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General Airsoft Discussion / Re: AEX January Femme Fatale Winners!!
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:31:26 AM »
For the monthly deadline, there’s about two weeks left before we cut Feb off and start collecting for March.  So far, we’ve only gotten ONE new entrant for Feb, and when combined with the previous month, that brings us up to 9 total entrants.

Not that we consider this a failure- we still have entrants that can win and AEX will honor its prize support promise- but with so few entrants, it will make voting easy and for the ladies who have already entered, it makes their chances at winning pretty high- currently better than 20%.  

But if you are interested and not sure of how you stack against the competition, then look here: ... emId=18519

As it stands, except for the one new entrant, these ladies are the current competition, and if things remain as they are, then a January entrant has a great chance at winning the month of Feb.  So, if you think you can top the competition, then get your photos submitted!

And if you’re wondering about our exact voting criteria, I can tell you that we take many things into consideration.  I won’t spell them out here because it might give someone the impression that that’s all they need to concentrate on.  Suffice to say, a “whole package” will take the cake.  Look at the current entrants, look at the previous winners, look at the quality and creativity of the photos, read the “ode” about Femme Fatales, and this will give you a good idea of some of the things we are looking for.

And for clarification, “quality and creativity” of the photos does not necessarily mean “professional studio quality” or manipulation by Photoshop.  Admittedly, January’s winner did shell out $$$ to go to a professional studio, but the photo was meant to be more of a gift for her husband.  They actually clarified this point with me at the time of submission, and it did not break any rules, so I allowed it.  And for the runner up, that was just a great photo and pose with an average camera by a non-professional person.  However, as great as those photos were, we still only had 10 entrants for January.  Things could’ve been different if there were 20 or 30 others to pick from.

So, get those entries in and good luck!

Reviews / Review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version)
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:22:18 PM »
This is a review of the Classic Army QD M203 launcher (long version).

As with most airsofters, I have a pretty tight budget and buy things as I need them or can eventually afford them.  At too many ops, I found myself running away from a “technical”, vehicle, robot, whatever… because I had no way of taking it out.  I told myself I would one day get a grenade launcher and start giving some payback.

After some adequate research, I decided on the Classic Army QD M203 launcher and I chose the long version as it suited my purposes better.

At a relatively cheap price, this launcher is pretty economical and I’m satisfied with the high quality that I’ve come to expect from Classic Army.  I’ve grown to have a healthy respect for Classic Army products and consider them to be priced accordingly.  Some may argue otherwise, but for this grenade launcher, I really like the price and the quality.

I chose the long version because I plan to launch rockets out of it.  A short barrel will not allow the long range and accuracy, so I quickly dismissed the idea.  However, if you are looking for a good launcher and don’t care about launching rockets, then the short version is just as good (and a bit lighter and less bulky as well).

Simply having a good grenade launcher is not enough.  The accessories really make firing a launcher a success or not.  As I said, I plan to shoot only rockets from mine, but overall, there are a ton of grenades to choose from, depending on what you want to achieve, or how much you want to spend.  Classic Army, Madbull, and others make full lines of good grenades to accompany this type of launcher, but the grenades can get quite expensive, so determine what grenade best suits you and go for it. As for me, my research (and interviews with more experienced veterans) have led me to conclude that the best grenade for my purposes is a Madbull XM-PB4.  With it’s larger than average gas capacity (6x as much!!) and single, huge nozzle, the explosive power of this grenade is enough to send a NERF rocket out to almost 300 feet!  In my research, I also discovered that Zocker Darts are even MORE EFFECTIVE and far-reaching than Nerfs, and can be cheaper as well.  Downside to using this type of grenade is that Madbull PB4’s are very expensive.  Luckily, I foresee myself only needing two, and arming myself with multiple rockets.  Quickly refill those same two grenades and I can be a menace to vehicles and any troops who are silly enough to cluster together!

Obviously, the grenade launcher is big and bulky, but not overweight.  If it’s too heavy for you, go to the gym.  It’s not that bad, and if there comes a time when I don’t want it slung under my rifle, then I can remove it from the rail.  Simple and easy.

Better than that, if there ever came a time when I wanted to run just the launcher, then I invested in the Echo1 Stand Alone Launcher.  It’s product description “designed to provide a mounting point for your M203 that is separate from your main weapon. This Stand Lone M203 system is great for reducing weight on your main weapon, but still keeping the power of the M203 close at hand.”  That pretty much says it all.  If I want to run very light, or have it as a separate weapon system, this is the perfect Stand Alone system I’ve found, and like the grenade laucher, reasonably priced.  A newer version of the launcher seems to advertise that it comes with an M4-style stock, making it a better platform to aim and fire grenades.  It also has a convenient sling mount.

