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Messages - holyhandgrenade

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Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 23, 2006, 07:57:54 PM »
Oh, just thought of something: if the road to the AO is pretty rough, my dinky Saturn's probably not going to appreciate it. Is there somewhere along the way I can leave it and hop in with someone who has a more rugged vehicle?

Local Games Listing/RSVP /
« on: August 23, 2006, 07:36:36 PM »
Put me down for tan please. :)

Woohoo, my first try at airsoft! See you all there..

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 18, 2006, 11:11:08 PM »
Joshua Redman, Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Dave Brubeck Quartet. As far as vocals, I like several modern jazz singers, like Diana Krall, Michael Buble, and Jamie Cullum.

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 18, 2006, 11:06:34 PM »
Quote from: "djmtott"
Quote from: "SINJIN"
No problem man, just come look for me before the game.
Yeah, he'll be the guy wearing camouflage

Heh, I"ll keep a weather eye out for people that meet that description ;)

I'm hopefully getting a pair of goggles shortly, so now that I have those, the gun, and the BDU's sorted out for my first match, is there anything crucial I'm missing? Besides ammo; I haven't forgotten that! I might get an inexpensive vest as well. I'll also bring along a baseball cap, some bottles of water, and I think sneakers are going to have to take the place of combat boots for the time being, but I'll have to see if I can find an army surplus store and see what they have. Oh, speaking of which: the gear guide here says that Magnum boots cost less than $20 new at, but the ones that I find there cost $80+. Is there something I'm missing?

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 18, 2006, 12:39:15 PM »
Quote from: "SINJIN"
In the spirit of helping new, mature players.  I have a pair of 3-Color Desert BDU trousers you can have for free.   They are in great shape, but too small for me, Medium-Regular.

Wow, thanks man. You are what one might colloquially describe as "the sh!t." And I mean that in the best and most mature way possible. ;)

Chapstick and Carmax?

General Off-Topic Discussion /
« on: August 18, 2006, 12:47:35 AM »
Quote from: "B00MINATOR"
Don't forget, Jimmy Eat World was local and now they are huge!!

And one of those bands that rank up on my personal Top 10 list  :D

My friend's barber use to cut the lead singer's hair before he went big.

Fun Fact ^^^


Wow, really? Sweet, I had no idea they were from around here. You guys know of any good places around the valley to see some good local acts? I'm not from here, so I don't know much about the scene. I've heard it used to be better, but surely in such a big place there's got to be a few good things going on, right?

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 18, 2006, 12:32:38 AM »
Yeah, sure, I don't mind looking a bit like a goon (and I'm 5'8", so I will, heh) -- beggars can't be choosers! Thanks a ton guys.

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 18, 2006, 12:22:33 AM »
Thanks anyway! :)

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 18, 2006, 12:16:52 AM »
Quote from: "djmtott"
Quote from: "holyhandgrenade"
What about BDU's? Are they absolutely required or can I get away with looking roughly greenish (ha! punsville, population: me) for my first time out? Or is there anyone willing to let me borrow?
What's your sizes?

I wear small or medium t-shirts and 30/32 pants -- sorry, not sure what that would be for BDU's.. Medium regular or something?

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 18, 2006, 12:14:00 AM »
Sorry, forgot to respond to this:

Quote from: "TheStenGun"
I know what you are saying and you will find a tremendous amount of info on these really low cost AEGs on the net. Just remember; when you get an AEG like the UTG or one of these low end AEGs you are gonna be buying stuff to support that setup. This means buying an 8.4v battery instead of a 9.6, mags for an mp5 (would you buy an mp5 if you bought a proper aeg?), various upgrades quickly run up some money, even 10 dollar area 1000 parts add up. This will all be stuff that you will not be able to use when you get a proper AEG. Then, without being familiar with AEGs you have to perform some somewhat difficult upgrades to get the gun running on the level of a stock Marui. Its all a bit of a headache. I can understand getting a gun like that as a project gun or a backup weapon, but having one as you only gun is asking for trouble reliability wise and will delay your ability to get a gun that you would be happy with.

