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Messages - carbon14c

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AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:53:07 PM »
not at all, it came with a stock weight around the shape of a small type battery... i took that out when i first got the rifle, so with this new setup it actually feels a bit more balanced.

(my battery actually sits in the front rail structure)

now im thinking more about batteries and such, i could mount a pouch for a larger battery on the new stock...hmmm

AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:22:12 PM »
Quote from: "TheBoy988"
As for painting, you might want to consider using a clear coat after you paint the final color coat to protect it from scoring.

yes, a 2 part coatings system is exactly what i will be doing. possibly 3 part depending if i do a full camo job, thats why im holding off for now.

my day job involves industrial coatings engineering, such as those found on water tanks, bridges, steel structures etc...  :D

..although corrosion isnt an issue with PVC haha

AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 07:05:56 PM »
Quote from: "AZCW_Andrew"
I have seen garage prototypes many times, including the ones I've put together myself..and they were legit pieces of equipment with serious thought behind them. This was just a ghetto fab of something, nothing more.

there was a thought out procedure and execution behind this, just because the end result doesnt look shiny doesnt mean i threw it together in 20 minutes.

your criticism is very helpful though, i am sincerely grateful for your input

Accessories & Gear / Re: Multicam is...
« on: March 21, 2010, 05:51:54 PM »
Quote from: "AZCW_Andrew"
Congrats, you found out about two months after everyone else in the world

so far every post i have seen from you, has been a troll attempt.. you should probably stop that

Ares; i didnt know that... i remember when they made the switch from BDU's my ajrotc unit back in school was trying to get rid of the old ones

ahh memories

looks like i definitely have a ride this time. me +1, possibly 2.

see everyone out there

AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 05:45:57 PM »
Quote from: "TheBoy988"
I hope the stock can hold up against repeated scenarios. If so it's not to bad of a mod at all. I personally wouldn't put the time and money into the stock making it look better till you know it will withstand the abuse of a game. Great work on the stock. You didn't happen to get the weight of the gun before and after did you?

well, the only thing i would do to the stock now is remove the tape and paint the PVC. i already have paint - so thats just a matter of taking it apart real quick and spraying

i did not get the weight, but it feels about right. in hind sight, i probably should have done the measurement.

i am very eager to give it a couple field tests, hopefully ill be able to get to fightertown this coming sunday and break it in  8)

thank you for the constructive feedback!

-side note, i am debating using black hardware if i can find some, or just painting the visible tips. silver/bronze seems to clash with the black of the stock pieces...

AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 03:09:29 PM »
Quote from: "zachbusch"
the stock looks pretty sweet, except for the white

agreed, the white has to go. im going to paint it as soon as i get my barrels!  :lol:

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Gun Stolen GB Parking Lot on 3/9/2010
« on: March 21, 2010, 02:35:46 PM »
Quote from: "bigwavedave"
Gun was misfiring with an electrical problem going full auto when selector was switched over to full auto

I've already let Ron and the guys at Gearbox know but wanted to post it up here JIC.

well, if the guy was stupid enough to take it from your vehicle, chances are he is going to be stupid enough to try and get it fixed. theres a possibility the staff at gearbox will run across it - good luck, locks are for honest people  :(

AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 02:27:56 PM »
Quote from: "AZCW_Andrew"
To say that is a mod is a stretch beyond all imaginations. It's $3 of PVC and hardware and it looks like complete crap. You took a cheap gun and completely ruined it. Your next mod should include a wood chipper, IMO.

actually, the PVC wasnt even 3$. i dont see how i ruined it, i modified the shitty stock it came with to fit my preference, and fabricated a silencer to cover the new barrel instead of spending 20$+ on a real one

again, the purpose wasnt purely cosmetic, that was just a bonus if it turned out the way i wanted it to. compared to the way it looked before, i personally think its an improvement. the longer barrel makes it look more balanced, the stock doesnt look that good, but at least it works 100x better

in the end, i saved at LEAST 100$ - i can spend that on new internals, that 203 i've always wanted, or something else for one of my other weapons.

AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:50:26 PM »
Quote from: "AZCW_Andrew"
That just looks stupid... [-(

8) well, the main goal of this mod was not visual appearence, but - I would prefer to have a more aesthetically pleasing stock, they are just so ridiculously expensive. I did try getting one machined, but the part where the stock connects to the end of the rifle required special equipment to fabricate. In retrospect, I know a couple different fab shops as a result of previous consulting contracts and I could probably get one of the guys to make me the piece.. but this works for now

Quote from: "Pick"
Looks Ghetto Rigged. lol but as murphy's Law states "if it looks stupid but works your all good".

