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Messages - SpiritOfSimo

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Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: 3-6-10 saturday Four Peaks game
« on: March 04, 2010, 05:58:53 PM »
The weather report hopefully has it cloudy in the day time during the game. Then the rain is supposed to come at night. It also doesn't look like it will rain the night before so everyone think happy thoughts.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: 3-6-10 saturday Four Peaks game
« on: March 02, 2010, 02:06:25 PM »
Quote from: "devildog3535"
Are all these roads paved? i plan on taking my motorcycle since it is fast fun and cheaper on gas but if there are dirt roads im not taking her out there. Also can i get in trouble if i have my gun strapped on my back while im driving?

If your gun is in a properly zipped up gun bag then there shouldn't be any problem, but DON'T just sling the gun(s) over your shoulder. You'll get in trouble and unless you have a really hard case with a sling, I suggest you take a car, because if you somehow ruin your gun by falling on or worse, you'll be so royally pissed.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: 3-6-10 saturday Four Peaks game
« on: March 01, 2010, 12:49:38 PM »
I"m not the game coordinator, but I see no reason not to go ahead with the game. I think I last saw the roster at 15 against 16 (not sure which team is stacked). I'm not sure what happened, but there really is no reason for people to just drop the game. We should still advertise the game as open since a good 20 to 30 % of people don't show up for whatever reasons.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: 3-6-10 saturday Four Peaks game
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:29:56 PM »
Quote from: "I Slap Fat Kids"
I might have an extra seat that you could hop in for the last leg of the drive.  I don't think you'll have too much of a problem getting all the way there as long as you meet up at the rally point.

Also, If anyone can spare a pair (or a few pairs) of goggles which meet the ANSI requirements that they wouldn't mind lending out, I could bring a few more friends for Green Team.

So who is going to the rally point? I will probably be driving a 4 door sonata out that day (probably borrowing from my dad) and I'd be willing to meet anyone anywhere (at the gas station or on the 87 at the turn off to the AO ) to get a truck ride for me and my bro just to the AO.

Also, I have about 4 extra pairs of shooting glasses (they're not full sealed goggles). They're safe though, I've shot them point blank with my sniper rifle and it didn't even scratch em.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: 3-6-10 saturday Four Peaks game
« on: February 22, 2010, 08:06:27 PM »
Is there no rally point before going to the AO? I can't take my car off roading anymore, I've used up my luck  :oops: . Would anyone with a truck be willing to let me and my brother meet you somewhere near Shea and the Beeline (the 87 freeway) so that we might get a shuttle to the AO?

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: 3-6-10 four peaks ROSTER ONLY!
« on: February 20, 2010, 11:28:55 AM »
Me plus 1 for green please.

Spring Power!! / Re: sniper upgrade springs
« on: February 09, 2010, 12:09:15 PM »
Generally, springs made by the company Laylax are approximated in meters per second. So a Laylax 150 will shoot around 492 to 500 fps depending on MANY things, but these are just approximations.

Springs made by PDI on the other hand, are measured in percents of joules. It's a complicated system that they use because they (PDI) set the base joule of their springs to different values for each gun. For example, a PDI APS2 240% spring means 2.4 x the standard APS2 joule. A PDI VSR10 280% spring means 2.8 x the standard VSR10 joule. Even though this is more confusing than Laylax, PDI upgrade parts are considered to be superior.

Your actual velocity will change depending on the type of piston you have (heavier piston will accelerate slower), the diameter of the inside of your barrel, and how good your compression is.

Which spring are you looking at to use to upgrade?

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: February 08, 2010, 03:29:28 PM »
Quote from: "Pyskee"

First video is the first game. Second video is the only part of the second game that I caught on camera and was interesting. It's 6:50 of the other guy's video but in our perspective (and some added effects). I have some pictures, but Imageshack isn't working and I have to go to class like right now so I'll try to get those up in the next couple of hours.

haha, that first video, around 3:00 when the sniper is hit, that was me ("one of em!"). and I was calling "green medic".

And that second video!!! pure gold !! Manuel (green) is standing over the wounded tan like a freakin angel of DEATH lol!

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:24:36 AM »
Quote from: "Kevin"
Quote from: "SpiritOfSimo"
Quote from: "SVT Cobra"
SWEET pics! These came out excellent! My personal favorite is this one  :D

Three?  I see two in gillies, and one M16 gunner?

haha well what happened in this picture is: In front of McGee (m16) there was a furrow that I'm laying in. You probably can't see me but I'm behind the bush that is on the left of the picture. You should see a very shadowy, dark portion on the left of the plant. My BDU pants are woodland, same as the sniper on the left side of the picture, so my leg kinda mixes in with his leg.

Needless to say, the only real reason you don't see the 3rd sniper is because you literally have a blocked line of sight lol, not because of a superb ghilly suit (pfft). Didn't mean to toot my own horn.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: February 07, 2010, 04:32:46 PM »
Quote from: "SVT Cobra"
SWEET pics! These came out excellent! My personal favorite is this one  :D

Absolutely badass. You can hardly see the three snipers in ghilly suits.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: January 12, 2010, 11:43:53 PM »
Quote from: "nomadmikey"
Gentlemen! Hello! My name is Mike and i just joined the forum. i have shot weapons all my life, but now that ammo is so expensive and hard to come by, i have decided to take up airsoft! Unfortunately, none of my current friends are interested in airsoft, so i decided to find another group that is! I am 21 years of age. Are there guys my age that will be there?? I know some of you younger guys can kick my butt!! LOL. Please provide with anymore information you may have! thanks!


Welcome to airsoft. :D/  There will be plenty of guys around that age attending all sorts of games, including this one (I'm 24, and the group I play with are ages 19 through 23). Most other players are actually around that demographic.
A few words of friendly advice: if you are set on playing some of the big ops (including this one), you'll need a set of BDU's or ACU's. A set of both green (woodland) and tan (desert) will allow you to play on either side. Once you got your uniform, you just log onto AA and put your name down for either tan or green.

 Also, be prepared to have to drive far distances for good games, since we usually have to play airsoft out in the un-inhabited areas to avoid legal problems. It's usually a good idea to try to get a carpool together with someone who owns a truck or other kind of off roading vehicle.

Hope that answers your questions, and once again, welcome.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: January 12, 2010, 08:13:25 PM »
That sneaking .gif rocks socks! It's like flip thought "this is too good to miss! better keep shooting ! "

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Sunday the 10th!!
« on: January 08, 2010, 07:35:39 PM »
Can you give us a place and time?

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: December 22, 2009, 11:19:54 PM »
UPDATE: SpiritOfSimo + 1


Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: REBEL UNION BBQ #4 PROJECT TITAN 2-6-10
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:46:25 PM »
Count me in for green!

Great to have RU BBQs back!

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