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Messages - holyhandgrenade

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Introduce Yourself! / salutations and so forth
« on: August 16, 2006, 01:23:01 PM »
Hello everyone! My name's Mike and I'm a student at ASU (originally from the east coast), studying theatre and history, and I'm looking to get into airsoft. My little brother has been getting interested through his friends and, although I'd heard of it before, this is the first time I've been spurred to check it out in earnest. I've done some reading here on the forums and been checking out photos and videos online and they've gotten me really excited to get some gear and try it out for myself.

Because I'm a poor, poor student, I'm planning to just get an el cheapo spring pistol off of Amazon for starters (like this one), just to have a go and see if I actually like playing and want to sink some money into it. Once I get that and the other gear I need, hopefully I can come along to an event and have some fun being cannon fodder for a little while. I'll be a sorry sight with my lack of armament, and the team that gets saddled with me might hate me, but you seem like a cool bunch and I'm really looking forward to meeting y'all and trying out the game. :)

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