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Topics - Lasivian

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Accessories & Gear / Just tore apart 5 radios...
« on: December 13, 2005, 07:43:56 AM »
To cut away the bottom of that damn "musical call" button, heh.

Let me know if you can carry 2 more, we'll pay towards gas and bring food.


General Airsoft Game Discussion / Snippets from the Dec 10th game.
« on: December 10, 2005, 04:59:07 PM »
The most important thing I learned was to make sure you take your death rag off your head before starting another round (thanks for letting me know I still had this thing on guys, heh)

Interesting things I heard:

"Is she your girlfriend?"
"No, she's my daughter"

"Those are dummy rounds"
*pull a bullet out of one and find it's a live round*
"Damn, I paid extra for those"

"Where is the ammo dump?"
"You're standing in it"

General Off-Topic Discussion / What's your favorite holiday song?
« on: November 28, 2005, 08:50:38 PM »
For me it's

Trans Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve in Sarajevo


Bob Rivers Comedy Group - Wreck the Malls

General Airsoft Discussion / AO Location info wanted (All locations)
« on: November 12, 2005, 09:38:28 PM »
I'm looking for any maps or hard info you guys have of the AOs and meets we use to make a decent info site.

Hand drawn, Mapquest, google, assessors site, GPS coords, anything.

You can send it to


General Airsoft Discussion / No more meet and caravan for me
« on: November 12, 2005, 11:57:25 AM »
I've had enough of the "caravan from the meeting palce" idea.

Let me relate a little story why.

Today we all met up at the Conoco and head out from there at about 7:30, we're all on FRS channel 4, and i'm behind a blue jeep to the front and a silver truck to my back.

The front 3/4 of the caravan is cruising along through the hills at around 75. Well sorry, my old dodge has a tough enough time doing 55 up those hills (If you want to complain about this I suggest YOU pay to buy me a new car). All I heard on the radio tho was "Tighten it up", well to me that would seem to indicate that the first person in the caravan needs to slow down to keep everyone together, since the whole idea is to try and make sure nobody gets left behind.

But eventually the silver truck behind me and the car behind him pass me.

We get close to the sunflower turn and we notice "aren't those our guys heading back the other way?" So I jump on the radio to find out what's going on.. dead air.. try to raise anyone.. dead air.. finally I hear "*crackle* four peaks *crackle*".

Of course by this point we're a good 5 miles behind everyone else, I can't raise anyone on the radio and what's worse, not me, nor stormfire nor our passenger has any idea where the Four Peaks AO is.

So we head back down, and after 2 1/2 hours of trying to find the group (all the while trying to send out calls on FRS channel 4 and getting no answer) we head home.

This isn't a new issue, someone seems to get left behind each time we go out, but nobody seems to want to do a damn thing about it, I just hear "Oh, make it to the meeting place and you'll get there".

Frankly the next time a game goes down you'll see me at the AO, not at the "meet and greet". And i'll be posting Maps and directions on the thread, along with signs at the turnoffs.

If you're paranoid and don't like that, tough luck, i'm sick of people getting left behind.

Check this out.

I find Issue #2 especially worrysome.

Troubleshooting / KJW Ruger NBB "Luger style", Stiff/No action
« on: November 09, 2005, 09:11:53 PM »
I have two of these pistols, one ended up getting heavily coated in dirt at the last game, to the point of not firing & not dropping the clip.

Not a big deal I figured, i've been doing light gunsmithing on real guns for years.

Disassemble (Down to the last pin), clean with silicone, check all the moving parts during reassembly against all the parts in the other "cleaner" pistol (Seems to look and move fine), try the action.

Really REALLY stiff, (IE. takes 2 fingers to make it fire).

So I figured maybe I used too much silicone. Diassemble both, dry/polish completely and reassemble. All the component parts seem just fine.

Till it's fully assembled, then it's either horribly tight or won't fire at all.

There's probably something i'm missing here, any ideas?

(I'm 100% certain they're assembled properly, and there is no dirt left in them)


Accessories & Gear / Hydration Pack
« on: November 05, 2005, 06:08:10 PM »
I had a Platypus

In my vest as a hydration pack. But it sprang a leak today.

Seems the plastic got folded and the rough fabric in the vest rubbed aganst that point to make a tiny hole.

Curious what you guys would recommend that's tougher.


Accessories & Gear / Looking for camo clothing suppliers.
« on: November 03, 2005, 04:20:36 PM »
Trying to find long-sleeved collared shirts in camo patterns.

(IE. something like a BDU shirt that doesn't wear like a potato sack on me)


AEG's / Removing the stock from an M4 Classic Army
« on: November 03, 2005, 04:00:21 PM »
Is this easily possible? It appears to be threaded, but i'm not sure it those are functional threads or just show.

Any info would be helpful before I break the thing, heh.

That style BTW.

Do like I did and make it run on 2 AA batteries, heh

I drilled a hole in the battery cover and made a false battery out of a big chunk of pencil eraser and 2 thumbtacks. I then soldered wires to the thumbtacks and ran them out the battery cover. Last was to stick a battery pack on the side of the gun.

The wiring is a little sloppy, but it gives me some slack to eventually stick the batteries inside the forearm. (2 AAA batteries would work too, but I couldn't find a sealed box for those)

I shouldn't need to change the batteries for, oh.. a year :)

General Airsoft Discussion / Scope rails & Clamps
« on: November 01, 2005, 10:06:52 PM »
Does anyone know where to get a basic clamp for use in building your own rail-mounted accessory?

(IE, just the lower half of a normal scope ring without having to hacksaw a ring in half)


General Airsoft Discussion / Cabelas coming to Glendale?
« on: November 01, 2005, 01:49:51 PM »
Supposedly Cabelas is putting in a store north of the Coyotes Arena, (on the north side of Glendale Avenue).

Has anyone heard anything about this? Only info I can find is nearly a year old. They were supposed to break ground in summer of 05.

If it does go in it should be a hell of a place to get gear.

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Phoenix game, 11/05/05, @ Jomax
« on: November 01, 2005, 08:41:50 AM »
Tenative, the following people are going:

JesseJamesMcGuire +1
Phx Falcon (Dad)
Phx Falcon (Son)
Me (Tan)

I'd like to have 6+ or so if I can swing it.

Standard minimum age of 16 with a full facemask, 18+ can get away with goggles/safety glasses.

Game switched to Jomax (107th and hatfield).

We will be meeting at the Circle K at 107th and Union Hills, we'll head out for the AO at 7am sharp. (If you're late call me at 623-215-5555 and we might just wait for you).

New AO fell through, State Trust Land :(

I think Sunday i'm going to go exploring and check a few new places out.

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