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Topics - Rangersparky1284

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself! / It came from the desert...
« on: January 24, 2006, 01:12:18 AM »
I'm an intimidating 5'4", US Army medic. Recently eligible to legaly buy a drink, though I've been defending my right to it for almost 3 years now. I travel and explore often, recently returned from the playground which you all know as Europe. Speaking of traveling... I did my time in the 'Ghan, but nothing much to brag about in the way of actual combat. I'm not a pogue, yet... I'm working on that. We just didn't have much activity... Haji didn't want a piece of all the heat we packed. In my spare time I enjoy Batlefield 2, Axis and Allies, chess, other strategy games, some tactical sims, reading: strategy and tactics, military hist., gurilla warfare, etc. I'm not boasting anything about being some super-expert-quasi-human-ask-kicking-machine because, to be honest, I'm quite an amature airsofter. However, since I basically played Army laser tag (M.I.L.E.S.) for the last 2 years, I can confidently smack-talk any "M.I.L.E.S. heros". Tucson is my home town, meaning I don't live here full-time, but rather I touch base about once a year to visit the family. Part of my job in the Army is tactical education and awareness, thus if anyone would a brief education on combat field tactics, basic theatre combat strategy, or basic combat medicine... I would be happy to oblige. I don't offer any certification, but you get what you pay for (hint: sarcasm... I don't charge, but that doesn't mean I don't have usefull info). I probably don't have much to offer the seasoned "combat" vets here, but I specialize in squad and platoon level tactical operations. On the other hand, as a medical profesional I have a personal belief in sharing my knowledge with anyone willing and interested; in this area I specialize in emergency medical care, i.e.battlefield injuries

I hope to get to know many in the airsofting communty here. Those of you who get to know me will learn I can be quite silly at times, but can quicky change to a very serious manner. I'm polite and take my job seriously, but I have fun with it at the same time. "Mission First; Soldier Safety Second." [smilie=armata_pdt_06.gif] Oh, geeze... I wrote a friggin novel. Oops, so much for a brief intro.

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