Those all sound like good points. The battery (and charger) comes with this gun, so that's not an extra expense, but I see your point about not being able to carry it over to a better gun. I wouldn't mind an MP5, I like it, but I sort of picture myself getting an M4 eventually. Not to be a gigantic dork, but it's purely because those were my weapons of choice in 5+ years of on/off Counter-Strike -- the MP5 Navy is my trustworthy companion until I have the money for an M4A1. FPS computer games (especially CS) are probably really the primary basis for my interest in airsoft. </end nerd mode>

As far as upgrading, I wouldn't really expect to do so any time soon, as I wouldn't want to risk breaking it and, as you say, that's money that could be put towards a better gun. I know it's not going to perform like a Marui (how do you pronounce that, by the way?), but for 1/5 the price that's fine. It's true it won't be as reliable either, but on the other hand that's the price you pay when you buy something cheap -- you spend more time taking care of it. And when you don't have money, that's a trade-off you're willing to make because time is something you have a flexible quantity of. ;)

You're right, too, about it putting off the chance to get a good gun. I thought about that a bit and, of course I'd rather get a good gun, but the fact is I can't spend the money for one right now even if, after trying it out next week, I decide I love the sport. So then, the question is: do I wait a while until I have the money or do I get something that I can use to play right now for a little while until I can afford something good, even if it's not that great and means I'll have to wait a bit longer to get what I really want? Put that way, I think to myself that $50 is a small price to pay to tide me over until that time and to get started right away.

Hey, I think I'm convincing myself! :P I tend to agonize like this because I want to make the best choice, know exactly what I'm getting into, and not regret it -- hopefully I'm not inflicting any agony on you, heh. Thanks again for the help!

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 17, 2006, 11:10:19 PM »
Quote from: "TheStenGun"
Hell, I just bought a second gun and if I can get the thing setup in time would be happy to let you use it for a game.
Thanks, that's very kind of you.

Quote from: "SINJIN"'s an idea....why not just use one of AA's rentals and come to a few of our games to check it out.  Really, we are not a bunch of assholes.  :)

Wow, that''s... Um, that's a great idea. I had no idea you guys did rentals, that's really cool. Now that you've brought it up I was able to find the link under the "About AA" page. Which I guess I should have read at some point, heh, but for some reason it's the only one of those top links that I hadn't. I can make it to the next game, on the 26th, so I might as well. :) What about BDU's? Are they absolutely required or can I get away with looking roughly greenish (ha! punsville, population: me) for my first time out? Or is there anyone willing to let me borrow?

Also, I was thinking of maybe volunteering as a non-combatant role player for that Marauders game at SWP this Sunday as well, just to watch one and meet people, but am I wrong or is it mainly an event for the under-18's? I don't see any posts from you guys in the thread.

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 17, 2006, 08:36:03 PM »
Quote from: "TheStenGun"
History/Theater major?!!? well, maybe the UTG is not such a bad idea after all...

Haha, exactly! I don't think I could have picked two lower-paying fields, but hey, it's what I enjoy, and I'll take that over money any day. Well, some days, anyway. I also have a lot of computer experience of all sorts, specifically a fair bit of background in web development, and actually most of my jobs thus far have been in that field, so that's a backup skill. I'm hoping to get a related job in the Valley this year, because this year is... Well, today is a money day, heh. :P I enjoy it as a hobby and try to do some regular open source (i.e. free, like this forum software!) work -- I just don't want to make a career of it.

