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Messages - sargentwolf

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Battlefield: Santa Rita 01.24.09
« on: January 18, 2009, 05:01:46 PM »
retard question: do pistols require biobbs as well?

im thinking yes but still need to ask.

AEG's / Re: Dboys (RK02) or CYMA CM036 ???
« on: January 18, 2009, 03:58:50 PM »
huh. didnt know that. coolies.

British DPM vest. vest has one ammo pouch modded to hold a radio, still holds mag but is missing the magazine divider. will hold 6 magazines in dedicated 3 mag pouches, 2 gernade holders, 2 canteen holders

very comphy. price TBA. as soon as i find out which version i have that is.....

BlackHawk LRAK rifleman kit, Tan. ... ,708,2.htm
i have 2 of these. love them both to death, but have no need for the tan one anymore. holds UNGODLY amounts of magazines, gear, and amusements. my record is 26 m16 mags. and no im NOT kidding. the dump pouches alone will hold an entire MAG m-16 box set EACH!

has been used in one game, basically brand new.

THIS WILL NOT I SAY AGAIN NOT FIT SKINNY PEOPLE. try getting fat or wearing body armor if your too skinny. -edit: minimum waist diameter is 34 inches.

after doing a few google searches, i reliazed that you can buy it new cheaper. so:

200$ shipped/delivered

trades: mauri thompson, vp-70 magazines

edit- i will deliver if within 50 miles of serria vista. and can do swap at airsoft games.

AEG's / Re: Dboys (RK02) or CYMA CM036 ???
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:13:25 PM »
might wanna check out a kalash as well.
people back home used them and they HIGHLY recommend them. havent heard of any failing or breaking. plus they have metal bodies AND wooden grips standard.

and not pot-metal either. ... ash%20AEGs
side folder: ... ash%20AEGs

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: This is Badass!
« on: January 15, 2009, 08:32:08 PM »
me likey. where can i get one?

AEG's / Re: ECHO 1 m249 Magazine Q
« on: January 13, 2009, 08:53:57 PM »
i just used rolled up paper and ducktape.

almost free and lasts almost forever.

General Airsoft Discussion / safety rant
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:02:30 PM »
sorry for being new here, but this is getting on my nerves. as well as scaring the hell out of me.

just because there is a field behind your house, or an abandoded building near by, doesnt mean you can go play airsoft in it!

people have been shot by police over this.

good example:
another one: ... arms_x.htm

all it would take is one person to get shot for the sport to get legislation started on banning airsoft in your town/city/whatever.

heck, the first time i played airsoft, we were on a friends FENCED IN LAND, his neighbor pulled a gun on us. he thought that we were trying to break into my friends house. lucky, my friends dad saw and came running over. after some quick explaining, the neighbor let us go.

its freaking scary looking up a rifle barrel FROM THE WRONG SIDE.

now, with that being said, if you are the owner of said land, for the love of chicken pot pie, please INFORM YOUR NEIGHBORS WHAT IS GOING ON BEFORE THE GAME STARTS.

if you ask the owner of the land and explain what you want to use their land for, usually they will say yes. if you dont know who owns the land or building, then its safer to assume that you cant play there.

/off soap box.

and mods, if anything i said on here is wrong or the laws in arizona allow for this, please tell me. thanks.

friendly advice: dont play there.

just because there is no one currently in there, doesn't mean that the place isn't owned by someone. you would be trespassing if you got caught. thats the lightest trouble you might get into, the heaviest is getting shot by the police or Military Police if your friend is right.

unless you get written permission from the owner, dont play there.

Real Firearms / Re: sighting problem
« on: January 04, 2009, 12:53:01 AM »
ok thanks. ill go to the range tomm....later today and give it a try in a secure stand.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Battlefield: Santa Rita 01.24.09
« on: January 03, 2009, 09:49:19 PM »
in pending any army shenanigans.

in ACU.

Real Firearms / sighting problem
« on: January 03, 2009, 07:06:54 PM »
ive got a m1 garand (serial # is in the 2 mil range) and having problem zeroing it.

im using winchester 180 grain 30-06, using sandbags and shooting from the prone supported. using a target at 100 meters.

half the time, i will get a group about the size of a large dinner plate. half the time, ill get mabey 2 on paper.

i KNOW im using the same aim point. the dead center of the black and white target.

even my friend (shot expert on the m16) cant get anything better. so its not just me.

what could be going wrong? its got a 1 muzzle wear, no real marks from cleaning rod. (ill get pics tommarow.)

is there a certain target i need to use or is any old zero target good?

this was a pretty good game. some hit calling issues (ie: dumping a FULL %$%$^@!!!! highcap into someone and seeing them bounce off but not call........)
the team work was very good. i really like the field layout, made for long firefights. the stand at the alamo was great! i was COMPLETELY out of ammo. we were almost over run when reinforcements finally showed up.

2 notes:
1. radio use. need to really spread the word about proper radio useage. ie: giving speficic directions on enemy location and count (theyre coming over the ridge! theres a butt load of them! <-- this is what im talking about. not very helpful in a firefight.) that and the dang roger beeps.
2. cease fire and game over. some confusion on this. either need a megaphone or to repeat it on the radios a lot.

overall i think it was worth the 3 hour drive for me.

in pending any army shenanigans.

wearing acu.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: TAC: Operation Red Sleigh Down 4 12.06.2008
« on: December 03, 2008, 10:45:58 AM »
due to army shennigans, im out.

 ](*,)  @ forced "moral trips"

AEG's / Re: Using a Li-Poly battery in a CA 249
« on: November 13, 2008, 08:42:06 PM »
if you do decide to do a li-poly, might wanna concider geting one of these: ... odID=22687

basically, it slows down your tappet release point, as well as starting the draw-back of the tappet plate a fraction of a second early, their by giving your magazine time to load the next round. a few people have em here, and they work great. i dont know if it would fit on a ca saw gearbox, but redwolf claims it fits on everything but the psg-1 and uzi.

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