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Messages - Spunkmeyer

Pages: 1 [2]
Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
We may know some of the same people then ... I spent a year in Chiapas, Mexico 94-95.  Which organization were you working under?  Are you a doc?

I'd rather not mention the organization, considering it's 'legal status' ATM.... lol
More of a trauma tech then anything else: Bandages, sutures, ect.....

Informational Links / Re: Lookin for European stuff?
« on: November 14, 2008, 01:20:45 AM »
NOTE: When I attempted clicking the link, I got to see our good friend: "404- Not Found" error.
I had to drop the '/default.asp'.
And thanks BTW.....

Quote from: "Doc Hollywood"
When and where did you serve?


Thanks for the invite.
Ironically, I wasn't military. March-June '99 in Bosnia-Kosovo. Traveling medical outfit. Seemed what ever village we were at was either: Just shelled, shelled when we left, or (worst of all) was being shelled while we were there. Lot of interesting stories from that time....

Kalashnikovs really do sound different from the other side of the barrell..... lol

Well, not exactly new to airsoft, just been a few years. Late 20's, Scorpio, and enjoys long walks on the beach (in AZ, yea right). Been over seas, getting shot at isn't new, and I realize that the older I get it takes a little bit longer to get up. I hope to be a part timer- kids, work, and the other things seems to eat up my weekends, naturally.

I seem to more into the tech side: I.E. tweaking and building new stuff.

My wish list: Airsoft artillery, crafting a RPG, and designing a 'muzzle flash' adapter for night games.

Well, considering the FOB is about 3 miles away I may show up. I'm still trying to pull some gear together (it's been years and things have a tendency to 'disappear'). Would be a Merc.
So, definitely, absolutely a *maybe*........

EDIT: +1 , woodland camo

Pages: 1 [2]