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Messages - The Dude

Pages: [1]
Gas Powered Guns / Opinions on the Tanio Koba HK VP70 M...
« on: July 08, 2004, 05:00:01 PM »
Okay... what's the story on the VP70? I'm a total fan of this particular gun and of the movie that made it famous... Aliens. Used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps, this sidearm was futuristic and I always wanted one. Even when I was seven, eight years old. Now, it's finally available as a GBB. So... anyone got one? Is it tough to get? Is it rare? Are there any reputable dealers that I can get this gun from without completely ruining the look of it as far as trademark removal is concerned? Lemme know what y'all think,
The Dude.

Gas Powered Guns /
« on: July 08, 2004, 04:31:00 PM »
I own two Maruzen MP5 Ks and love 'em both. Got 'em used... two for two hundred bucks. For their weight, you'd figure they'd be a little more powerful. But that doesn't matter, really, 'cause they're nice guns... great for display, backyard shooting, etc. Although I've put VERY few rounds through them... I can honestly say they're pretty good for CQB and they're quite loud. Which I dig. Rate of fire is nuts, man. I thought my gun was broken and spraying out way too many BBs. I thought the same when the guys at Airsoft Extreme let me try out my MP5 SD6 before I bought it. :D

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: June 30, 2004, 12:41:31 PM »
I chose to pop a couple of warning shots off with my 1911. Of course, a shotgun is much better suited for home invasions. The second badguys hear the "CHICK-CHACK" of that pump-action, they'll s**t themselves. At least... that's what a gun-shop guy told me.

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