While this review covered more than just the grenade launcher, I purposely included many items that are essential to using the launcher to best effect.

As for the high costs that can accumulate with owning a grenade launcher, here’s what I do to offset such costs; for birthdays, holidays, or any other gift-giving occasion, I ask my wife, friends, and family members to all chip in and get me the one or two items that I truly desire, rather than give generic gifts that they hope I might like.  Might sound a bit selfish, but if done with some tact, people should happily throw their money together and get the expensive items on your wish list.

Grenade launcher pros-
-Relatively economical
-Classic Army quality
-Rail connections
-Multiple grenade and rocket choices
-Changes dynamic of your playing, much more firepower in a compact weapon system

-Requires any number of other items and products to make this an effective weapon
-High cost of grenades
-Can be bulky for some players

Reviews / Review of Cybergun M1A1 Thompson and 1928 model.
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:21:30 PM »
This is a review of the Cybergun M1A1 Thompson and 1928 Chicago Typewriter.  There seems to be a surge in popularity with these two guns (based on my retail experience), so I decided to put together a detailed review for the two of them.

A popular and economical gun, both of these models are available at both high-end airsoft retailers and sports/general stores.

An obvious pro is that these are both quite affordable.  Depending on which store you buy from, they could be anywhere from $150 up to $250 or so, and in the airsoft world, that’s a pretty good price.  Both come in a standard cardboard box and styrofoam, with a charger, magazine, and battery.

Another obvious pro is that this is a great replica of a legendary gun.  WWII, 1930’s gangster, and general gun enthusiasts will be quite happy to have a functional Thompson in their inventory.  I actually have both models.  The M1A1 I upgraded for better performance, while the Typewriter I had signed by R Lee Ermey and it proudly sits in my “trophy” room.

Anyway, on with the review- The charger is the non-smart wall version which, left unsupervised, will ruin the battery.  A non-smart charger will keep pumping juice into the battery, even past full capacity.  This in turn damages the battery.  I always recommend purchasing a smart charger, even if a gun comes with a standard wall charger.

The battery is pretty weak for this type of gun.  It comes with an 8.4v 1100 mah mini.  The battery box is located in the buttstock and can easily fit just about any battery type.  I say go big or go home.  Without any modification at all to the buttstock, I put a 9.6v 4200 cranestock battery in there.  The 3-nacelle design works perfect to manipulating such a huge battery into the compartment, but it fits perfectly.  The 9.6 dramatically increases the rate of fire and the 4200 mah capacity ensures I have fight enough for several days without recharging.  Such a big battery comes with a steep cost, so battery selection is entirely up to the purchaser.

When I first bought my M1A1, it came with a low-cap, non-winding mag.  I quickly went out and got myself a hi-cap so I could keep up with all the other shooters out there.  But when I realized some events don’t allow hi-caps, I desperately searched for any mid-caps.  To my shock, none existed.  I then searched through TM products and found that the TM Thompson has low, mid and hi-caps, but to my continued disappointment, the TM mid-caps require winding (which still were not allowable in an organized event) and I had serious feed issues using TM mags with a Cybergun.  Suffice to say, TM and Cybergun were not totally compatible.  So, to my dismay, I could not use my Thompson as my primary weapon in an event that did not allow hi-caps.  As for the 1928, it comes with a drum-style hi-cap- perfectly suited to the Typewriter as it replicates the Tommy Guns of the ‘30’s.  Since both guns are Cybergun, you can easily swap out mags between the two guns with no issues at all.  However, working for a major retailer, I did notice that a number of 1928’s and their hi-caps were coming in for maintenance.  I was a bit worried about the product at first, but then noticed that the people who were bringing them in were obviously not taking care of their guns.  As happens so many times (especially amongst the lesser experienced players) people were over-winding the hi-cap and drum mags, breaking them rather quickly, or just plain abusing their guns.  One person brought his 1928 gun in pieces.  We took it off his hands and now use it for spare parts.  After I noticed the trend, and having long experience with my own M1A1, my faith in the 1928 was restored and I quickly bought one up.  I may never use it in an op (since R Lee signed it), but it sure does look great.

