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Messages - BoneMan

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Accessories & Gear / Ebay MD80 camera (gun cam?) - video is up
« on: December 10, 2010, 09:35:38 PM »
Just got my $10 ebay MD80 camera.  I highly Recommend this novelty Its pretty cool... basically the quality of a web cam that records to micro SD and is the size of a thumb.  The real MD80 is about 60 bucks, but a lot of chinese clones on ebay around 10.  The one I got works okay, and the brackets it comes with seems like they will work for mounting on a gun pretty easily.  I'll mess around a get a vid up soon.  But for $10... can't beat the size and so cheap doesn't matter if it gets shot/busted up.  Search ebay for MD80 mini cam or mini DV.

Video is up now... gun shooting causes a bit of vibration... perhaps better as a helmet cam.  Still I'm pretty happy for $10 bucks.

Accessories & Gear / Re: Wall charging your batteries to death?
« on: December 10, 2010, 09:11:04 PM »
Wall chargers are not crap... just not as convenient.  You can easily make the arguement using a wall charger will take better care of your battery.  Smart chargers can be set with currents over an Amp.. excess charging at higher amps is what will degrade the battery, and most cheap smart chargers cut off based on a temperature sensor... i.e. when the battery gets hot or i.e. is already overcharging.  Using temperature of the battery to determine state of charge is very inaccurate, some charges will be way undercharged and other times can be well overcharged.  Wall chargers are typically rated for much lower current around 200ma or .2 amps (only a trickle).  At this low of a current when the battery is charged the low current will just float across the battery and is not enough to drive further chemical reaction.  In essence you can leave a wall charger on long past the battery being charged and you don't need to worry about overcharge.  I often use wall chargers overnight.. batteries don't even get warm.  The back of the wall charger should state the current output and you'll be able to tell if its too high to  leave your battery on a trickle charge.  Anything around .2A is pretty safe for a nimh.

So both have advantages... wall charger wont hurt your battery but takes forever.
Smart charger takes much less time (if set to a higher current) and the higher current in some cases can recondition a battery but they can also overcharge and degrade the battery, or possibly undercharge.

Don't even bother with nicads... memory effect is to prevalent, basically useless unless you have something that can fully discharge them, just running them until your gun stops doesn't discharge them all the way.

Nimh are pretty darn good, plus the voltage per cell works out to 8.4V which is what just about all AEG high torque motors are designed to run at.  Higher voltage batteries like lipo's and even 9.6 nimh will shorten the life of your AEG motor.

Lipo's are the best performance and running at a higher voltage will increase your rate of fire, but requires individual cell balance charging.. essentially each cell needs to be charged individually to ensure they are all charged, otherwise when you charge the battery only one of the 3 cells will take the charge or vice versa.  If you use lipos get a balancer card or use a balance charger.

And please don't listen to 10 year olds on youtube.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Fighter Town Milsim, GOLD WAR: THE BEGINNING
« on: December 02, 2010, 07:29:06 PM »
RSVP - Please put me down for OLA... looks like 3rd squad has some spots.  I Will pay at the game.

Will be rocking an SVD and rocket launcher

Troubleshooting / Re: BBs stuck in barrel
« on: November 23, 2010, 05:32:35 PM »
Sounds like BB's.  Do the BB's ever bind up in the mag?  Do they have visible seams or does the BB package say a +/- tolerance?  I'd first try new BB's and get ones and make sure they say the tolerance and that its a low tolerance like +/- .01 MM.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: MTT SPEC OP Adventure Nov 20 at the UAC
« on: November 20, 2010, 06:20:51 PM »
Had a great time, learned a few new things.  The IED simulations were amazing!

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Walking Dead TV show
« on: November 18, 2010, 06:51:43 PM »
Quote from: "zachbusch"
i'm assuming that's a reference to the far east movement's song..? if so.. *lol*

Unfortunately... yes it is... and now i've sang myself into wanting to buy a 'G36'.  I was dissapointed to find out the're singing about a plane.

General Airsoft Discussion / Walking Dead TV show
« on: November 17, 2010, 06:38:30 PM »
..Anyone else been watching the new "walking dead" TV show on AMC...  its pretty sweet for you zombie fans.  Pretty good makeup and costumes on the zombies... spared no expense.

- Does anyone else sing "like a G36" when they hear that darn song on the radio every 5 minutes!

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: GREAT MOMENTS AT LEFT FOR DEAD
« on: October 31, 2010, 09:07:20 PM »
Mission 3 or 4...

"Valiant charge of the runners"...

Several guys held up in the blue tower.. pinned in by 4 runner zombies.  Time after time the runners charged the stairs to no success, but zombies dont understand failure or "tactical advantage" and we kept charging.  One time 3 runners charged at once and the zombie train made 3/4 way up the stairs.. but again no success.  Eventually the guys made it out of the tower, but there is victory in defeat for the zombies.  There efforts will echo in the halls of zombieland for ever.

Great Game!  MTT did a great job considering the large crowd of people that turned out.  Moving the teams through the missions on time looked like a challenge, but was pulled off quite well.  Being a zombie was fun, in the first mission, some one wasn't paying attention and I walked right in the middle of a big group and was able to thrash around a bit... by far the funest moment for me.  All the guys were screaming "get him, get him", but everyone seemed shocked I was so close and in between them they were hesitant to shoot.  I got to grab a guy and really chew on him for a few seconds before finally getting lit up.  By the end of the night you made swiss cheese out of my costume.. I'm going to need lots of duct tape and foam glue!

BZ to the spec ops team (infidels), definately gave the zombies the most controlled and efficient shots with out being excessive with the full auto.

I'll have to make a shielded zombie cam for the next one!


A recon team has just extracted this video from the area... poor fellow... acting comments plz.

General Airsoft Game Discussion / Re: New C4 Prop for scenarios...
« on: October 28, 2010, 10:51:21 PM »
Block of non-hardening modeling clay ~$4
Timer ~$6
The rest of the materials.. scrap wire, aligator clips, velcro straps.. maybe a few bucks.  You'd also need a soldering gun and maybe dremel/drill.

Total would be about $15 - $20

maybe if everyone only had 1 round, could use a single marker round (has anybody used those crosman marker rounds, do they really work? afraid to put them through my gun.. but maybe a cheap springer.)

Thanks for hosting had a good time!  Nothing better then seeing and smelling the fear of humans when there guns go click and there stumbling around trying to pull a pathetic knife out of there vest!  I enjoyed giving them a "helping hand" .. those who attended know what I mean.  Looking forward to game, should be a blast.  Oh and tank zombie....   speechless.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Rebel Union free game day. 10-16-10
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:59:20 AM »
heading out.. see you there

General Airsoft Discussion / Re: Worlds worst scenerio ideas thread!
« on: October 15, 2010, 10:11:38 PM »
Listen to this crap!

"Enemy at the gates" - Duel in Stalingrad

Each team has pistols only except the team captain.  Each captain has the most accurate bolt action or semi auto rifle at the field.  The captains represent Vasily Zaytsev and Erwin Konig.  The two captains have a sniper duel with their team members (with pistols only) serving as scouts and spotters.. mostly fodder for the two captains.  Scenario ends when either captain is hit by the other or one of his spotters.  No respawns, one hit anywhere is a kill shot.  Should run quick to allow most to take a turn as the sniper if they wish.  Requires lots of pistols or short range springers to work.

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