Thanks for the additional tips you two, I will keep them in mind as I continue looking and learning. One thing I'm curious about, though, is whether anyone here that is blanket recommending against cheap AEGs has looked at this UTG? Maybe I'm wrong, but because none of you address this model directly, I get the feeling that you haven't heard much about it. I hate to go against all your recommendations, because you lot have all the experience and knowledge, but I do know my own situation and wants the best, and I have researched this model extensively in the past couple days. As far as quality, it is apparently quite good for the price. It has some small issues, but fixes have been found for them already, as this has become a very popular weapon. As far as performance, it is acceptable out of the box, but there is also an extremely extensive guide by staticzero over at Arnie's that details how to perform various upgrades (o-ring, wiring, and m100 spring) that increase the ROF and put the velocity over 300 FPS.

I guess the main thing is I just want to get out there and play. I can't afford to be the best on the field -- hell, I can barely afford to play -- but that's okay with me as long as I get out there and have some fun.

Thanks for all the comments! Please, keep them coming, I really appreciate it!

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 17, 2006, 03:29:39 PM »
Ganef: Definitely, we should all meet up -- seems like a bunch of ASUers are coming out of the woodwork here!

Farslayer: That's excellent, I've always wanted to do meth. And now it comes in little plastic balls -- convenient!

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions guys, they're much appreciated. I've looked around further, at both gas pistols and AEGs, as well as looking at what's to offer on eBay and on the forums here. What it comes down to, for me, is that I'm interested but I've never played before, so I want to try it without spending much money. For that reason, I am comfortable with getting an inexpensive AEG with the understanding that it won't be of a high quality. That said, I don't want a piece of crap either.

With that in mind, I've come to the conclusion that I can find an inexpensive entry-level weapon that I can at least use to dick around with and get started for a little while. Even if it won't match up head-to-head against the big boys, at least it will give me a moderate level of firepower, above that of a pistol . It might not be as sturdy either, but I take good care of my things and hopefully can make it last long enough to be worth the money.

I've looked here on the forums at some of the most recent sales, but not seen anything below $100, because you all have quality equipment. Ebay, meanwhile, is inundated with "buy it now" cheap-ass no-brand merchandise from vendors. The occasional good gun is sprinkled in, but those auctions easily exceed $100. I've also looked at gas pistols, with the idea that I could get a gun with higher quality, albeit lesser firepower, but at ~$70+ for a pistol I'm thinking that good quality is something I can look at and save up for later, when/if I'm committed to the sport.

Now, I'm sure this doesn't sound to you like a lot of money to spend for a gun, comparatively, but I would rather spend a minimal amount now, just to make sure I enjoy it and have something to play with. Later on, when I save up for a "real" AEG, I won't consider it any sort of loss to have spent $50 on a cheap gun because it's a fairly small amount to get started and will (hopefully) provide me a backup, not just go to the trash. This is why I was originally considering a springer pistol but, as Ganef said, I can see how that would flat-out suck and I'd want to replace it immediately.

My plan, then, is to get one of those UTG MP5s that I mentioned. I know that the Chinese LPEGs have a terrible rep in the community, but I've looked into this model and the CYMA MP5-J and, based on a lot of reviews and comments I've read, it seems like these are the start of a new trend of higher-quality guns from this group of manufacturers. Still not the same quality as the Japanese, of course, but better quality than before and, most importantly, less than half the price. I think this review, from what I gather to be a reliable source (Airsoft Atlanta) says it well: ... eview.html

It says that the gun is still cheaply made, by comparison, and therefore isn't any good for upgrading, but that is neither a surprise nor a disappointment to me. It goes on to say, however (quoted for your convenience! :P) :

Well, then what is it good for?!

Glad you asked. For all its shortcomings and afore mentioned problems, this is an excellent starter AEG. For those wanting to play at fields but not be outgunned with a springer, this is a great way to go. For $138, a new player can get an AEG and a Tokyo Marui high capacity magazine, go to any field, and not be left behind in the fighting because of ammo capacity, accuracy, or ability to fill the air with plastic. The UTG MP5 is also a great CQB weapon (I just love three-letter acronyms, by the way). It is perfect for in-door games where velocity means very little and safety is more of a concern. It is also an excellent backup gun to have just in case an upgraded AEG goes down on game day.

