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Messages - xXIceMan316Xx

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Like I've said before I tend to over explain things in the rules.  

I'm putting up my /notbeinganasshole tag here so don't take my sarcasm as any thing but that.

I think its going to cause problems and people will be way to critical about when u can escape and I'd imagine there would probably be some smack talk between the captured and the capturees.

In simple terms: If you surrender or get revived by an enemy medic you become a prisoner, if you don't guard your prisoners they will escape.  As a prisoner you can escape whenever you want its just not assured you won't get shot while fleeing.  IMHO its really not that complex or hard to understand.
There will ALWAYS be some smack talk at any game as with any game, wear thick skin, I promise it won't hurt as much as the bb's they shoot at you. But I've been playing for over 10 years and i can tell you that most people have a good nature about airsoft, most "smack talk" I've heard is in a joking nature.  If someone is being seriously verbally abusive at one of our games their time on the field will be VERY short trust me.

The other problem is this. Everytime a team has a captured with them and they get into a firefight the captured is not going to want to stick around and possibly get hit by his own teammates.

yes, that IS a perfect example of a good time to make a break for it don't you think?

Well I personally don't want to get shot in the face because my teammate thinks he can kill someone with there face right behind mine.

yeah that is a good point, because of the no physical contact rule they can't really... force you be a human shield.  The only thing keeping you as a prisoner is getting shot if you run away.

Thank you. I can understand trying to implement these more dynamic games with a smaller, older, and more mature crowd. Not trying these complicated and untested game styles at a larger game that has no age limit. Stick with what you know works, refine these rules at smaller games, and then maybe someday hold a larger milsim game with them.

This game is pretty standard except for the medic system that is pretty much the same as the one we just used in L4D at marauders that worked flawlessly.  The PMC team is a new concept yes, but its something we have tried on a smaller scale before and it worked.  The capture system is really nothing new, I've played at milsims with it before and it worked fine, the system i have in this is just refined to make it interesting.
I dumped the hardcore rules idea because i felt it would cause problems, we are going to be hosting several games before Gold War to work out the dynamics of the game before the big one.  If you are worried about confusion attend the training game the week before.
I can't promise you there will not be confusion among players..... that's pretty much every event that isn't standard deathmatch. But this by far isn't the most complicated event I have attended.  I can promise you guys will have a good time when you come out and I'm looking forward to playing with all of you.

If you really want an easy way to make it more realistic, then dont allow high caps.

nah... then i can't use my backpack mag for my minigun......

Quote from: "carbon14c"
we can officially add the "tactical teabag" to the FM for zombie survival

thanks to ron for being our test subject ;)

haha best line of the game "who am i teabagging????" "That's Ron dude" "Yeah, and your getting it back tenfold next round"

Yeah, because people wear vests in airsoft I have changed my mind on the possibility of the hardcore rules.  Too much chance for someone to not call a hit.  I'll try this out in a smaller game and we might work it into the next milsim we run.

Quote from: "TMills"
If you're shot in the arm or leg, you're probably not going to continue the fight.

This really depends on the individual will and the severity of the wound.  In military training if you are able to continue to engage the enemy in any way in an active firefight you should continue to do so.

I've been thinking I probably should not implement this rule and keep it standard.  Considering almost everyone wears some sort of vest/plate carrier and the most likely place you legitimately wouldn't feel a hit would be the torso (also the largest target) it could lead to a lot of issues just because of that.

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Jg/Snow Wolf M82
« on: October 25, 2010, 11:31:18 AM »
I've always wanted an airsoft M82, and if had the money i would probably buy one of these.  but it just wouldn't seem right firing it and having no recoil and a little gearbox chirp sound, I guess that could technically apply to pretty much every AEG, but the M82 is such a monster it just wouldn't have the same effect firing it that a GBB version of it would.

I've been thinking about this option for the Gold War, what rules do you guys want for hits?  Do you want the normal Airsoft "hit anywhere counts" or do you want the more challenging "only head and torso hits count", meaning no arm or leg shots count.  I put a poll up on the gameplay thread -> viewtopic.php?f=10&t=28544&start=0

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Worlds worst scenerio ideas thread!
« on: October 25, 2010, 10:55:13 AM »
Quote from: "zachbusch"
2 teams , one one each side of the  target area.  (lets say, the big kill house at FTPB)

500 S thunder water land mines ...... no re-spawns  get to and hold target house

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I picture a giant realistic game of mine sweeper......

Quote from: "Ghost Operators"
Quote from: "xXIceMan316Xx"
Quote from: "Ghost Operators"
can we use the captured enemy as shields for example:

Jack captures Jill
Robert is about to enage Jack
Jack grabs Jill and uses Jill as a shield/hostage in order for Jill not to escape and also to let Robert not shoot/ enage with Jack.

can we do that if we face that kind of situation or is that a no go?

don't see why not, especially if your OLA.

Alrighty cool, even though im the 82nd Airborne team I wouldn't mind trying it hahah

I had a buddy who used one of my teammates as a meat shield once against me.... I had a sniper rifle so it ended well for the hostage... not so much for him haha

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Has anyone tried
« on: October 24, 2010, 05:59:59 PM »
AEX has been around a long time, very reliable and respected.  I've only had one issue where to took a while to get something but it was beyond their control and they took care of it very professionally.

Quote from: "Ghost Operators"
can we use the captured enemy as shields for example:

Jack captures Jill
Robert is about to enage Jack
Jack grabs Jill and uses Jill as a shield/hostage in order for Jill not to escape and also to let Robert not shoot/ enage with Jack.

can we do that if we face that kind of situation or is that a no go?

don't see why not, especially if your OLA.

Quote from: "halfbreed"
mike you better be there lol

I will be :)

Quote from: "azcrazie"
Who would you rather work for? The liberators...

Or the liberation army......

Join the 82nd taskforce "GOLD RUSH" Today!!!

Not to mention that if your on 82nd you went to RANGER SCHOOL!!!! YOU FOUGHT TIGERS UNDERWATER AND KICKED THEM WITH YOUR RANGER LEGS!!.... i would post the youtube link but it has some naughty language and images haha :(

Quote from: "xXIceMan316Xx"
Quote from: "DXSOLDR"
But is a MARPAT for PMC alright?

Yeah that's fine, because we are going to give everyone a colored armband to signify team the uniform itself isn't too important.  I've never been big on having people go out and buy a specific camo scheme to play on the team they want.

Okay, upon speaking to a few of my teammates let me clarify my position on camo setups, because i realize i may have opened up a can of worms.  I STRONGLY PREFER you have the recommended uniform for each team, I don't want people to disregard the camo patterns entirely.  While everyone will have a colored armband (and a colored glowstick at night), sticking to the camo uniform specifications takes one extra step to easy team identification.  If you want to be on a specific team and absolutely cannot afford to buy a uniform that matches i understand, an exception can be made, but try to stick to the team that you have a uniform for or can buy.  I simply want this event to be cheap and easy for everyone to play at and enjoy.

oh if something was to happen say like one or two of us had to drop out from the list, can we do that, or once on the list we stay on the list?

that's not a problem at all just let us know


Quote from: "coltron"
If you didnt get my pm, i call 4th squad of ola along with my team

I gotcha set up for 4th squad, check the RSVP :)

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