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Messages - warlock

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General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 31, 2006, 02:51:17 PM »
Quote from: "Cheeze_IZ_G00d"
Quote from: "Farslayer"
So when you said,
Are they a part of the elected government, like Hezbollah, or Hamas?

you didn't mean it?

 Don't forget that Syria occupied Lebanon for over a decade under President Hafez Assad and would simply line up Hezbollah and shoot them when they got out of line.

America has politcal, social and religious ties to Israel that are too strong to break.

Therein lies the problem. Until we can break ties with the Israelis, these radical Muslims will never stop attacking us and our allies.

LOL. You actually believe Israel is the cause of the Muslim world hating us? Holy cow. Even the Democrats have given up that talking point.

Here's a clue.

1) Radical Fundamentalism (I honeslty don't care which type) is bad.

2) You should go to Lebanon and proclaim that you hate Israel. See how they react. They'll kidnap you, videotape your killing, and discard your body like a piece of trash. Not because you're American, not because you're anything. Because you're not Muslim. And even if you ARE Muslim, then if you don't preach their version of Islamic Fundamentalism, you're *still* an infidel and must die (and be taped and broadcasted, apparently. I thought Mohammed wasn't around for TV but I could be wrong).

3) Middle Eastern Terrorism can not be solved by appeasement, talking, or promising. Violence begets violence and all that but the only way those guys will sit still and listen is for someone to step in and show them what true horror actually is. If you show that you can and WILL go WAY farther than they can on the scale of horrific, they will calm right down and listen like good little children. I'm sorry but war is not pretty, and this is war. Raze cities, destroy cultures, wipe out entire areas of map. We knew this lesson, and knew it well in World War II. Why we forgot how we got the whole world to sit down and listen to reason, I don't know. But we have forgotten and the textbooks today just don't do World War II justice. We were regarded as assholes by most of the world after World War II. We didn't care then, and we should stop caring now. In the end the good in the action will be apparent.

Point in case. During the golden years of the Klintonian presidency we arranged to have Israel give up Gaza and move out. What happened once they moved out? The Palestinians moved into Gaza and used it as their new forward base to launch attacks on Israel. Most of those nations out there that we have brokered peace with for Israel, have violated that peace before the ink dried.

They will not give up till everyone who isn't them is dead. It's a very simple fact and historically proven. Everytime we've given them anything they spit in our face and ask for something more. Now I think it is time we just leave them alone and let them broker terms of peace with Israel directly, in a fashion to be chosen by Israel (currently, that involves bombing cities and storming the country). If they want Israel dead so bad, let them try.

Unlike us, I believe Israel is resolved enough to go to every length necessary to win this fight. And I'd like to see them do it.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 31, 2006, 12:12:07 PM »
I'd like to take this time, as the OPFOR 2IC, to thank everyone who came to the game. If you signed up and missed it anyway, joke's on you. It was a GREAT game with fierce fighting on both sides (though Tan did prevail at the end).

AAR incoming!

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 31, 2006, 12:08:29 PM »
LOL@my shirt


General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 29, 2006, 08:18:05 AM »

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 29, 2006, 08:17:46 AM »

(vets can skip this as they know already, this is intended for relative newcomers)

WATER (you still sweat in the rain)
SOCKS (keep your feet dry)
SILICON OIL SPRAY (give your AEG a light dusting externally, reapply periodically through the night)
RAINCOAT (unless you LIKE being wet..)
GOGGLES (a face mask is suggested but not required unless you are under 16, in which case it IS required)
SOMETHING TO EAT (you can bring raw meat to this event, we have a BBQ grill we can use at the field)
EXTRA CHANGE OF CLOTHES (so you don't get the inside of your cars dirty after the game)


$15 (field fee) (IOUs not accepted) (cash only)

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 29, 2006, 07:44:04 AM »
:twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

AEG's /
« on: July 28, 2006, 11:28:12 AM »
None of them are linked to videos :(

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 28, 2006, 10:54:25 AM »
Quote from: "Bobaganoosh"
tizzan... tanzors

I'm suddenly glad.

Heh j/k. Good to have you onboard!

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 28, 2006, 09:28:28 AM »
It's a minor drive to get here :)

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: July 27, 2006, 01:57:22 PM »
:evil: for the misleading topic name. Israel is not aggressing Lebanon, they are defending their sovereignity, attempting to retrieve two of their soldiers, against an enemy that is being housed in another country.

You can't honestly tell me that if the drug cartels in Mexico came up and snatched a couple of our Border Patrol guys, and the Mexican Government made no attempt to correct the situation, that we wouldn't hit back and HARD. And *then* they started lobbing missiles at us, we'd level the country.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 27, 2006, 01:39:55 PM »
Quote from: "Bullseye"
Quote from: "warlock"
Expect that percentage to nudge into the 80% possibility of rain on Saturday, with most of the precipitation occurring at night.

As a result, I would advise that people bring rain gear. Or tents, or something.

As a side note we will have a barbeque grill at our disposal, I was thinking of having a midnight snack time so we could grill some stuff and eat something. Nothing sucks worse than hunting people on an empty stomach. And MREs...well...

I'd also recommend a LOUD signalling device be made available. If there's a remote chance of lightning within 5 miles during the game, you'll prolly want to at least get people out of the towers....

Good point, old friend. I'll pick up an air horn.

Lights will not be available during the night game. I suggest that people bring flashlights, just in case you happen to need one.

Precipitation forecast for Saturday has nudged up to 60%, as per my previous post on the matter. I fully expect to get rained on this Saturday and I hope you all look forward to it as much as I do :)

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 26, 2006, 03:34:52 PM »
Expect that percentage to nudge into the 80% possibility of rain on Saturday, with most of the precipitation occurring at night.

As a result, I would advise that people bring rain gear. Or tents, or something.

As a side note we will have a barbeque grill at our disposal, I was thinking of having a midnight snack time so we could grill some stuff and eat something. Nothing sucks worse than hunting people on an empty stomach. And MREs...well...

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 20, 2006, 06:01:00 PM »
Roster updated :)

Real Firearms /
« on: July 19, 2006, 12:13:14 AM »
I'm with Reaver on the SKS. Considering it is a sub-200-dollar weapon, and mine has had far fewer problems than my other rifles, I'm glad that was one of my first weapons (one of my first...I started out with 3: an SKS, a Glock 17, and a Ruger 10/22....the SKS is way more fun, and I didn't like the Ruger, and the Glock is the ultimate home defense weapon....) because if you get a sucky weapon for your first one, you'll hate shooting it, and shooting will be an unpleasant experience for you, even after you get a new better weapon. First impressions, and all that.

General Airsoft Game Discussion /
« on: July 13, 2006, 04:41:46 PM »
Allrighty. Due to some suggestions I've received, I decided it would probably be prudent to start slightly later than 4pm, due to the heat. So I looked at the sunset schedule for that night and sunset will occur at 7:24pm which means technically dusk sets in at 6pm. 6pm-whenever is the new time :)

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