In short, while this is certainly not offering the same features and potential as a Tokyo Marui MP5, it is definitely a good gun. If it is purchased with the understanding of what it is and its limitations, it will perform very well and hold up as good as any other gun.

Other reviews (i.e. say similar things, and there are plenty of them, so I am fairly confident about their veracity. The gun itself retails for $100, which is still more than I'm looking to spend, but has some used for $50. I inquired about the condition and they responded... well, speedily. And thoroughly, which is always nice:

What happened is that the gun tends to "settle" during shipping, causing some screws to loosen which made the gears grind and the motor malfunction. After this same problem happened with a couple dozen of these guns (which were returned to us by the customer as soon as they were received), we contacted the manufacturer and found out how to easily fix the problem.

If you simply tighten a screw at the bottom of the grip, the motor starts working fine. Now, when customers contact us with this problem, we simply e-mail them that graphic, and they're able to easily fix the gun themselves. I took all the returned guns, tightened the screw, tested them, and they work perfectly.

Due to this issue, the guns have barely been used at all. The primary reason they're sold as USED is because of the open packaging. No cosmetic damage on any of them.

All of this makes me feel quite good about what I'd get for my $50, especially with the sweeteners that they throw in, like a super hi-cap 500 round mag and 1000 free BB's.

If you've made it this far into my post, congratulations. So, now that I've said my very long-winded bit, what do you think? Anything I've missed or am wrong about or any personal experience to share?

Thanks a lot once more for all your help and the warm welcome!

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 16, 2006, 05:17:59 PM »
Hah, sounds good. You know, I'm surprised there's no airsoft club at ASU, or at least none that I can find through Google and the ASU clubs search. Maybe nobody can be bothered to set one up? Could be cool, though, to help get people together, to introduce new players to the game, and to have some funds to do random crap. Party or buy shared/backup/newbie equipment or something, I dunno.

Regarding the MP5s again (sorry that I'm fixated at the moment..), the UTG at speedy toys supposedly comes with a 500-round hi-cap mag, which I guess would be worth $15 in itself, plus they give out 1000 BBs with every order, so that kind of tilts me back towards the UTG in terms of price. I'll call up and see if they can tell me anything about its condition and how heavily-used it is...

Introduce Yourself! /
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:57:31 PM »
Heh, that's true, theatre is a pretty easy breezy degree. That's why I'm now picking up history as a concurrent major, I decided I'd feel like I wasted four years if all I did was get a theatre degree.

Thanks for the advice about spring guns. I read around some more and, while there was much more uninformative springer bashing than there was reasoned advice, I can see how they might suck to play with and, if they're as prone to breaking as everyone says, might turn out to just be a waste of money. I was looking at some pistols on Amazon that cost something ridiculous like $5 with the thought that I could get a taste for the sport without committing virtually any cash to it. On the other hand, though, I've looked into it enough that I'm pretty eager to play and reasonably confident that I'll have fun. If I then consider that shipping is a further $10, it becomes $15 that could go towards a better gun.

So, with that in mind, I started looking around at some entry-level AEGs, and I've discovered that the UTG and CYMA MP5 TM (abbreviations ahoy!) knock-offs are actually quite decent considering the price -- still inferior to a real TM, of course, but they definitely sound like a good choice for a starter gun. Now I just have to decide which to get. The UTG goes for $100 brand new -- which is more than I want to spend -- but I've found a used one for $50, so that is an option. The CYMA, meanwhile, goes for only $30 new. The UTG is said to have sturdier construction (although the CYMA has more metal) and better FPS/range, plus it's convertible from A4 to A5. I think I'd prefer to buy the UTG, but I have qualms about it being used and costing nearly twice as much, so we'll see.

Sorry, this has turned into more of a hardware post than anything. I'd love to meet up on campus some time, that'd be cool. You'll have to let me know if there's any group of ASUers that play (surely among 60,000 students...) regularly or nearby.

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