Performance-wise, both are great guns, with a great rate of fire (once you move to a 9.6v).  Ads on the box say 465 fps.  Don’t buy into the hype.  The manufacturer used a .12 bb.  Using a .20 bb at chrono, the guns shoot a respectable 360-380+.  As I got into more organized ops, and the limit was 410 fps with a  .20 bb, I saw that if I installed a 120 spring, I could get the gun up to 400 fps.  I also installed a tightbore (6.04), which greatly improved accuracy and range.

As I had the gearbox open, I was alarmed to see plastic bushings.  As with anything plastic, especially bushings, they will wear out- crack, warp, or shatter- over time.  When that happens, it could lead to bigger gear issues.  When I first bought my Thompson (a few years ago), I was stuck with the plastic bushings.  However, technology has caught up with this gun and now metal bushings are available.  They are the same metal bushings that go in P90's- Version 6.  Now I feel confident that my gun could last indefinitely (barring any unusual accidents).

Another feather in the Thompson’s cap is that it’s the only gun that can convert into the M41 Pulse Rifle kit.  Obviously, this is a very specialized item, but it only works with the Thompson.

There’s also a real wood kit out there as well, which makes an already good gun into a thing of beauty.

-Legendary Thompsons, in your hands, and being able to actually shoot at people (legally)!
-Very economic.
-Solid performance out of the box.
-All in one kit- charger, battery, sling, mag
-Even if you don’t use it, it’s just plain awesome as a trophy and it won’t break your wallet.

-Need a better battery.  8.4v 1100 mah does not do this gun justice, but at least the gun comes with a battery.
-Replace plastic bushings with metal ones at first opportunity.
-Lack of any mid-caps and does not work very well with TM mags.
-Specialized type of gun.  Not as popular as M4’s and AK’s, and there is little tactical gear support.

Final verdict.  I like both guns and recommend buying them.  They are cheap enough that new players can afford them, and for the more serious players, keep in mind there are some things you need to upgrade.  

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: AEX January Femme Fatale Winners!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 08:42:12 AM »
Quote from: "busta_cap"

Some visual stimulation to get back on topic...  :-"

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: AEX January Femme Fatale Winners!!
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:35:29 PM »
Yes, that's a great pose- clean, but sexy, strong, and classy.  If you get a friend to pose like that with an airsoft gun, go ahead and submit it.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: AEX January Femme Fatale Winners!!
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:06:25 PM »
Many people were (or still are).  

Too many retailers use scantily clad models to hype up products and that's an unfortunate stygma to women + airsoft.  It was hard to launch this contest and fend off all the naysayers.  Luckily, we had some real troopers out there who saw the contest for what it was and sent some great photos in.  Now that the stage has been properly set, I hope that we'll get more entrants.

General Airsoft Discussion / AEX January Femme Fatale Winners!!
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:21:32 PM »

Congratulations to January’s winner, Bernadette, and the runner up, Croft (Sandra).  Winner will get a $50 store certificate and runner up will get $25.  Since we have entrants from all over the states, these certificates are for web orders.  Additionally, these two lovely ladies are automatically entered into the Femme Fatale Of The Year contest, and will compete against winners from the other months yet to come.  A single winner will be voted on by the public and she will get a spectacular prize package (details to be posted as we get closer to December).

See the other entrants here: ... emId=18519

For those who are wondering, our voting judges consisted of 2 women (one of which is a rabid airsofter), and 3 men (one of whom was majoring in photography).  Since I’m the one who collects up all images and puts text on them, I’m not a voting judge- I vote only if a tie breaker is needed.  

For the entrants that did not win, they will automatically be entered into February’s contest.  Or if they want, they can email a new photo and reenter the new month’s contest.

For the new month of voting, we will not post up images as we get them.  Having images up early allows others to see the competition and either try to outdo them or they don’t submit at all thinking they can’t beat the competition.  Therefore, in the interest of being fair, I will not post up any images I get until AEX members actually vote for the winner.

So, we’re off to a great start!  We’re taking entrants for February now.  Even if you don’t shop with AEX, it’s still a fun and simple contest, so get those submissions in!

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: Outskirts of Grozny, 23 JAN 2010
« on: January 25, 2010, 02:03:23 PM »
It was a real treat for me to be out there, running with you all.  Good AO, good op, good sportsmanship.  Well worth the 16 hour round trip drive.   And the snow was a super bonus!   :D

I'd like to take a moment to honor a particular person.  When I go to ops as an AEX rep, I usually like to point someone out who really caught my attention, and I like to reward that person with an "AEX honorable mention".

