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Topics - Otterking

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Discussion / CYMA v ICS?
« on: June 29, 2006, 10:24:18 AM »
I recently purchased this ICS mp5 ... hp?t=10119

And my friend recently purchased a hundred dollar CYMA Mp5, and we've been testing 'em out.

His is more accurate, and hurts waaaaaaaay more. Do you think there's something wrong with my ICS, or is CYMA crazy good deal? :x

Introduce Yourself! / Well, hello there.
« on: April 03, 2006, 11:05:17 PM »
Hello, all.

I'd like to introduce myself, I've been reading posts on this forum for a couple weeks, and thought I'd like to get active, or at least introduce myself, to the community.

My name is Andrew, I'm 19 years old and I live in Sierra Vista, which is a small town, about a two hour drive away from Tucson.

I enjoy reading the posts here, the community seems to be a good one, and the game seems really interesting to me. I hope to learn a lot from everyone.

I don't really have a big budget, and I've ordered a $30 electric rifle. In Sierra Vista, we don't have any arenas or fields or anything for airsoft, so I can't really rent one to try out, but I'm hoping this $30 rifle will give me a decent feel of what the game can be like.

This also brings up another problem, though. The closest "big" city is Tucson, two hours away, so that's not really convienent on gas or time, as well as it'd be hard to schedule for us, to play a small game, and we wouldn't even know where to look there. I've brought up the idea of playing in the woods near our town. Would you advise against that? The only thing my dad told me was "make sure you stay out of hunting areas."

There's about 15 of us in Sierra Vista, that want to start playing casually with some cheaper equipment, but if we do like it, we'd like to get more serious about it. Everyone is already excited, I'm the only one who's made a purchase so far (which was pretty minimal), but I figured maybe I could ask a couple questions before everyone else starts putting out money.

Thanks a lot guys, sorry if my grammar sucks or if the questions are bad. I've tried searching the forums a few times  :cry:

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