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Messages - icorus16666

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Real Firearms / Re: legality question
« on: September 08, 2011, 07:43:15 AM »
Yeah i realize that there was other methods but time was factor for me. It cornered itself in several boxes and i didn't want to move the boxes for fear of being bit. And to combat the removal service claim it was 5 am in the morning and i didn't want a baby rattler cruising around my house till they got there. Thanks for your advice gentlemen, either way i'm glad i didn't have to deal with the police about removing a threat in my house.

Real Firearms / legality question
« on: September 07, 2011, 09:48:16 AM »
i had a visitor this morning in the form of a snake. Since i live so close to south mtn preserve i assumed the worst. I did not want to wait for animal control so is used a fire extinguisher to shock it then a shovel to chop the head off. I was in fear of it being poisonous and an immediate threat to my family. The .38 was locked up and i didn't want to go find the snake shot either. But if i did discharge my weapon in my house which is within city limits would i be held legally responsible or would i just have to call the police informing that i discharged, and had them come out. I looked reading 13-3107 and it talked about permits, which i do not have. I understand that i should talk to my local municipality but i'm a busy guy and hate dealing with bureaucracy. Any guidance would be helpful.

Reviews / Re: Ares M4A1
« on: August 30, 2011, 11:36:14 PM »
yeah and i just did a piston on one that was a week old. I cant tell if the piston broke in half first or if the screw in the piston head came loose either way i was disappointed. Good news is it can take AM pistons easily.

AEG's / Re: What do certain upgrades do?
« on: August 30, 2011, 08:23:26 PM »
just tell andy what you want your gun to do and he will make it happen. what i mean is tell him what range fps and rps you want he will tell if it is doable and what it will cost.

Troubleshooting / Re: TM P90
« on: August 20, 2011, 08:34:42 PM »
The fuse part is bs because the tamiya has higher resistance eg higher voltage drop across, leading to less amperage for the motor and fuse.

Your thinking backwards there Icorus.  Ohms law: IxR=V | V/I=R | V/R=I |  (V=volts, R=resistance, I=current/amps)
Lets say his battery is providing 10v for ease of explanation and comprehension.
And his Tamiya plugs are creating a poor connection with 2 ohms of resistance. (a poor connection will usually be less than 2 ohms, but 2 is easier to see the side effects, so we will use that)
And his motor pulls 10 amps normally.

In short, as the tamiya connector reduces voltage from resistance, it causes the motor to pull higher amps due it having lower voltage to work with, which can be enough to blow a fuse simply from the voltage drop across the connectors. If you want a more detailed explanation, send me a PM, and I'll write a separate post about it later today if I get time.

Naw i was probably stoned when i posted, either way f*ck fuses and tamiya connectors. If you can't tell your gun is running right and you need a fuse as an indicator you probably shouldn't be working on a gun. But if you have a constant V. And you have a series circuit with a higher R total due to the poor connector. The amperage, which is the same through out the circuit, would be less than a circuit with a lower R. Provided the V was the same for both circuits. 

General Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Mountain Pointe! Go Pride!
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:23:59 PM »
screw you ari( i know i probably didn't spell your name right). DV  is where it is at or at least when i went there. If you make a team called the lion pride, i'm going to call you a bunch of puddy cats.
Do I know you? Hell, I might even know some guys at DV.

i work with you.

AEG's / Re: Aftermath Mp5??? good or bad??
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:20:48 PM »
how many rounds per second do you think it shoots?

they are rebraands so it depends on who the OEM is. It is likely going to be around10-12 with an 8.4v.

AEG's / Re: What M4?
« on: August 16, 2011, 10:16:36 PM »
I have owned all of them except the platinum but i have worked on several of them.
KWA- love the trigger response compaired to everything, but mag finicky. Leave it stock when it breaks through in a supercore piston and prommy gears, run it on a 9.6 likely wont fail again. 2gx gb is supposedly better but i have still seen them fail.

