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Topics - djmtott

Pages: [1]
General Airsoft Game Discussion / Commitment to safety
« on: January 05, 2008, 11:23:56 PM »
After seeing a few things at the last few games I've been to, and after reading reports of games I've missed, I thought it would be worthwhile to start a thread in regards to the safety aspect of airsoft.

I'm not trying to cite specifics or to spotlight any people or incident in particular, but it seems that the airsoft community here on this board has slipped in some regards to safety.

I've heard and read stories of people pointing weapons at others without eye protection, recklessly shooting in the staging area, knowingly hosting games where it is prohibited, and I can't remember the last time I've seen a safety briefing (although admittedly I don't attend as much as I'd like). I remember my first few games people would ask who has never been to a game before, and then we'd have a safety brief. I haven't seen that in a while, and I contend it should be done each and every time no matter the experience of those in attendance.

Maybe I'm worrying too much, but I hate to think of what would happen if someone got hurt at one of our games because we've gotten too complacent about safety. Also, even if I'm wrong it's better than not saying anything.

In the end I'd just like to ask everyone to honestly think about their own conduct and ask yourself if you're doing everything you can to make this hobby as safe as you can, and if not then what you need to do to correct that.

Thanks for your time and patience if you managed to read all of this.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Is there still snow in Flagstaff?
« on: March 06, 2007, 05:06:47 PM »
After living in AL, VA, and AZ all of their lives, my kids haven't seen real snow before.

So is there still snow?

Accessories & Gear / Best color for woodland camo
« on: December 28, 2006, 02:45:19 AM »
As I was doing some online window shopping, looking for a setup to go with woodland camo, I couldn't decide if I liked ranger green better than coyote brown, so I thought I'd make a poll to "bring it to the people". Was wondering what other people think.

For myself I think I'm leaning towards Coyote Brown, because it'd match better with desert prints also, and MARPAT prints I'm thinking about getting.

Accessories & Gear / DBT: BattleLab/CAT Fast Attack Plate Carrier
« on: December 28, 2006, 02:40:15 AM »
Looking for opinions on this vest/plate carrier.

My reasons are the color choices, the XL size (50+ chest is a must), and the price. Also, DBT seems to have pretty good prices and a decent amount of options for my planned pouch loadout.

I'm looking for comments, thanks.

General Off-Topic Discussion / Drive-by shooting range!
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:45:20 PM »
:twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:


Accessories & Gear / Need local Phoenix info
« on: August 13, 2006, 12:13:56 AM »
As I live in the more remote parts of the SE valley, and the fact that I've only been in the area 9 months, I really don't know where to go to get anything I need for airsoft.

So keeping in mind of where I am, does anyone know of any store that sells airsoft equipment, and/or any military surplus stores out in my general direction? I know there's alot of stuff I'll be ordering online, but anything I could get at a local store would be good for saving on shipping, and it'd be nice to visually inspect something before I buy it.

I could look it up via google, but I figure this way I can get some recommendations as well.


Introduce Yourself! / New to the state, new to AA, new to airsoft
« on: August 10, 2006, 05:27:22 AM »
Hello, I'm so glad I found these forums!

About myself, I recently turned 31 and I was in the US Navy for 10 years as a Cryptologist/Electronic Warfare Technician. During that my first 5 years, while stationed onboard a Spruance destroyer, I was a member of the ship's Security Response team and VBSS team (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure). We performed drills and training about once a week in addition to my regular job. For six months during the second half of my career I was assigned to the Security Department onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 (aircraft carrier) where I worked in naval law enforcement and force protection. I just recently moved to AZ about 8 months ago to accept a job I was offered.

I've always been interested in military sim activities, ranging anywhere from table-top games like Harpoon to the occasional paintball game when I could find it (was never hardcore). I just recently learned about airsoft, so I did a google search for "Airsoft AZ" and stumbled onto this site. By the looks of things I found the right place, this is exactly what I was hoping for.

What I'm looking for, what I'd like, is to find a mentor. Someone that I can communicate through forum PMs or emails for guidance, wisdom and experience... and maybe even membership in a team or organization.

Oh yeah, I live in Queen Creek, which is a community right outside of the Phoenix metro area (for those that don't know).

Enough rambling on... glad to be here!  :)

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