All in all though Nice work

Thanks, I think the end result and performance is what really matters with this project.

Thank you both!  :mrgreen:

Quote from: "ur selph"
I was in NJROTC for all four years of high school

squid eh? now im REALLY going to light you up 8)

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: airsoft war on april 20th
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:47:03 AM »
Quote from: "axisofoil"

liek omg where do i sign up?!?!


AEG's / Re: PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:41:38 AM »
thank you! optics with lens caps were at least 10$-15$ more then the one i purchased at the time, i figured why spend that much more when i can achieve the same affect for free.

yeah, the silencer got angled a bit when i propped it up - but i can push it into place and it stays firm. im probably going to get smaller PVC next time im out, and put it inside the 3/4" so that it fits even tighter. its surprisingly sturdy though..

AEG's / PVC works wonders!
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:25:38 AM »
i have had this rifle for around 8 months or so.. i preferred to play with my other G3 most of the time, for one stupid reason...

the stock is literally 2 inches too long... its still use-able, but very awkward and semi-uncomfortable, it just does not feel natural.

Goal of the Mod(s)

-fabricate either an adjustable stock, or a static stock that fits comfortably
-fabricate a silencer to compensate for added length of a longer barrel (planning for my 6.03 upgrade >___>)
-improve overall visual treatment without losing performance, or breaking my wallet

Tools/Supplies [thank you home depot]

-3/4" PVC (long as f, dont remember exactly how big - probably 12 feet or so)
-1" PVC connector
-JB Weld (ended up not needing at all!)
-a bag full of random screws, bolts, nuts, etc
-black electrical tape
-black industrial "duck" tape
-steel saw
-cordless drill - 3 tips; already put everything away so im not going to post the sizes, like it matters -___-

Total Cost

$6.51 [including JB weld which i didnt need for this project]



so, long story short... i chopped two pieces of the 3/4" PVC, and connected them with the 1" piece

i took the original stock for the rifle, and chopped that as well. i ended up taking an inch from the rear, and a couple inches from the front

drilled two holes on each side of the front stock piece, and two holes on each side of the rear piece. this was very tricky, there are probably a billion ways to do it that are BETTER then the method i employed, but the end result is all that really matters with this mod

drilled two holes on each side of the front PVC, as well as the rear piece

used random hardware from that bag of tricks to connect the front stock piece to the front PVC, and the rear stock to the rear PVC

taped up the white PVC with black electrical tape, i should probably tear everything apart and paint it, but im kind of done for now -lol-

marked the ends of the screws, and chopped them all off so that the nut sits flush on each screw, to prevent them from catching on my vest or anything else

after looking at the semi finished project, i decided to chop off the top part of the front stock piece, i wanted it to be level with the rear piece. it still doesnt look the way i would ultimately prefer, but its better then before...


very simple mod, simply chopped some more of that 3/4" PVC, and taped it with black duck tape instead of painting it.

normally, the PVC would not sit tight over the flash hider - so i wrapped electrical tape around the flash hider 7 or 8 times, and that did the trick - the pvc slides on and sits very firm.

End Result

-achieved a more combat-effective stock
-successfully fabricated a fitting silencer
-spent under 10$ on materials, with plenty left over (not including what i already had, the drill, hardware, tape, etc)


after previewing this post to make sure everything is right, i just realized i need to tape the top of the front stock piece to cover the wires, and that i forgot to mention the red-dot. those lens covers have office clips taped to them, that was a previous little mod i did. yeah i know..ugly..but you gotta stretch those dollars..

i am debating taking the tape off down the road and painting, but as of tonight its staying the way it is. i might do the PVC when i paint the body.

this rifle is actually an 80$ AEG, wellfire r8 if i remember correctly. chronos 380 with .2's, no internal mods. as stated previously, should be getting some new barrels for both rifles. should put the r8 at 400-410, we'll see!

comments/criticism both negative/positive about the mod are very welcome.

AEG's / Re: Good aeg for airsofting noob?
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:36:44 PM »
Quote from: "TheBoy988"
CAs do look really pretty. I'll certainly give them that. But to be honest I'd rather spend the money on a JG then buy a new mad bull metal receivers. They look pretty slick and come with a mad bull ultimate hop up assembly (not sure on the hop up quality personally but i hear they are great.).

agreed, thats what i have done with my JG, and i still havnt spent the amount i would have on a CA

...all for what, metal shell, looks and some copper wiring? you have to upgrade the internals anyways if you plan to put in a larger-grade spring, or battery. but i think this point has been pretty much nailed with this thread :P

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