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Messages - SniperX

Pages: [1]
Hi my name is Tom.
i have 2+ years expierience in paintball but i saw some movies of airsoft and it looked cool as it simultated real tactics and live action.
I have read the FAQ and went through many of the other posts.
Now can someone explain somethings to me...

1) Where is the Feb 8 meeting? Badgers springs ? wheres that?

2) Do i have to be 18+ to enter or can i be there with an adult?(15 years old)

3) I need to buy a gun, but as one of the posters here said im to poor just to buy one and not like it... So if i brought some bb's will some of u folks let me shoot ur guns and if i screw them up i will pay for repairs [:D]

4) Do Airsoft guns reqiure cleaning/maintence like paintball guns do?

5) Ive heard the airsoft store,(forgot name-51st ave..etc) is the only one in phoenix.. can u buy guns / upgrades theer ? do they have a field to play games? can u rent guns?

6) are these guns more reliable like paintball or just cheap crap.. i dont wanna pay 300+  for a gun and have it break in a couple of days ... i.e. are they metal etc?

7) I dont get how u get out ? in paintball u have a splatter mark here u have nuthing how do u tell... i know it prolly hurts but what if no one sees u do u go out ?

8) does it hurt more/less than painball? is it better?

Ok thats it lol sry for all this guys but i just wanna make sure this is for me .. im a very BIG gun enthusiast and i wanna actually shoot and stuff with em..

thx for ALL ur help guys and email me mods and send me all the paper work for the feb 8 thing

ohh wait one more Q are the bb's plastic or metal?
thx lots bye


General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: February 04, 2003, 08:58:40 PM »
Hey guys where exactly is sasco? i live in phoenix.

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