 96 however.

On topic:
would you take $100 for it?

I've set this gun up and made sure it didn't move at all but it still does this.

I have an upgraded Well MB01 L96.
The bb's don't curve, but they go straight in different directions.
My upgrades are:
Madbull 6.01mm AEG type tightbore barrel
Guarder 70% hop up bucking
PDI Type 96 Hop Up chamber
Piston, Spring, and Spring guide upgrade set
and i duct taped parts of my barrel and put the barrel spacers on it to reduce the barrel flexing.

Any ideas why it would do this?

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