Platinum- stock piston blows, that is my only gripe. People argue that the hop up is sub par. Personally don't see an issue. Takes a bit more time to take apart but way easier than the g&g blowbacks. I like how they did the buffer tube because you dont need to take it off. I haven't seen many issues with the self shimming gears as long as you shimm off the pinion. High tolerance bodies. I have had issues with the pistol grips cause problems on stock unopened gearboxes but that is an easy fix. I haven't figured out the root of it but i just throw a e1 pistol grip on them and they shoot fine afterwords.

G&G- 3 year warranty. Good airseal parts. Gears can take a beating too. I don't like the blowback mechinism but to each his own. Scream with g and p m120 hs motor. 42 rps with 11.1v lipo. That is all i did and the piston still hasn't failed likely was dumb luck because AOE is important and i didn't do it.

G&P- it is a dragster out of the box. most of their barrels are 14mm cw instead of ccw. I found that they're air nozzles work great with the madbull ultimate hop up but you are going to be sanding the rails of the hop up for an hour to get it to fit, but so worth it. I think there is room for improvement on their die casting but i'm an enigeneering student, probably wont bug you. Seen gear and piston failure, but the rof stock is quite high.

Site Suggestions / Re: make it easy to post pictures :)
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:52:20 PM »
add avia media to the site.. it is a great mod especially for pictures and linking to videos !

We have no interest in providing storage places for everyones images.  If you are too lazy to upload your pictures to any of the widely available image hosting sites, that's your problem.

Bandwidth and servers cost money folks, this site is not a charity. It takes like what a few minutes to learn how to do take/upload pictures. If you are literate then you have no excuse.
Not to sound disrespectful , but I don't care if you do if you did it or not, the board says "site suggestions" so i just posted. All you had to do is say we are not interested from the getgo!  ::)

It might say site suggestions, but it is not an invitation to complain about something that everyone should know how to do. But if you'd like to get the ball rolling, I'm sure the site owner would be happy to accept your donations for all the bandwidth and server space you are taking up arguing this most basic of Internet functions.
Donations.....  I don't pay for anything on the internet! nor have I ever had to pay for anything other than a domain name, I did not realize your guys circumstances and I am apologetic, just throwing out some "suggestions" :), For the most part it is not a matter of being LAZY there are so many ways to do things nowadays, it can actually be a convenience cause it it is another way to more draw attention to your website!.

Photobucket works well... and this is a site that my buddy made and he is looking to get traffic to his site great for uploading you pictures or signature banner cause  you don't really need an account!

Thank you for your time!

Wow this whole time it has been an elaborate plan to pimp his buddy's website. Well played good sir.

Reviews / Re: Ares M4A1
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:42:14 PM »
Not bad, until the Microswitch fails.

I remember reading about the micro switch is a simple switch that is able to be found at a electronic store. XM do you have any info on life expectancy because they are going to be back in stock very soon in the US.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: want your opinion on a gun build idea
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:38:42 PM »
shim it, drop it, and fire away. G and Gs are tits.
amen to that to that. just put the rear pin in before you put on the pistol grip.

Airsoft Items WANTED / Re: Tightbore barrel and hopup for Echo1 ASR
« on: August 16, 2011, 09:19:38 PM »
ivan i got the stock hop up just send me a txt i think some beer will cover it.

Airsoft Items WANTED / Re: Looking for a Mac 11 or Glock
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:37:37 PM »
Mine is the long version. And wide. It's ribbed as well. It's in great condition cause I keep it in a protective sheath most of the time.  Except when I use it. But it's rare that I pull it out for long. I use it 
 Then it's back to the holster it goes.

Well it can't handle the beat down that my g34 dishes out. Everyone be walking crooked when i leave the field. On a serious note i would take ivan up on his offer. he takes very good care of his side arms and cleans them well so they can be used another day.

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / Re: Great guns for cheap
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:05:40 PM »
ill take the desert warrior

Airsoft Items WANTED / Re: WTB/WTT G4 pws or g4 flaming hog
« on: August 11, 2011, 11:02:31 PM »
i can order the front end and we can convert your gun to a diablo.

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