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Messages - HWG-Victor

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Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: March 26, 2013, 11:34:08 AM »
You can use just one bottle. Just remember,  if you open it, you can't trade it for medical supplies.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: March 24, 2013, 04:14:11 PM »
Official game rules will be emailed out to registerd participants by Wednesday evening.  A copy will be available at the event and we will review major game rules after the safety briefing before the game begins.  Before every episode, we will also be going over particular rules for that particular episode.

As of today we have an estimated player count of  21 people.  Please talk to your friends and team mates and encourage them to sign up. I would really like to have about 30 people on the field to make this game better for everyone.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: March 21, 2013, 06:24:30 AM »
$10 dollar admission tickets have sold out! Admission to the game is now $20. There are only 10 tickets at this price, and then admission jumps to $30.

Estimated player count is 18 people who have paid or said they plan on attending.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: March 18, 2013, 01:07:45 PM »
Three $10 tickets left! Get your tickets today and avoid paying a higher price.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:10:26 AM »
2 weeks left to sign up for The End of the World. This will be the last public event at The Sandbox until next fall.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:28:13 PM »
We are month out from the event date. I would like to encourage those who plan on attending or thinking about it to please register and pay ASAP so we can get a better game count to encourage even more people to attend. Invite your friends, neighbor, younger brother, the homeless guy on the corner...well maybe not him, but ask people you know especially those who have never played airsoft before to come out (they would make easier kills too). Ideally, this game would work much better if we get over 30 players to attend.  For those who have paid already, thank you and I look forward to seeing you out on the field so I can steal your supplies!  Remember trust nobody except me ;)

Also, for those you who invite someone who has never played before at The Sandbox, we will keep the admission at $10 for those you invited, which can be paid the day of the event.

That's some awesome footage. I love the three kills you get at the 5 minute mark in the hotel and the slow motion review afterwards. If you don't mind, I'm going to put a link to this video on the Havoc War Games Facebook page.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: February 13, 2013, 02:14:42 PM »
Your water for the event should be in a camelback or canteen. I would not rely on your water from your trading supplies to stay hydrated, but I'm not going to stop you from drinking your supplies...

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: February 11, 2013, 06:34:04 AM »
No, your bags don't have to be near you at all times. But if you get shot without your bag being within arms reach, you die and turn into a Marauder.  You need your bag of supplies on you or next to you in order to exchange your supplies for medical supplies which will enable you to revive yourself.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: January 21, 2013, 10:47:27 PM »
no melee weapons. aegs should have mags out, batteries should be in. polarstars should be connected to air, batteries in, mags out.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: January 21, 2013, 05:11:23 PM »
Important update to the rules. We are going to start allowing the use of polarstars and other similar type airsoft guns for this event and future events.  You must provide your own tournament lock to prevent adjustments on the fly with ease. We will also be doing spot chrono checks on the field randomly. We will allow these guns for the forseeable future but will closely monitor our customers' respone to determine whether or not they pose any detrimental aspect to our events. Further changes or restrictions could be implemented at any time, even during an event if negative issues arise. I would recommend bringing a backup AEG in case restrictions remove your gun from the field.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: January 19, 2013, 11:33:55 PM »
Well if you guys want in, I'll take the help. It is the end of the world after all and I shouldn't be too picky. 

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: The End of the World: March 30th, 2013
« on: January 19, 2013, 08:35:04 PM »
I'm looking for some bomb shelter buddies.  Who wants to live to see tomorrow?  I need 5 guys with M-4s (that way we can all have the same mags), and pistol or shotguns as secondary weapons.

I really would like to thank everyone who came out today and played at The Sandbox for our final Rise of the Insurgents game for awhile.  I got off the phone with Ziggy and overall he said games went well and from his perspective most people played fair and honest.  It's a shame I couldn't make it out there this weekend as I'm working in Portland right now but I will definitely will be there for The End of the World.

Also from what I hear, a lot of people enjoyed using the trenches in the last mission.  Ziggy and I will be talking about incorporating the trenches more often in future events to give the games more variety. If you have any feed back about the game, had a chance to take photos, capture video, or make recommendations for future events, please don't hesitate to post or send me a private message. 

I am also working with several other people right now to come up with ideas and dates for future events run by their team our group. Our intent is to allow others to utilize the venue to host events not necessarily created and hosted by Havoc War Games.  We really want to encourage other people to come up with scenario games and hold them at our location.  If your interested in hosting a game at The Sandbox, send me an email at with your ideas.

The Sandbox is located about 15 minutes to the south of Wintersburg, AZ or about a one hour drive from downtown Phoenix, AZ. The 40 acre property does not have an "address".

Directions to The Sandbox:
From downtown Phoenix, head west on Interstate 10, take Exit 98 (Wintersburg Rd) south towards the Palo Verde Nuclear Reactor.
Follow Wintersburg Rd south until it ends at Elliot Rd (Along the way to Elliot, Wintersburg Rd changes name to 383rd Ave).
Make a right and head west on Elliot Rd
Follow Elliot Rd to 419th Ave.
From 419th Ave it is about 5 minute drive to The Sandbox on dirt roads. 
3 signs will be posted with “Airsoft” and a directional arrow will guide you to the property on the dirt roads.
Follow the first sign south (left turn) onto 419th Ave for about mile.
Make a left at the second sign onto the El Paso Natural Gas Service Road. Be sure to stay on the road and avoid hitting any natural gas infrastructure. The road is clearly marked with yellow warning signs on both side of the road. Follow this road for about a mile going through the big wash and continue driving until you see the last directional arrow. 
Make a left towards The Sandbox at the final sign.
If you come upon a green cattle gate blocking the road, you drove too far (about half a mile too far). Make a u-turn and you should see The Sandbox on your right.

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