Not to take away from anyone else that day- everyone fought hard and with integrity, but in this particular case, I was VERY impressed with the level of sportsmanship displayed by Beans.  Near the end of the day, as the Chechens pushed on the comm site, Beans was hunkered deep down behind thick foilage- in fact, he was damn near invisible.  At extreme long range (about 180 feet or so) and against strong crosswinds, I took a few potshots at him (not knowing who it was).  With such bad circumstances against me, I never expected to hit him, nor would've known if I did hit him or not.  I could've missed horribly or he could very easily have ignored any lucky shot I might have made.  As it was, after about 6 shots (using extreme Kentucky windage), I see a hand pop up and he called out "hit!"  Pure luck, I assure you, but the honesty and integrity he displayed floored me.  Sad to say, but I've been airsofting long enough to know that a number of people might not have called that particular shot.  It was too far-fetched and lucky.  But this kind of honesty is what airsoft is all about, and I'd like to applaud Beans for his superb sportsmanship.   =D>

Over the last couple years, I've developed a healthy respect and friendship for the Hawks and CT, and Beans' action that day really reinforced the respect I have for Arizona players.  You guys are all top-notch!  ;)

Beans, I sent you a PM.

I imagine there’s a bit of reluctance or hesitation to submit photos because this is such a new contest and no one knows for sure what sort of photo to send in, so I decided to post up the pics that I’ve gotten so far.  

The cut off for January is on the 25th.  After that, we’ll start collecting entrants for February.

Gallery of current entrants can be found here: ... emId=18466

Ode to the Femme Fatale:

She is Mata Hari. She is Morgana le Fey. She is the villain, but sometimes she’s the hero.  She is Tomb Raider, Aeon Flux, and seductive assassin all rolled into one.

She is the downfall of men, a siren, a vixen.  Her role is to seduce, then destroy the hero.

She is feminine, and exploits her femininity, using sex and seduction as weapons, but does not see herself as evil.  However, she can be vain- beautiful and sultry, while insanely jealous of another beautiful person at the same time.

She is comfortable with guns, knives, and poison, and is a true artist in the use of each.  A death at her hands is stylish, almost pleasurable at first, then as the darkness closes in, the victim knows just how terrible he’s been betrayed.

But in the same manner in which she kills, she herself is also doomed.  A Femme Fatale never lives to see the end of the story, but by the time she dies, there is a pile of dead men at her feet.

I’d like to point out that an entrant can wear as much as she wants (fully covered in a trenchcoat or tac gear if she so desires).  “Scantily Clad” not required.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: New contest!! AEX Hottie Of The Month!!
« on: January 07, 2010, 04:35:14 PM »
As long as we don't see an Adam's apple...  [-X


Competition rules:
-Entrant must be female, 18 or older.
-Entrant must pose with an airsoft gun purchased from AEX, or is a brand sold by AEX (any gun upgrades can be any brand).
-PG-13, not R.  No pornography or nudity.  
-Send along a brief description of the gun (and upgrades) and brief description of entrant.  Include short airsoft history if there is one.
-Be sure to include contact information in case entrant is the winner.  Minimum contact information- first and last name, mailing address, email address, and phone number, and T-shirt size.
-All entrants will receive a free ladies AEX T-shirt.
-Entrant need not be an airsofter, but can be a friend, etc… of an airsofter.
-Entrant cannot be a “professional” (no hiring of models or stand-ins).
-photo must be no bigger than 3 MB, sent in JPEG form.  Entrant can send in two photos, different poses.
-Any entrant not selected as the Femme Fatale Of The Month or the Runner Up can resubmit new photos for a different month (return entrants will not receive another free T-shirt).
-Send all submissions to TOPT@AIRSOFTEXTREME.COM

Competition details:
-Cutoff date for each month is the 25th.  Entrants will be voted on by AEX staff members.
-A winner and runner up will be chosen, then posted on the AEX website (along with all other entrant photos) by the 1st of the new month.
-Winning entrant will receive a $50 store certificate in her name, Runner Up will get a $25 store certificate.
-Winning photos will be remain on the website for an entire month, and will be replaced when the next month’s winners are picked.
-At the end of the year, all Winners and Runners Up will be posted for public voting.  After votes are counted, a FEMME FATALE OF THE YEAR will be crowned, and will receive a spectacular prize package (details to be announced at the appropriate time).


If you just want to meet and greet Gunny, then bring a toy.  But if you also want a chance at winning the autographed AEG, then each entry is $10, with all net proceeds going to Toys For Tots.

Parking- please park across the street at Dixieline.

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