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Messages - BadCompany

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Fighter Town Milsim, GOLD WAR: THE BEGINNING
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:12:56 PM »

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Fightertown Day Game - Saturday Feb 5, 2011
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:01:59 AM »
ill be going

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Fightertown Day Game - Saturday Feb 5, 2011
« on: February 01, 2011, 06:15:22 PM »
i might be there.. not sure yet.

i'v have talk to the guy that took the picture at one of the game. he is from flag next time he come down he said he was going to bring a CD of all the pictures..

i'v have talk to the guy that took the picture at one of the game. he is from flag next time he come down he said he was going to bring a CD of all the pictures..

u will have the WE Tactical 1911?

The admission is to MTC on the 1/22-1/23 (2 days)
worth $80. This admission was won at one of the MTT events (The big game)

asking for $25
  • .

I cant make it to the event and dont want it to goto wast. :!:


The Marauder's Training Challenge provides participants an opportunity to test their skills and learn new tactics on Jan. 22 and 23. The Nov 2010 Training Challenge theme was High Risk Area Operations. Jan. 2011 will focus on Small Unit Field Tactics (Patrol, Ambush, Counter Ambush, Land Navigation, and Low Light Operations).

The MTC feautures live fire weapon drills and airsoft training weapons for the force on force sessions.

Each event begins with an individual or squad challenge designed to test your skills. At the completion of each event, participants can choose to attend specialized training to improve these skills. Challenges and sessions include:

Day 1
Challenge 1-Individual Move and Shoot Obstacle Course (Airsoft or Live Fire)
Session 1- Individual Equipment Selection
Session 2 - Tactical Rifle (Live Fire)
Session 3 - Introduction to Airsoft Training Weapons

Challenge 2 - Patrol of Enemy Smuggling Routes (Airsoft)
Session 4 - Patrol Formations and Team Movement
Session 5 - Intro to Land Navigation

Challenge 3 - React to Contact Drill (Airsoft)
Session 6 - Ambush and Counter Ambush Training

Session 7 - Low Light Operations

Day 2
Session 8-Introduction to Tactical Mobility (Airsoft)

The final challenge will test all of the skills developed over the course of the Marauder's Training Challenge.

Required Equipment
Sealed Eye and Hearing Protection
Tactical Clothing or Military Style Uniform
Tactical Vest, Chest Rig, or Plate Carrier
Live Fire Training Weapons (Pistol and Rifle)- Optional
Airsoft Training Weapons (Rifle)
Tactical Flashlight
Camping Supplies (Tent, Food, Water)

$40 MTT Annual Pass Owners
$80 General Public

Airsoft Items FOR SALE / delete
« on: December 23, 2010, 03:54:58 PM »

If You do bring food doesn't matter what it is. just post it saying what your bring, so other ppl wont bring the same thing.
Quote from: "xtremeairsoft"
So we bring food to share with everyone

if so what kinda food

you are on the tan team look again

 "Death Guard (10spaces) Tan
1. Team lead-BadCompany
2. Bambi-troopers
Quote from: "Bambi-troopers"
hey< i need to be changed to tan team.

ill be on the tan team

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: CowTown morning game October 9th 2010
« on: October 07, 2010, 05:28:21 PM »
ill be going i have my parts well some of them
Quote from: "BadCompany"
looks like so far i cant go.. parts haven't came in yet.. and looks like it hasn't even been shipped.. both of my guns are out down for repars.. so if i can use anyones ill make it down.. well try.. just let me know..

This is TJ if anyone didn't know

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: CowTown morning game October 9th 2010
« on: October 07, 2010, 01:47:16 PM »
looks like so far i cant go.. parts haven't came in yet.. and looks like it hasn't even been shipped.. both of my guns are out down for repars.. so if i can use anyones ill make it down.. well try.. just let me know..

This is TJ if anyone didn't know

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: CowTown morning game October 9th 2010
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:08:29 PM »
ill be going on tan.. ifi  get the parts for my gun.. ill let u know a bit more down the road.

Local Games Listing/RSVP / Re: Post Here to Pre-Register for BHD
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:04:08 PM »
anyone find a BHD patch i lost mine..

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