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Messages - SittingDuckno.1

Pages: [1]
Wassup Airsoft AZ?!

I'm an Air Force ROTC student at ASU. They basically don't teach us any tactics at all until field training, but I have learned some basic team movement and MOUT tactics here and there, and a little through training with the Army cadets. Dream job is an Intel officer or OSI agent; I'm learning Arabic and speak some Farsi so intelligence and counterintelligence is pretty much the best route for me to go. Both jobs are very competitive though so I've been focusing on grades and training. Because of this, I haven't been able to play Airsoft nearly as much as I wanted to. However, I plan on getting more involved in the sport pretty soon since I'm doing great in school.

I joined this forum because I'm looking to join a quality milsim team, learn some more combat tactics, and get into more private games. I owned a G4 up until recently and plan on picking up a VFC MK18 within the next month. I also pretty much ran all ACU and ABUs until recently when I started switching to special forces inspired kit. (Woodland, multicam, DCUs etc.) Anyway, I'm glad to finally join this forum and can't wait to get more into the airsoft community!

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